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Everything posted by princessina

  1. Oh wow, sorry to hear about your situation. I follow Alyssa's post that this is probably the best time for something like this to come up. While it seems like something horrible, just know that it could of been worse. Since there's nothing you can do to change the situation, focus on what you can do. It might start with addressing some habits and the underlying reasons or fears that come with them. When I first met my fiancee he was a piece of work. Now he's just a work in progress but it took a lot of communication and I'm glad it's something we addressed right out the gate. Patience and compromising on both ends helped greatly. Good luck and I wish you the best.
  2. Well I'm not an SF girl but I'm a bay area girl! So welcome!!!
  3. I did hear that it was best to go later on in the day because it gave time for dresses to be back on the racks and more individualized attention. Congrats!!!
  4. Oh wow! it looks great on you! So how was the madness out there and was it really worth it?? How many people did you take with you? I would love to go to a running of the brides, only if it were close by. Well I'll just live through you
  5. Free shipping on anything over $45, expires Oct 24th maybe you can combine both coupon codes and get a great deal. It's too late for me since I've already order but let us know if it works for anyone Code:SPOOKY49
  6. Hi, Jwalkowiak, I just purchased mine and I'm planning to use them as program fans. I'm making one for each person (excluding the little ones). I was hesitant at first on one for each person but since OT had a sale and a coupon I was able to buy 96 that came out to 0.67 each plus shipping. Good Luck!
  7. To the Top! Just wanted to remind anyone who needs anything at OT the coupon is still good till the end of this month. I just purchase 96 raffia fans for 0.67 each plus shipping. That's a great deal!!!
  8. Hey Diezel, Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to look into it. I never thought of taking a one day trip. Thanks!!!
  9. Oh great! Thanks for the recommendations. I'm going to check out all three. Hopefully they have a lot of info on the world wide web
  10. OMG I wonder what's going on over there? strong tide? inexperience swimmer? various combination? That's so sad
  11. This is more so true for us. We definitely choose destination because it was more affordable for us. We have a budget of $10,000 and that is not counting airfare and accommodations. I will admit that we didn't thoroughly think through the minor details but it's not costing us too much. We're working with a wedding planner which eases a lot of the work. We've budgeted about $5000 for airfare, tuxes, rental car, and spending money. We're not paying for accommodations since we're using a vacation home for the ceremony and reception and my family is staying there as well. Since it doubles as somewhere to stay and a venue location we're (me and FI) aren't paying for this, our family is. So I guess our total is about $15,000, about $2500 of that being spending money. Another factor is your guest list. My estimated guest list is about 100. If it was less than that I would of easily been about to pull it off with a tighter budget. I wouldn't pay attention to the overall number because sometimes it doesn't correlate with the same about of guests you might be having. If we were to have a wedding like this in our area we're looking at easily paying $20,000+ not to mention a bigger guest list. Good Luck!
  12. Hi, Ladies, I wondering about locations that some have used or others are thinking about using for rehearsal dinner. Our actual ceremony will be at a vacation rental but I'm thinking about finding a local restaurant to have a rehearsal dinner at and wanted to hear your opinion. We will be staying, as most of our bridal party, on the north shore. There aren't that many places easily findable via world wide web but I would love to hear any ideas or experiences. Thanks in advance!
  13. Welcome! I ran into the same problem you did and purchased 2 dress but I really like the first one. In the end it comes down to which one you love best.
  14. princessina

    newbie here

    Congrats and Welcome!
  15. OMG I just noticed your wedding day is a day before mine. Wow! interesting. . .
  16. Hi, Monika, Since your thinking about spreading your time out you should think about renting a vacation home. There are tons of them that range in prices but you can find some anything from 1 bdrm to 15 bdrms. Here's a great website that has massive listings ..VRBO® is Vacation Rentals by Owner® Vacation Homes Rentals by Owner I'm actually having my wedding at a vacation rental. We're going to be there for about a week (the week leading up to the wedding). After that we're booked at the Hale Koa (it's a military only hotel) for the rest of the time. We're planning on spending three weeks out there. We figure the first week will be pre-wedding events. We know a lot of our family and friends are making a vacation out of it so we'll still spend time with those on the island the second week. By the third week everyone will be gone and we'll be able to spend QT with each other. We originally were going to island hop but it was more cost effective for us to stay on Oahu (since we were able to get an ocean front at Hale Koa for $120/night). This gives us the option to rest when tired and not worry about having to fit everything in within a short amount of time. Also, we booked our vacation rental on the north shore away from the hustle and bustle for a more intimate feeling but hope to fully enjoy all of Oahu by the time we leave. Hope this helps any.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Christi I found them at bed, Bath and Beyond for $3.99 each...they are expresso in color...not sure what color you need... Bed Bath & Beyond Product[/url Ooo Christi, those are going to work perfectly. I can definitely fit that into my budget. . .Thanks!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Erica053009 I found these $13.99 per dozen what do you think? Round Luau Fringe Place Mats Thanks Erica but I'm looking for something more like the rattan chargers. Wow, you gals have been so helpful. . .*thanks*
  19. Oh, these are cute. I also did some luggage tags but I never thought to make them out of cloth.
  20. Christi, Where did you get yours from? I checked out the one at World Plus but it looks like they run $9 a charger. It's better than $18 a plate but still a little steep for me. Thanks again!
  21. That's exactly what I'm looking for! $18? I'm looking for something that's more affordable, I'm probably looking to purchase about 100. Thanks!
  22. I'm sorry if this has been covered but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm looking for a place to purchase Bamboo Plate Chargers (they look like their weaved out of some sort of bamboo). Everywhere I've searched I've only found the usually solid colors but nothing of this sort. Thanks in advance.
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