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Everything posted by ~*Kathy*~

  1. Yael & Andi - awww, guess we're all just a bunch of mushy hearted girls. Everytime I see DH playing with his 3 and 1 year old nephews, I get all mushy inside and he is so good with them, that's how I know he'd be good with our own. I don't have any furbabies of my own but he's always very sweet with his brother's bichon-shihtzu mix (she is adorable haha).
  2. roo - Thanks for your insight, that might be a factor for sure. I don't really have anything exciting to look forward to now DH actually mentioned that to me last night as well, maybe you're both on to something with that. Kristina - Thanks for sharing your experience with me. It's interesting that so many of us in this thread have been touched by depression of some sort at one point or another in our lives. I've heard that 1 in 4 women will suffer some sort of depression during their lives, so I guess in that sense it's almost "normal" to feel this way...but definitely not all the time. If I'm still feeling this crappy after starting up my new workout regime, I will probably go see my doc.
  3. Amanda - You're not alone on that...lol some days I'm like "ooh we should have one" and then other days I'm like "heeeeeellll no!". I know DH isn't ready but I kind of hope he is one day...I think he'd be a great dad, as much as he doesn't like to admit that.
  4. Great pics Michelle, you were stunning and I loooooooove your gown! Congrats on being a Mrs. and thanks for your review!
  5. Oooh goodness, this one is extremely tough! They're all so great!
  6. Thanks Danielle, I don't know if this site is reputable but this is the quiz I took: Depression Test
  7. Yikes, I'm late on this one but CONGRATS YAMILLE!! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride My B2B choice has already been nominated My Mrs. nomination is Kathy (paraisobeachbride)...because she's awesome!!! Aw thanks Amanda, like I said before, you're such a sweetie pie! The girls I was going to nominate are all already nominated, so voting is going to be super tough...yet again!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Hey sweetie....I just came across this thread & I feel so bad - it's seems like we talk frequently enough that I should have known you were feeling like this. Is it weird that I feel like a bad friend for not knowing!?!? Anyway...the only advice I can offer is to see a doc like the rest of the girls said. I know that I go a little crazy/despressed/emotional when I'm sick (I have crohn's), so it could be something physical. Or stress can do crazy things to your body too. Take care & let me know if you need to talk! Sometimes a great stress relief is to just vent - you know we are all good for that!!! Awww Amanda!! Don't feel bad, we do talk often but I haven't really made any mention of it around here until now. I've been keeping it in and trying to deal with it on my own (to no avail). I think its just all the stress between work and stuff. I was working out regularly for a year and a half and then I just kind of fell of the wagon, so maybe that's part of it. I'm going to start working out diligently again very soon, so I'm hoping that my mood will improve too. I really appreciate your concern and your offer to let me vent, I'll probably take you up on that. You're such a sweetie pie. Ana - Wow, you went through so much...I'm glad to hear that you're ok now. Thanks for sharing something so personal like that with me. *hugs* I really admire your courage! Ladies, thank you so much again for your overwhelming support! I guess we all go through these things every now and then. It's nice to see that I'm not alone on this. I'm pretty certain I'm not pregnant and I know it's definitely not my birth control pill as I've been on the same brand for over 10 years, but thank you for pointing these out to me as possible contributors to my mood...it hadn't even dawned on me. I took a depression test (101 questions) online during my lunch yesterday and it classified me as "severely depressed"...I have to say that surprised me even a little, I knew I was feeling "depressed" but I didn't realize it was severe. I'm going to give it a few weeks after I start working out again and if I'm still feeling as bad as I do now, I will likely seek out my physician and see what he says. Thank you to all of you again for being so supportive, I love you girls...BDW is by far the best community online, we all love each other so much and I think that's awesome.
  10. Thanks ladies for lending your support, sharing your experiences with me and keeping me in your prayers/thoughts, that means so much to me. Jennifer - I'd say there's a 99.9% chance that I'm not (bcp and "protection"). But I guess you never know. Do women get depressed during pregnancy? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I have no idea how it works.
  11. Hey girls, I've been going through a lot of stuff lately both professionally and personally (nothing to do with DH and I, thank goodness) and I was wondering if I am seriously depressed. I mean, I don't know how to tell if I am. I just feel so hopeless all the time and I'm rarely truly happy anymore. Most days I feel like nothing is ever going to change or get better for me and I'm often on the verge of tears out of nowhere and I feel like it's out of my control. Should I see my doctor or is it too soon to tell? I'm so frustrated/angry/sad all the time these days and I feel like I don't even recognize myself anymore... What do I do?
  12. Danielle - Welcome back girl, I missed ya around here!! Your pictures are fantastic and you looked so gorgeous! Did you do your own hair/makeup? Your gazebo was decorated beautifully, I am totally jealous!! I'm so glad everything worked out for you. I can't wait to read your review!! Oh and your bouquet was amazing...you used an outside vendor for that right?
  13. oh my god Lisa!!! That's the first time I've seen you in that dress and you look so gorgeous!! I can't wait for your wedding to happen already because I am dying to see your pics!! Savannah - PC or not, I totally agree!
  14. Welcome back and congrats! You looked so beautiful and I love the pics of your DH checking out the BD book...he looks so surprised and happy!!
  15. Rachel - haha yeah, that gets me everytime...love the TabathER. Everytime Cat says a name with an "a" sound at the end, she does ER, actually it seems like a lot of British people do that and I find it absolutely adorable lol. Good to know I'm not the only one. I think Rock the Reception is on TLC. It's basically a show about couples who get professional coreographers to coreograph their wedding dance in to something totally unique. I think it's an awesome idea!
  16. Yael - Tabatha and Napoleon? Yeah, I love them too! I believe that you are correct, they do do "Rock the Reception".
  17. I don't know if an encore is airing but I missed an hour of the show because DH wanted to go out to a movie last night. What I did see of it was good though. It was the New York and Denver auditions. That girl that tried out with Katee last year (Katee's roommate) made it straight to Vegas and so did the guy who just missed the top 20 last year because they chose Gev instead also made it straight to Vegas...sorry I can't seem to remember their names! lol
  18. I'm soooo glad to hear everything sorted itself out and that you have your stuff back! At the same time though...a huge WTF at your neighbor, seriously?! DH and I have received our neighbors' mail in the past and we've always promptly returned it to them...the same day! What is wrong with people, and that woman's logic is so messed up "wait until she gets a box", wtf? lol and OMG at the guy asking if you had naked pics, I would have told him that it was none of his damned business. Do people have no shame anymore?! Sigh! Ok, that's my rant. But anyway, I am truly happy you got your stuff back after such a stressful week of waiting.
  19. OMG how could I forget Dominic? Gev is adorable!!! Love them both, of course!
  20. Rachel - ahhh that's awesome, I'm so jealous you got to see them live! Glad to hear your DH likes the show too! Anyone have any favorites from previous seasons? I'm a nerd so I'll list my faves in no particular order: - Sabra (S3) - Pasha (S3) - Neil (S3) - Hok (S3) - Chelsie H. (S4) - Twitch (S4) - Joshua (S4) - Katee (S4) - Mark (S4) - Will (S4) Ok, how about I just love them all! haha
  21. haha yeah, I like to live vicariously through talented people, that's why I love this show! Also, it's the only show I watch that DH can sit through and even enjoy on some level...that says a lot!! lol
  22. No problemo! I am so excited for it to start!!
  23. Any of you girls watch SYTYCD? It's starting up again for its 5th season tonight, I can't wait! One of my favorite shows by far! I know I can't be alone on this!
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