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Everything posted by sstotz

  1. I am too.. and would love to see some sample work.. his prices were amazing.
  2. I have no clue about altering things... I am one of those few people that things either fit or they don't.. ahaha. I THINK I have someone wanting to buy it though (from Craigslist),..but it seems a little shady because she lives in CO but was searching on the Orange County CL.. I'll take this ad down if I sell it!
  3. Just think of how much easier it will be coming back! lol.. ALL THE BEST!! Cant wait for your review!!
  4. WOW~~ Blows my invites out of the water! Well done, they are not only sooo creative, but way beautiful too!
  5. I'm a Rainbow girl all the way (I have pretty much every color they make..and their baja boots).. i just bought my FI his first pair, and would love for his GM to wear them too.. but I like that site (Modista.com) for cheaper alternatives..
  6. NICE!!! OMG.. would it be to much to include this AND our sand ceremony??
  7. WOW. Finally all those countless hours of editing and stressing paid off! I finally completed those dang DIY passports!! I've decided to offer up some insight for those thinking about it.. they are hard work if you arent creative (like me)! haha ---- I LOVED how I only spent: *$65 on ink (I bought to full cartridges from costco, and ended up only using one (to the last drops), so I get to take back the other cartridge..yay!) *$32 on cardstock from ebay!! (At staples each pack was like $25 but I randomly found what I was looking for in a set of three on ebay for $28 +s/h.) *$5 for a 400 foot line of hemp from Joanns Fabric to tie it all together (VERY EASY rather than having to bind them or hole punch or whatever else you'd do) ---- My aunt is a teacher and had a papercutter at her house, so we all went over and had an assembly line.. luckily my mom took a calligraphy course in college in the 70's, so she was hard at work addressing all 100 invites!! Here's how they turned out (I could've rounded the edges, but to tell you the absolute truth I was exhausted..it was an entire 9am to 5pm day!!): and my little working army: I attached the template I used.. thanks so much to the BDW that originally put it up here.. its been edited all over the place but still has the general layout. (If you decide to use it the little black lines on the top and bottom help cutting a straight line ;] ) Wedding_Invite--blank.ppt
  8. Great style! My favorite one is the one you liked best too.. I am going to check into that!
  9. wow.. nice find!! to bad I already bought my totes!! your guests are gonna love them!
  10. I used ewedding.com, and LOVE my site.. VERY easy to us, and looks like I spent forever designing it!
  11. User Name: sstotz Name: Shannon & Michael Location: Hotel Finisterra in Cabo San Lucas Wedding: June 20th, 2009 in Cabo: 06/14-06/27 (Honeymoon at the Westin in Los Cabos) Nice to meet y'all!!
  12. YAYAYAYYAYAYYYYYYYAAAAAAY! How exciting!!!! Cant wait to hear your review!!
  13. Hello All!! I am going blank.. Will all of you (that have had your weddings) do us a favor?? We'd love to pull some inspiration out of your reception photos!! If you would post your pictures here I'd love ya forever!! :-) Thank you!
  14. It's a street size 6! I am a 6 in everything I buy and it fits perfectly without the need for alterations!
  15. I've ALWAYS wanted my little one to go to day care,..its so sad leaving her on the deck when we leave (she has little hissyfits, and if we leave her in the house SOMETHING will get destroyed..). I've built a little oasis out there for her, and its every dogs dream of luxury on a deck.. but her being alone all day makes me so sad. We are FOR SURE looking into interactive dog boarding for when we are away in Cabo though! Theres one with swim lessons (perfect for June when we get married), and a full day itinerary..she'll be so happy!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by neen i think guests are generally happy to comply to any request and telling them what to wear may even make it easier for them, so i wouldn't worry too much. you could always include "Attire: Shades of White" on your invitation or as a separate insert in your invitation with more detail "We are dreaming of a white wedding, so please consider wearing shades of white, tan, beige, (etc) when selecting your attire"... Very well put Neen! I am waay OCD about colors clashing in pictures, I dont know what it is about me, or why I am that way.. eventhough I want to be the only one in white in my wedding, I want the rest of the guests in the colors of my wedding ("natural tones" - shades of browns, greens)..any suggestions on the wording for that?? lol
  17. I too was worried about the heat.. thank you for all your imput everyone!
  18. *note: that LONG VERSION explanation I just gave was for .zip files.. the other ones can be downloaded straight to your windows-fonts folder (hope I didn't confuse you even more!!)
  19. An even more broken down, and easy way of doing it is this (it was hard for me to understand at first.. Make a new folder on your desktop titled downloaded fonts.. save the new fonts into there.. then, once you've downloaded all the fonts you want you have to UNZIP them.. click on the zipped file, and then once you unzip it you'll see another file of the font, click on it, and then you'll see a windows version of it.. THAT is the file you drag over your FONTS file that was explained in the reply above, and then you'll be able to see it in all your programs!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 I noticed this kept popping up!!! I thought about that too...and that is why I have asked for the dessert to be removed from the buffet and just make the wedding cupcakes our dessert. People may still be full...but some people wil want sweet cake after food even if full (if they are like me!) I would agree that if dessert is with the buffet and then cake on top...that would be overkill! This is a wonderful thread...I am so glad it was bumped again and sorry i missed it before... Brilliant. I seriously didnt think of that (cutting out the dessert on the menu), and couldnt imagine not having a wedding cake to cut into.. good idea darlin!
  21. That is soooo horrible.. Im glad to hear nobody was hurt in the process. It is so sad that there are scummy people in this world that would do such mean things to innocent people!
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