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Everything posted by ~*Kathy*~

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by *Rachel* Kathy you won't like Bill after you read the books. You're love fest will be over! Sorry! lol that's ominous Rachel! I'm sad to hear that! I thought he was supposed to be a "southern gentleman"
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Kathy, I'm a fan of the books. They are pretty fluffy easy reads and get better as teh series progresses. I'm getting my vampire fix by watching the Vampire Diaries and waiting for New Moon to come out in November. If I find another vampire novel series, I'll let you know. Didn't you read House of Night? Cool, I think I might borrow the books from my friend then..thanks! I did read the House of Night books (have you read them yet?) and the next book in the series is due out in less than a month, I'm very excited.
  3. Happy birthday, hope you have a great day!!!
  4. Kelly - I hear ya, it is a slippery slope for being consistent with the gym! I'm like that too, if I miss too many workouts in a row...I just completely fall off the wagon for months at a time. I hate to say this but the only thing I've noticed that helps keep me accountable is having a personal trainer, but it's worth it if you can get one.
  5. oooooooook, so C and I stayed up until 5 a.m. this weekend watching the rest of season 2, can you say addicted?!?! lol Are the books good? I MUST have something to tide me over until season 3, gawd! P.S. Coug, I heart Bill....and Eric....and Sam...and, and, and.... I love em all! OMG, I am so glad Maryann was killed off, I was so sick of that bitch! That actress that plays her is good at playing bitches I hate as I also hated her character on Battle Star Galactica, ha!
  6. awww you're welcome Lisa!! I am so thrilled you are experiencing so much success with this plan and 3 months is ample time lose a lot more still, if you feel you need to...good job!
  7. I got an "American" bustle on my dress too, but I LOVED the French one. My problem was that they wanted to charge me like $300 - $400 for a French bustle on my dress and I thought that was wayyyyy over priced.
  8. oh yay, that one worked! I love the back of your dress! Definitely let it down for a few beach pics. I think it'll look really pretty bustled too. What kind of bustle are you getting?
  9. Holly, I don't think I've seen your dress yet! Can you post a pic so I can see this "dinosaur" tail you speak of? lol I'm sure it doesn't look like that at all.
  10. Holly, I don't think I've seen your dress yet! Can you post a pic so I can see this "dinosaur" tail you speak of? lol I'm sure it doesn't look like that at all.
  11. I didn't get married on the beach (I chose the gazebo on the resort instead) however, I DID have my dress bustled for my entire ceremony (I entered with it bustled as well) and I had it up for some pics on the beach until my photog suggested I let the train down for a few pictures, so I indulged him. I am so glad that I let the train down for the pics on the beach as some of those turned out to be my favorites...something about they way the train was blowing in the wind looked gorgeous. So that's my 2 cents, do what you're comfortable with. I'm not going to lie though, the entire underside of my dress is BLACK from dragging it along the sand oh well!
  12. Lisa - woot woot! Congrats on the - 2lbs!! After plateauing for the last few weeks, I am thrilled to inform you ladies that I lost 1 lb this week, yay!!!
  13. Personally, I feel like #1 is more flattering on you and I love its simple elegance! Good luck with your decision, either way, Maggie dresses are awesome and I'm sure you'll look fantastic in either of these!
  14. woo hoo, congrats!!! Hope your day is everything you wanted it to be!
  15. Congrats Lisa, owning your own house is one of the best feelings in the world!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 Aaawww, you're so welcome, Kathy! You have a fantastic sense of humor and always make me giggle, (remember your post on The Go-Girl? Priceless!!), plus you just have a really genuine, kind way about you! I think there are so many deserving women on this site, it's always so hard to come up with one B2B and one MRS. for each month -- good luck to each of you and thanks for always making the time I spend on BDW fabulous! Aw! well thanks again, you're so sweet! That go-girl thing IS hilarious...I'm still all "wtf" over it hahahaha. I agree, there are many ladies here that deserve to be nominated, it's always a tough choice each month because there are so many people that should be nominated. Best of luck to everyone!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl 2) i am wearing my wedding-day underwear today. for whatever reason, that makes me smile. Oh Coug!!! That is by far one of the funniest things I've heard all week. Never stop being you!! And I'm glad it makes you smile!
  18. LOL when I just saw the thread title and the person posting, I was all "wtf, did JM marry his sweetheart already?!?!?!" hahaha, never know...those two being so crazy in love and all! Anyhoo, I think it's nice that you're helping out, JM! That dress is gorgeous and I'm sure it'll sell quickly....and 50% off is a hell of a deal, I'm jealous!
  19. You're welcome Lisaloo, I always love your posts! You radiate positive energy, it is totally infectious!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by islandbride317 GREAT NOMS ALREADY, GIRLS!!! Ok.....so, I gave it lots of thought and here are my noms: B2B - Josie MRS. - Kathy They're both fantastic, really supportive ladies that always have a kind word to offer, and I think they both deserve a little recognition! Good luck! Holy crap, thanks so much Christie! I am so honored by your nom! I didn't open this thread expecting to see my name in it lol, that's a nice surprise! Here are my noms for September: B2B - Lisaloo Mrs. - Geralyn I'm also on board with wishing we could just extend Lisa (mummergirl) and Erika's MotM banners for another month, they're really persevering through so much right now and I'm really proud of both of them and have nothing but admiration and respect for them and they way they are handling the hurdles in their lives at this time. those two!
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