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Everything posted by tyingthe.knot

  1. It Was Great Meeting All You Ladies Last Night !! It Was So Much Fun And Def Very Helpful For Someone Just Trying To Figure This Whole Thing Out. All You Girls Were Great I Wish You The Best Of Luck With Your Weddings! So Excited For All Of You. Kathy You Are Def A Good Hostess! The Cupcakes Were Yummmmmmmy! And I Loved Loved Loved The Std Boarding Passes I Def Want That Link .. They Were Adorable! Maybe I Will See You Guys On The Nexy Nyc Spot! Take Care
  2. tyingthe.knot


    congrats on the engagement ... such an exciting time I have been to DR and the people are so nice there best of luck ... with research and advise you should be able to figure it out in no time!
  3. hi! welcome to the forum best of luck in your search everyone is helpful!!!
  4. Thanks!! Sarah!! this is really helpful to me .. I haven't quite figured out what to do as far as hotels but I like the idea of the boutique hotels! I am going to look into this for sure
  5. I was so excited about Ana Y Jose ... but after reading this I got a bit concerned?? I think Tulum is beautiful but is the town very low key?? I have a few friends who are single and may want to party so I was hoping to find a place that had a little bit more of a vibe to it? Am I stressing too much over my guests .. I went on the website and they have so much to offer which is fantastic ... gosh I am confused. One last ? can anyone suggest other hotels that are in the vicinity where my guest can possibly stay? Thanks for all the info .. it has been sooo helpful to an already confused bride!
  6. hi kathy .. I am def in for the gathering .. look forward to meeting you and the girls!
  7. best of luck ... vegas is wonderful!
  8. HI ... welcome and best of luck with your plans!!!
  9. This sounds like fun yeay! I would like to go .. Tues the 30th works for me
  10. we can't all stay young forever!! ugh ... I am 33 and I am getting forhead lines I use moisturizer all the time /anti wrinkle creams ... I will do botox someday but not now that is a lot of maintanance and $$ so you really should not consider it ... not to mention you are a baby..... my best advise .. don't make any faces !! lol!! I am kidding .. best to just wear sunblock / drink water to keep you skin hydrated and healthy & moisturize .... I love the bangs but you really don't need them
  11. i have a silly ques? so is it cheaper to marry on a Thurs or Fri? Rather than weekend?
  12. i can relate to what you saying .. my father passed away when I was very young .... at first I thought it should be one of my brothers .. then I thought I would have them both walk me down the isle ... but in the end I decided it really just needed to be the one person that has been there for me the most .. my mom. I do not really think that you need to follow tradition so I would go with what feels good to you!
  13. I love the idea of Cabo as well but that is part of the reason I kind of turned away from it. The beaches are beautiful there but i think that what you don't have in beach you make up for in the amenities that the hotels have to offer . I stood in the dreams in DR and it was nice ( not a 5 star hotel) but the service was nice and it was very family oriented. My boss stood in the Dreams in mexico and he said it was very beautiful there. Best of Luck
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mtomas5555 So, what are you girls doing for favors? I found gift bags at Target that say "Thank you for sharing our day with us" and then I am filling them with these cute magnets we had made up- they have a beach theme on them and they say, "Thank you for sharing this day with us, Vic and Missy, August 11, 2008" I also added to the bag these homemade seashell ornaments that my friend's brother made! He is an artist, so they turned out pretty cool! I figured people could use them to hang on their christmas trees every year or they can be hung anywhere really, a sunroom or something would be cool! Then they will always have that little momentum to think of us and thr trip we all took together! I also put in the bag, a photo album with sea shells on the front. I found a deal at weddingchannel.com. I found fans on that site too for the women to have during the ceremony. They are really pretty! So, I'm all set for that! What do you think? Let me know what you girls are doing!!! I love to hear this stuff!! I also looking into the moon palace... not sure yet but i am planning on looking threw the rest of these suggestions. So I love the fan ideas I have been looking at some through theknot I especially like the straw fans that come in colors! I was also thinking about umbrellas .. they looked really pretty as well.
  15. ROYFA ... DOES THE LOCATION THAT YOU CHOSE COME WITH A PLANNER? I am not really set on wether or not to get one. I wanted to marry in Sept but then I heard it was rainy season + there will be children attending and that is back to school season!
  16. Welcome Kim I Am New Also... Thailand !! My Co-worker Married In Thailand And She Said It Was Amazing!!!! Best Of Luck!
  17. Hello Ladies , I Just Wanted To Drop In And Say Hello! My Name Is Sonnia ... I Am Getting Married April 17,2010 ( But That Date May Be Changed) And We Are Looking To Marry Mexico. I Have Been Looking At Some Of The Links And I Am 'feeling Confident That You Will Be Able To Helo Me In The Future!
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