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Everything posted by erinleigh

  1. The candy buffet is a perfect idea. We are having our AHR at Christmas, so I'm making christmas bulbs filled with sand a little shells (a beach in a bulb), I'll attach a little tag to it with our wedding date or something.
  2. Someone can use them....me! I'm 100% going to use: Two hearts joined as one, so cheers! And have fun... thanks again!!
  3. Great idea! I never cease to be amazed by the creativity on this site. I really don't know how I would plan my wedding without it!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 On de island of love, drink from dis cool mug Drink, dance and sing For we've exchanged rings! Two hearts joined as one, so cheers! And have fun... That's the best I can come up with right now! A little cheesy, but I'll repost if additional inspriation hits! Wow! You're so creative!! Great ideas!
  5. Your monogram looks great! I have a bunch of diy stuff done now in these colours and it looks great!
  6. I'm changing my name and I'm really excited! Not because I dislike my name or anything - it will be kind of sad to give it up - but I'm excited to start a new life chapter and take the name that goes along with it!
  7. Jennierin -just thought - maybe we'll cross paths in the airport or something! I'll have to keep an eye out for you Are you flying through Toronto?
  8. Yup, it's soon our turn ladies! Hard to believe! It will be so fun swapping pictures and stories
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ssleenyc When did you guys send your invites and as for RSVP's? I am getting married 11/14 and need responses back for catering 10/1. So I'm thinking of sending them like tomorrow... We didn't do save the dates, so we sent our invites out early - May - and asked for a response by August 31. I'm kind of glad we did that, because it will help to know the number of people going early so I can get the favours and welcome stuff ready, etc.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JGAMMAGIRL77 I having guest take some of the stuff. I actually haven't to much thought into it because I'm sure that I will be fine. I'm not too worried. If anything, I will ship a box of stuff beforehand. Jess I never even thought of this! That's a good idea -I have some people who I'm sure would take a few things for me!!
  11. Rosa - congrats on your legal day! I have a question - how are you ladies getting everything to your resort? I am bringing insulated mugs, some table decorations, programs, cake topper, guestbook, and other things - but I don't know if I'm going to fit it all in one suitcase. What is everyone else doing?
  12. Lori - thanks so much for the great review!! It was worth the wait You looked beautiful and your excursion pics look really fun! I cannot wait to get married here! Less than three months for me now! Darcy and Jennierin - not long now for you guys!! Very exciting! Erin
  13. Congratulations! Great review! I agree with the others...time to share some pics of you!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth Hey there, ladies! I can't seem to find any thread dedicated to Bachelorette parties, so I though I'd pose it here. What are your plans? I'm trying to find something a bit more low key to do, since bumping and grinding with 20 year olds isn't really my thing. Any suggestions? Trying to think outside the box here, hoping to do something original. I had an early bach party because my friends live all over the place - so we met in Toronto for a weekend in July when everyone was free. I get you on the bumping and grinding with 20 year olds....we bumped and grinded with each other...we went for pole dancing lessons! lol. It was SOOOO much fun! (and really hard)!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jetsbride I got my invitation completed last night and I love them, you can check them out here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t46762 Beautiful Invites!! You must be so proud of them!
  16. Welcome Love3! I have to give credit to all you girls who are doing BD shoots. I don't think I have guts to do it!
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