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About Sweetpea

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  1. I am sooo sorry that you are going through this. 1st communicate, communicate, communicate. without it your marriage is going to struggle. I have been through this.....it is not FUN. You need to put your foot down and tell him that he needs to sit down and talk like 2 adults without the kids.........When men lose their jobs they dont feel as if they are any value, they loose self esteem and everthing goes crazy....I wish you the best with him or without him. Stand tall and stay strong for yourself and tiy babies.
  2. Hello ladies: I am soooo confused. I am a newbie, not sure if my question has already been answered or if this is where I have posted this question.... Question: Where do I start first? I have the date and location date: Aug 7th, 2010 location: Beaches Boscbel What is the next step? I guess list. I have some idea but after I have composed that do I send them anything? PLEASE HELP! Thank you
  3. Thank you all for the WARM welcome!
  4. You CAN NOT accomodate everyone because if you start doing for one then everyone would want you to do it for them. You have to do want YOU and your FI wants that is what will matter at the end of the day.
  5. As long as he is granted a Passport then he is fine. Here in the US if it happened as a Junvinile then it does not follow you on your adult record. And if not then it depends on how long ago it happened. 10yrs then that person should be ok. CONGRATS......
  6. Hello board! I'm Sweetpea everyone I know calls me that.... When I here my real name Tiana I never respond because I sometimes forget that is my real anme. But anyhoot! I am planning a destination in August 2010 to Beaches Boscobel! I am so glad that I found this site because I have no clue as to where to start. I hope that you guys can HELP
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