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Everything posted by trophywife

  1. Wow 11 years?!? That's long!! Congrats and welcome!!
  2. So here I am reading what I wrote in my original post and I realized I've been doing typos like mad because the year is 2011. Haha. Sorry gals. And yes, everyone who doesn't know the story behind a trophy wife has the same thought as all of you did. Hehee. I remember my DF's neice ever came to me and said, "My first day of high school my teacher talked about trophy wives and said they were bad because..." And we laughed. Don't worry all, I'm a very independent young woman with a supportive fiance!! Thanks all. I feel so welcome and can't wait to get married now!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Welcome to the forum! But I have to ask (I'm a curious gal) ... why do you call yourself his "trophy" wife? I feel like there's an inside joke that I am missing! lol Haha there is an inside joke. It's stupid really but makes me crack up even though I am Asian and the "American Dream" usually is seen as two Caucasian people, and plus I freakin live in California and our life style is just soooo different from the this Cult of True Womanhood image my friend's were trying to imagine up for me. So that aside... Back in high school when we started dating I was the "All American" teenage high school girl, ya know Capt. of the cheer leading squad, very active in the community, in lots of school clubs, and he although wasn't a football player was a mix martial artist and played basketball. People used to always say we were the perfect high school couple minus the fact we went to different high schools. Then people would just joke around and say how cute we were like the All American couple then their brains would start becoming so imaginative and they'd say that we'd get married and he'd work and be the bread winner while I stayed home in our white picket fence to raise our children and golden retriever. My day would consist of drinking tea while sewing out on the front wrap around porch with some neighborhood Moms, making sure the home was tidy, kids clean, and food one table all before 5, (very Stepford wife eh?) so that's how they coined that term. But come on now, here I am suffering with trying to plan a wedding all while working AND finishing up college full time. Hahahaaa!! Soooo not the Stepford wife at the moment and DF and I totally believe that a marriage is a partnership both inside the home (family) and as well as in the outer realm (work and social) of the home and as long as there is communication, understanding, trust, and love then all is well!! (And just in case anyone was wondering if I ever plan to be a SAHM [stay At Home Mom] we have decided I am going to be working in my career and our business until I get pregnant than we prefer me to stay home to raise our children while still managing one of the businesses we own part time from home. Then when my children are about in the 3rd grade then I'll go back to working full time with our business and my career.) But not very Stepford at all.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Debra~ LOL well I'm enjoying calling him my FIANCE, for one. I never get tired of saying that. Plus, I look at all this time as time to plan my wedding how I really want it to be and it gives us time to save money for the wedding too & believe it or not, time is going to fly!!! I can't believe its been over a year already that we've been engaged. Before you know it, 2012 will be here. I feel like because I have so much time for planning I don't have to rack my brain as much ya know?? There's plenty of time for me to plan things out slowly and not be as stressed. Not saying I'm not stressed, haha. I'm very over whelmed and glad I found a forum which could help ease somethings!! I'm still not used to calling DF my fiance. Haha. I slip sometimes and still call him my BF and it's been 9 months!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Debra~ Our engagement will be about 2 years...not quite as long as yours. Having a date that's sentimental to you makes it all the more special! I know!! I feel like I'm waiting for a day that will never come!! What do you do to keep your beans from jumping outta your heart?! I feel like this wait is forever and sometimes I just wanna elope!! I can't take it!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Debra~ Congratulations!!! I'm having a long engagement too. It just gives us more time to plan our weddings!! Thanks!! How long is your engagement?? Another reason why our engagement is soooo long is because it's a significant date. (I didn't just want any ol' day to get married on) It will be out 6 year anniversary, and 6 is my DF's favorite number and my lucky number!
  7. Dang, I think that was one of the most perfect most thoughtful proposals EVER!!
  8. you two are so cute together!! you are beautiful, and i think he kind of looks like jon from the show jon and kate plus 8. haha!! congrats!!
  9. He loves me!! Luau where we had a congratulations announcement for us! Engagement dinner. With our family at Auntie's house for engagement dinner!! My *NEW* ring!!
  10. The first ring, before the new band. Don't mind crappy unpainted yellow chipped nails!! Up close. Hanauma Bay!! The Ranch where 50 First Dates was filmed!! The Ranch also where Pearl Harbor was filmed!!
  11. I've been so excited to get engaged and I always thought it would be somewhere so romantic. I always imagined it on the beach together but we aren't near any beaches. (I was born in San Diego, but we rarely go to the beach there because we're so busy.) So when we went to Disneyland back in 2007 and I thought he was going to propose to me then. I was so thrilled and told my Mom and my BFF. And sadly it didn't happen and kind of put a damper on my vacation. For my next birthday we were going to go to Hawaii and I thought maybe he'd propose to me then, but I seriously didn't want to get my hopes up. My Mom and BFF told me to just think it wouldn't happen, I mean I didn't want this to damper my trip. So here I was packing for my vacation and I just really wanted to know if he would propose so like an anxious little wanna know everything freak I just asked. He laughed at me and said no. I said, "Are you suuuure??" (LOL) and he said to reassure me I can even check his luggage!! And I did!! Nothing was there!! I even checked when we arrived in Hawaii and nope, no box ANYWHERE!! (and trust me, I looked in all the zippered areas and hidden compartments!) On my birthday vacation we were visiting family and just enjoy the island together. (He's been there previously and so have I but it was out first time together. Anyways, because I have family there and he has friends there we were always surrounded by people no time by ourselves. So I already knew he didn't have the ring, and we were meeting his friend in a few hours so we just chilled together on the beach to kill time. He was acting all weird, I figured he just really wanted to go into the water, but I didn't want to at the time. Then he kept wanting to go into parts of the water that a lot of people weren't in, but I kept saying how I didn't want to leave our valuables alone away from my view. He saw some guy with these weird gadgets and metal detectors and he was really wanting to go and see what this guy was doing. I didn't want to, just let the guy do what he's doing man!! So he dropped the guy but then he kept wanting to go "over there, there's less people. Let's play in the water there." So finally I said okay and we just walked in the water a bit and I didn't want go to in any further. We were walking further and further away from our valuables and I didn't want to get out of sight of our stuff. So I walked out and took a few steps towards our stuff and he just told me to sit here and soak up the scenery with him. So then we sat in the sand and I felt the urge to ouch his pocket. (I have nooo idea why!!) and I felt something. I asked him what it was and he immediately said, "Quarters." And well it WAS quarters!! We had to get change for the meter on the street, haha!! So anyways, as I'm playing in the sand with my finger, I thought he was drawing something in the sand on the right side of him when all the sudden he just turns to me and has a ring on his finger and pops the question! Of course I said yes!! He said he was planning on playing in the water with me and saying, "Oh look at this shell I found.." Then turn to show me the ring. But he just got too nervous and didn't connect that he could do it later. Then his nerves really got to him and he switched to plan B. Haha. But it was perfect anyways, and I was glowing!! I called my Mom right away and she screamed on the phone (she was at work). And I called my BFF shared the good news. We walked back to our belongings and I was just glowing the whole day and of course the whole trip. When we got back home to my Auntie's house at about midnight we sat in the room talking to her and I told her the good news and she jumped outta bed to turn on a brighter light to stare at my new ring. To top it off at the Luau we went to they even made an announcement of the newly engaged couple and had a dance for us in front of thousands of people. When we got home I actually changed my engagement band because I wanted something more secure I just took the diamond out and put it in a 6 prong ring instead. Of course I still have the original ring sitting in my jewelery box. Because I work with children all the time I do not wear my ring all the time (because I accidentally hit a kid in the eye because my prong setting was sooo high) so DF surprised me this week with a replacement second engagement ring I can wear daily. It's a blue topaz that I won't be able to wear until Christmas because it's a Christmas gift. But I'm so excited to wear it because I'm so scared to lose my diamond ring. (DF lost the first diamond ring he ever gave me back in high school so I'm so scared now!) Thank you all for letting me share my story!! Here are ton's of photos of my originally suppose to be birthday vacation which ended to be my engagement vacation!! And I'm soooo sorry in advanced I look like crap, no make up at all!! Sorry!! Us at Waikiki the day he proposed. At Waikiki. Relaxing at the beach. Moments before he proposed to me!! HE DID IT!! Our first photo as an engaged couple!!
  12. DF and I vacationed at Riu Cancun a few years back and the service there was just excellent!! You'll love it for sure!! Congrats sweetie!!
  13. Hello all!! My name is Missie and I live in the Bay Area of California. Our wedding date as of now is July 1, 2012 in the wonderful island of Hawaii. My DF proposed to me there and I just can't wait to get married there. Unfortunately my college isn't done yet and that's a really big priority. One of us has to at least be all done with school so one is working in a career as the other one finishes up. In addition I've always wanted a long engagement so I can soak up this special time. Being GF and BF is different from being fiance and fiance, as well has husband and wife. I'm just enjoy this stage we are at as being engaged to one another. It's fantastic!! We're in the beginning stages of house hunting as well, and looking forward to being home owners to a BRAND NEW house hopefully by summer time or fall of next year!! Anyhoo, I'm so excited to get to know all of you and receive all the knowledge you all have! Can't wait to share with you my happiness as well!! xoxo, Missie
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