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Everything posted by erinleigh

  1. 1)What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? Public Relations for healthcare organizations - would like to be a teacher I think 2: What is your favorite hobby? Crafting! 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? Christmas - love being with my family 4: What is your greatest achievement? Getting my degree and being in a really great place in my career at 31 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? Dogs - I can't live without them 6: What is your dream trip? Greece - I want to watch those beautiful sunsets 7: What is your favorite food? Indian 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? My mother. 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? Aqua - always loved that colour (and now it's in my wedding too) 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I'd have my home base at home in Newfoundland, but would travel the world if I could 11: How many siblings do you have? 1 12: What is your biggest fear? car crash 13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? potato casserole 14: Do you have a nickname? Not really 15: What causes do you support? Canarian Cancer Society 16: What is your guilty pleasure? Red wine 17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? To be invisible - i could learn SOOO much 18. How old are you? 31 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? Give as much money as possible to my family and still be able to travel the world. 20. What gadget to you not need, but still want? Hmmm not sure - i NEED all my gadgets! 21. What is your favourite T.V. show? Third Watch 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" When I was 16 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? My NYC sweatshirt 24. How many or do you want children? 2 or 3 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? Regis and Kelly 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? Oprah, I think she must live an amazing life. 27. Is there anything that you regret doing? No, I don't believe in regrets. Thigns that happen in our lives, make us who we are. 28. What is your worst bad habit? craking knuckles 29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? Leigh. No my mom liked it. 30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? I can't say it's too crazy, ha ha 31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? cracks his neck 32. What’s your favorite movie? Bridget Jones' Diary ( the first one) 33. What's your least favorite food? I love all food 34. Why did you choose a destination wedding? To spend an entire week with the people we love, not just one day. 35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? 3 years this time - but we met when we were in high school. long story! 36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them? My brother, I LOVE him, but we are very different. 37. When and how did you and your FI meet? In High School when we were 16 38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now? YES 39. Do you have any pets? Two doggies 40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be? Jimmy from Third Watch 41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out? fantasy's should stay just that ! 42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island? Blackberry! 43. Do you have any tattoos? Yes 2 44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry? Vanilla 45. What season do you enjoy most and why? Summer i love the heat 46. What is your favorite book? The kite runner 47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality? Virgo - yes, I'm a classic virgo! 46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW? I can't remember - I'm addicted! 47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you? One girl, One boy 48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be? To be able to afford everything and anything 49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? Boxers, Briefs or Commando? Boxer briefs! 50. What was the last meal you had? Veggie Pizza 51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own? I hinted but he picked it out all on his own! 52. How did you decide on a wedding date? Time of year 53. How are chores divided in your relationship? It's fairly equal - we take turns 54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why? my purse it has my life in it 55. Do you wish your FI was an only child? NO 56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be? Nothing, see above 57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be? Yes, lottery numbers from tomorrow. (I like this one so I'm keeping it too) 58. Did you go to college? if so where and what was your major? Yes - Memorial University of Newfoundland - Business 59. Whats your favorite music artist? Too many favs to choose just one 60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable? Camping! Loved just being with fam. 61. New Question: Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yes, but highlighted 62. New Question: What is your most persistent worry? Money 63. New Question - Did you pressure your FI about getting engaged? I did mildly - but nothing out of the ordinary
  2. erinleigh


    Congrats and welcome!! Try reading the FAQ forums before you get started - lots of info and will help you get the hang of navigating. BDW rocks and you will love it!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by SandDD I'm on it!!! Awesome!! Can't wait to hear about it. Have an awesome time on your trip!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by fmsmith423 Thanks Ladies for all the support. SO, my FI and I are going to see the dress and decide for ourselves. Keep us posted!! I look forward to hearing how this all turns out because I just found out that I too have someone who is considering wearing an "off white" dress. ahhhh! What is wrong with people!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous OK last night I started what I thought would be the daunting task of doing my DIY travel mugs. But actually it wasn't. I cut all the paper and I cut out over 50 sticker monogram circles (while watching Golden Girls of course) now tonight I just have to start putting everything together. I'll prolly get FI to help me either put the monograms on the paper or insert the paper into the mugs. He was really helpful tying ribbon for my homemade soaps lol (he'd die if he knew I told you all he helps me with the wedding DIY projects haha). Can we see a picture!?? We love pictures!!! Plus where did you get your mugs?
  6. I'm dying to know what the beach gazebo is like - where it is exactly and how private it is!
  7. I think it depends on your resort, but the La Barcaza is picking us up right at our beach at the Melia Caribe. So it's quite convenient. We are having our wedding at the Melia and then getting on the boat for our reception!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by skimmy Erinleigh, do you have a website for Tropical Storm? Thanks! I have a website for the La Barcaza boat - is that what you mean? Here it is: La Barcaza
  9. Hey Ladies- just an update - I sent an email to my wedding coordinator at the Melia, Laura. She had asked me several questions about different things - one of them was whether I would be booking their photographer. I answered all the questions, including the photography question and just slipped in that "I would be using HDC photo for my wedding and will just pay the required $95 day pass" She wrote back and said thanks for my information and didnt mention anything about this "copyright fee". So I'm taking copies of all my correspondance with me when I go, just in case - but since I clearly stated I was using an outside photog and "just payint the $95 fee" - that's all I'll be paying!
  10. Your pictures are beautiful! I'm using the same colours as you - so seeing your pictures made me super excited!! Love the orange and blue!
  11. We are getting married at the Melia Caribe. The main reason we chose it is because we were there in 06 for vacation and loved it. The best food, best beach and most beautiful resort we had ever been to. We looked into other resorts - there are so many that are amazing - but decided not to take a chance, and just go with the one we knew we loved.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Same here! I have seen those exact flowers, thanks! I bought these invites (a set of 45) with a 50% coupon for $23.00-- so if I spruce them up like yours they'll look professional for almost nothing YAY! For sure! I hardly spent anything on these invites - I bought everything with coupons and so far everyone who I've given one to LOVES them! I'm so happy, afterall it's the first impression of your wedding and kind of "sets the tone"! Whoo hoo!
  13. Hi - Congrats Tara and Bill! Welcome to BDW!
  14. Congrats, you'll find all the information you need here!
  15. erinleigh


    Congratulations, Welcome!
  16. Hi! Welcome to the forum, congratulations and happy planning!
  17. erinleigh


    Welcome Amber! You'll find lots of great information here to help you plan. Try using the search feature, it's great!
  18. Oh my, that's awful. But I agree with the other girls - ask your FI to talk to her. Maybe (although I don't know how) but maybe she just didnt even think of it!?! I'll cross my fingers for you that that's it and all will be ok!
  19. Wow, those bags are great! The little cosmetic bag is a great bonus - you got an awesome deal!!
  20. Here's the link to the November Brides Forum: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t35417
  21. Hi - I'm getting married in DR at Melia Caribe on November 9th. I have started planning and have been working with the WC on some items - have paid my deposits, etc. I'm having my reception off the resort on a yacht, so I've been working on that. Also have started to send out my invites so people have lots of time. You should check out the November Brides forum, there's tons of information there from lots of other November Brides!
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