lol awww Kelly! *hugs* I guess I'm on the luckier side of the spectrum. Since we've been living together for the past six years, DH has been really good at doing his part around the house most days. We kind of have an unspoken arrangement that he does the chores I hate (lawn mowing, shoveling snow, yard work, etc) and I do most of the inside chores (dishes, laundry, etc). However, just because I WASH his laundry doesn't mean I have to put it away for him, I don't feel that it is my responsibility. I'll usually give him back his clean clothes, folded in his basket for him to put away...but he never does it. Then he gets mad in the morning when he can't find something lol. I just tell him that hanging up and putting away HIS clothes is not my problem...he never argues back with me when I say that so I presume he's in agreement of that fact.
Oh, I guess I should give credit where credit is due...some days I will come home from the gym, exhausted, and the entire kitchen is spotless. I agree, that is totally foreplay hahaha. That is one of the nicest things DH can do for me: clean my kitchen.