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Everything posted by jerzygirl85

  1. What will your future hubby and gm's be wearing for the wedding? My FI told me the other day that he was planning on wearing a tux...for a beach wedding!!?? I'm not so sure if that would look right. I might try to convince him to wear something a little lighter and more casual. Is anyone else's FI wearing a tux for a beach wedding?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by pamela0728 We are getting married in May 2009 and are traveling to cancun with our two babies. We are very worried with all the kidnappings going on down there. Does anyone know if there are alot in the area of tulum/cancun? The main concern is the eco-bus tour that is picking us up from the airport & taking us to Dream Tulum. I am so worried about that. Anyone that has any advice or knows any useful information please share. Thanks Pamela Hi Pamela, I am also getting married at DT and have emailed the wc about the problems. She said that the resort and tourist areas are safe. Most of the violence is happening by the border towns. I think you will be fine!
  3. I also used them to buy my std magnets. They were very easy to work with and i thought the prices were reasonable. My magnets came out well and I have received a lot of compliments on them
  4. My wedding is in April 2010. We started to tell people about our plans to marry in Mexico around Christmas time and I just mailed out my stds about a week ago. I am planning on sending the invites in the middle of August with an rsvp date of October 1st so I can get a pretty good idea of how many people are actually going. I would wait until you pick a resort and date (confirmed with the resort) before sending out your std. HTH
  5. my wedding isn't until next April and I am planning on registering before the summer so I think you should start now.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JeninVirginia I stillhave not been able to do my review- work calls! Here are some of the pics taken by the resort photographer in the meantime. Adobe Sign in to Adobe The pictures are beautiful!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by sarah310 Anyone else having trouble contacting the TA's of this forum? I've filled out the form twice now over the last two months and still no response. The first time I didn't pick a specific TA because i had no clue where to have my wedding, but i've narrowed it down to DR or Jamaica so the the second time i picked Dina. any suggestions? Hi, have you tried to pm or email them?
  8. what are the measurements for the blue overlays?
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by scottgm2 How expensive was it to arrange travel arrangements. Even with everyone coming in around the same time it sounds like a lot of money If you mean the transfer from the airport to the hotel, then the prices depend on how far away the hotel is from the airport. For instance, I am getting married in Tulum which is about 90 minutes from Cancun so the rates would be higher for me than someone going to a hotel in Cancun or Playa del Carmen.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by bitohoney Congrats to everyone! I am dealing with the exact same stuff, it's nice to know others can relate to the frustration. We are planning on getting married in May 2010 and I can't seem to find the perfect place. Do any of you have a wedding coordinator/destination travel agent that you are using and highly recommend? I am having troubles finding a "reliable" agent to help me get rid of the stress. I have been in contact with TA Tammy from the forum. So far everything is going well.
  11. I would love to join in, but it may be to early for me...my wedding isn't until next April....plus I need to shape up my saddlebags first lol! Have fun getting dolled up and posing for your honeys!!
  12. Congratulations! The pictures are beautiful
  13. Neen, your pictures are gorgeous. You were all smiles!! Can't wait to read your review. Congrats
  14. I'm so excited, I just sent out my save the dates this weekend!!!! now for all the other thousand things i need to do! hahahaha
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Adlergray Hey y'all Just curious if anyone else is having problems with their guest booking right now because of all the media hype on mexico right now...and better yet any suggestions on how to calm there fears!?!? I'm also wondering about this...one of my FI's aunts is already telling us that we should choose a different location which i really don't want to do. I have heard that most of the violence is around the Texas border, but i think a few things have happened in Cancun also. I guess we just need to stay up to date with the news. For the girls getting married soon, please let us know on your return what it's like right now, meaning are there more police/military or any noticeable problems. Thanks!!!
  16. Thanks. I am expecting about 30-40 people to attend but am inviting 85. I would like everyone to rsvp asap, first to book their travel and second if more people attend then expected, I have some extra months to save up as I am trying to not use any credit cards.
  17. Hi ladies, My wedding is set for April 24, 2010. I am sending out my save the dates this weekend and am planning on sending out my invites at the end of August or beginning of September. I would like all guest to rsvp no later than October 1st as I am pretty sure everyone needs to book their travel with the TA by October 15th anyway. Is this too soon my wedding is 6 months after the rsvp date.
  18. I have never heard of a bd book until a few weeks ago! I really want to do one too now after seeing some of these pics! Can you girls give my an idea of what your photographers charged you?
  19. omg!! those are the dresses I want and in that color!! and I only have two bridesmaids!! the only problem, one of my girls is a size 0 and the other is a 6(which i am sure can be taken in), but i think it may be difficult to have the other dress altered for a size 0?
  20. That dress is gorgeous! I was looking at that designer's dresses, there are quite a few that I like.
  21. I can't believe that response from them!!! It is very unprofessional and just rude.
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