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Everything posted by ~*Kathy*~

  1. Great review! Everything looked amazing...including you!! Congrats on your big day, sounds like it was perfect!
  2. Thanks for the great review, I'm glad your wedding was amazing...I can't wait to see the pics!! I love your bouquet!
  3. lol Savannah, that is priceless, especially the last "poster"
  4. Those pictures are amazing, I love them!! I still can't get over how "cut" your arms are, I am totally jealous!
  5. Happy birthday, I hope you have an amazing day!!
  6. Those pics are beautiful! Congrats from one Iberostar gal to another!
  7. That is a gorgeous dress and you look amazing in it!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB Thanks! Yes, it is! Planning is good and keeping me busy but had a rough week. Here is the scoop, My good friend passed away. Her funeral is tomorrow. It is so sad, she was only 31, would have been 32 on Thursday. Pretty broken up over it. But with everything coming up, I have to stay strong, with the ocassional outburst. We are leaving for Mexico in 3 weeks, then we head off to Australia and New Zealand for 3 weeks. Then we get back and have our AHR. It is going to be crazy! I just got my Annoucements for the DW and AHR out today. WOOO HOO! That is a miracel in itself with the way the week went. I wanted to get them out last week, but had a really hard week. But just keeping busy. Trying to get everything done. FI has been great, I have been a nightmare for him this week. I just hope he still wants to marry me after my bridezilla/mourning ways. Ha! Bess Aw, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. *hugs* That is very sad, especially because she was so young. Is there something you can maybe add to your ceremony or reception to commemorate her memory? I would love to go to New Zealand and Australia! I am so very very jealous of you right now! Gail - Awww thanks and good luck!! I can't wait to hear how it all goes! I know you've been super stressed about it but I am praying that everything will go exactly how you envisioned it. Have a safe trip! Can't wait to see the pics of you wearing "our" earrings haha.
  9. My pleasure!! Your wedding is less than a month away, omg...how pumped are you?!?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB For those that have been to Iberostars, what do the room keys look like? I guess i should have thought about this before I made my key holders. Are they standard credit card sized? THanks! You got it! They look like debit/credit cards.
  11. lol wow! All I can say is you have my sympathy for putting up with all of that crap! You are a far better/nicer person than I would have been about it. I would have quit on that girl ages ago if I had been in your place. You must have the patience of a saint.
  12. Welcome back and congrats! Can't wait to see the rest of your pro-pics, you looked fantastic!
  13. The editing for preliminaries was so brutal this year, I feel like I hardly know the top 20 too, maybe they do that so it's not as obvious who they are before they annouce it...I dunno. Re: Alex...omg I was so pissed about this, he is an exquisite dancer. I hope he can finish up his contract and try out again in the fall, I loved him! My heart broke for him! Re: Unitard chick, wtf is up with that? lol From now on, I shall dub her "Unitard" and that shall be her name haha. Re: Evan and his brother (whose name always escapes me). That was sad, they almost had ME in tears with them...such love between siblings is so beautiful. DH was pissed! He was all like "that's bullshit!" lol, I just told him that I totally called that. I really do hope the brother comes back too, he's NOT "too old, fat, or bald for the show"...poor guy...and I'm so glad that Nigel reassured him that he isn't.
  14. Yael - Yeah, I'm not Kaitlyn's biggest fan so she had better bring it! Love Jeanette and Asuka though. I was so nervous when they waited til the last two girls to tell Asuka she made it!! Yeah wtf was up Mia's ass...again? I don't think Brandon's "cocky" or "arrogant" (however Mia put it). It's funny to me that they're trying to paint Brandon with the same brush they painted Danny (Season 3) with...that whole "cocky" schpiel and Danny made it to the top 4, so whatever Mia!
  15. Those are great pics and you're so gorgeous!! congrats again!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Cassondra2009 I think I'm going to play one of those songs during the ceremony while the guests getting settled...is the OTT? I hope it's not OTT, I used the Yiruma song for my wedding picture slideshow, hehe Also, if you loved River Flows in You then you'll love Kiss the Rain by Yiruma as well....another consideration possibly? Here it is on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSG_qSXB_n8 Enjoy!
  17. I don't want to spoil it for people too but I will say that there are people that made it that I am thrilled they did and others that didn't make it that totally should have...sigh!!
  18. Tammy - lol I'm so glad to hear that you won't be taking the thread down (honest reviews like this are invaluable!). No kidding, wouldn't that be fun? Just sue someone for saying something that hurt your feelings hehe.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host i also just wanted to post a heads up that Michael Maurus did contact me and wants this thread removed or he has threatened legal action against the OP and third parties (i don't think he understands internet laws very well). when will vendors ever learn...threatening legal action for a review made against them is never the right approach. it just gives them more negative publicity. Oh I'm having a big LOL at that right now! And by third parties does he mean anyone who posted in response to this thread? He just proven Simistar's point I believe. Good job Michael, good job So does this mean you have to take the thread down Tammy?
  20. I agree, there were wayyyy more hip-hop type dancers showcased last year and hardly any this year...boo!
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