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Everything posted by Mel&B

  1. Uh, I'd just like to point out that the original post in this thread was from almost two years ago, and the member has since been banned.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe Hi Mel, great pictures! Love the review. You looked stunning! I remember noticing your dress on PF's website - can I ask who designed it? Hi! My dress was designed by Monique Lhuillier.
  3. So excited for you Jennie! Congrats on your rooms. That's awesome news- whew, what a relief! I'm not sure about the summer projects either... it will be fun to see what went on, but honestly, it was so nice already after last summer's projects! Oh Jennie, I also have a brochure I gave out in the welcome bags. Let me know if you want that one too. It's much more simple- more like an itinerary.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by beau286 Hey Y'all. Newly engaged here. Only about a month. Got a quick start on this all though. Have a few places I'm considering, but at this point Playa Fiesta is the only destination I'm considering. I have a few questions i would like to ask all you past playa brides. Really wanna make this affordable for the guests so that everyone doesn't hate me. Haha. the partial room takeover rate is quite a bit more than the full room takeover. I really want to make it affordable for my guests but at the same time, i dont want to pay 1000's for unfilled rooms. Trying to weigh the pro's and cons here. Right now I have 120 people on my list, so im confident i can fill the hotel for the 4 nights. But then you have to factor in last minute cancellations. ...which is apparently likely. Has this horrid thing happened to anyone before the wedding? I really like Playa Fiesta, but its only possible if it is affordable for me and my guests. And if i wind up spending thousands on cancelled rooms....that could really ruin my special day. Thoughts? feedback. Pros? and cons? Hi, I remember that you also contacted me via Trip Advisor. I just went to Playa Fiesta's website to check out their packages, and it doesn't seem to me that the full takeover is too much less than the partial. If you are only talking $100-$200 per person, I don't think that's too much of a difference. If someone is willing to go to Mexico for your wedding, they aren't going to sweat $100 or $200 dollars. My advice to you would be to do as much research as you can by reading through this thread and contacting Playa Fiesta directly so that they can quote you on the cost of the wedding. The next thing I suggest doing is speaking directly to your family and friends regarding your wedding and everything it will entail. I think you'll be able to gauge if this is something they will support you on. Get a rough count of how many people seem committed to traveling for your wedding. I really think this will help you with your decision. You also have to get everyone really pumped up!!! If you are excited and enthusiastic, your friends and family will follow. Point out all of the great things about Playa Fiesta!!! Let them know the cost. but don't dwell on it like it's a bad thing. My friends and family didn't know what to expect, but they trusted me. In the end, they were all so, so happy that they stayed with us a Playa Fiesta. Good Luck to you! P.S. It look like you live in LA. Flights from LA to PVR are cheap, so you have that going for you, and it makes a big difference!
  5. Woo Hoo, PhillyBride! Thanks soooo much for sharing! Great Stuff! I'm glad Jordan and Jeff say they are a couple. Why do I care? I dunno, but maybe it's because we see so many terds in the media. It's nice to see nice people succeed.
  6. Hey PhillyBride, Do you have the wrap party gossip/video for us?!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by *Nadine* Don't read if you don't want to know who won!!! YAY! I laughed so hard last night when Jordan won. I love it. Stupid natalie. I did think it was weird though how you could see jeff trying to go talk to Jordan at the end and she just gave him the tiniest hug and then said to him something like 'we were the showmance hey'.. or something? Do you think she was duping him? I dont think she would know how to and that she is too nice to do that. But I dont think anything will happen with them outside of the house. I also thought Jordan's reaction was so weird!!! But hopefully Andrea is right and she was just overwhelmed. Honestly, she might need someone to knock some sense into her- Jeff is a gorgeous guy that totally likes her and stuck up for her every moment in the jury house. He defended her and said he would never say one bad thing about her or her gameplay, yet she keeps saying they are "friends". Hello girl, wake up!!! There are going to be a million girls after him now, and HE LIKES YOU! I totally predicted Jordan would win the final HOA comp before the show aired, and my DH thought I was crazy. But everyone has a chance in a guessing game, right?! Jordan totally peaked at the right moment. PhillyBride, I can't wait to hear about the party!!!
  8. PhillyBride, Thanks for the awesome update! I can't wait to see what happens tonight!
  9. Last night's episode was so boring! I don't even watch the live feeds, and there was nothing new. I can't wait until tomorrow!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by PhillyBride09 There are actually. I am a Big Jeff & Jordan fan, but when they had the power for those 3 weeks basically (Michelle's HOH & Jordan & Jeff's HOH) Jeff & Jordan became really arogant and they were on such a power trip. He would be nice to Michelle's face and then when it was him & Jordan he would go off about how much he hates Michelle and being really mean about her. It got to a point where I almost liked him better when he wasn't in power. Jordan was also being really cocky too. Also...I think on the show they showed how Nat & Kevin came up with that lie about Russ and Michelle? Well they called it LML (Last MInute Lie) & what you didn't see was after Kevin started the lie, and told Jeff, Jeff and Jordan confront Michelle and because Michelle has this "Memory" problem, She ADMITTED IT!! She was like, we yea we were in there talking about Final 2 and Blah Blah. It was a total lie that Michelle could have fought but she basically helped them out by admitting to a Lie that never happened (They edited it in a way to make it look like her and Russ were talking, but believe me when I say, it didn't happen that way) Michelle also threw Russ under the bus. She had a BIG hand in Jeff losing all trust in him. If she would have kept her convos with Russ to herself, the final four may have still been in tact, but everytime Russ confided in her about how after the final 4, they would work together for final 2 and he would tell her how Jeff is a strong player & yadda yadda, she would run to Jeff & Jordan and tell them all of that, but change it in a way that made it sound like Russ was shit talking, when he really wasn't. This was the week that Jordan was HOH and Russ stayed safe. Jordan & Jeff told Michelle they were going to confront russ with everything she was telling them and she had no choice but to let them. This was the backyard scene they showed on the show when Jeff was HOH. But really this happened when Jordan was HOH. Then when Jeff got HOH Michelle finally got smart and start keeping the convos between her & Russ to herself, but by then it was too late. Between the LML and her stupid ass running her mouth, Russ was a goner :-( There is so much more, but I can't think right now. I had the live feeds and I did watch them, but for the most part I go to this website and read all the live updates from other people. They watch the feeds CONSTANTLY and transcribe everything that is going on. So between that, my feeds and the discussion board on BB, I am informed...LOL If I think of other stuff I will let you know!! No Problem! I love it! And thanks for the Kitty Compliments! I miss them terribly, but it feels good to know that I saved their lives and found them great homes! Now back to BB! LOL I wish that the Kevin we saw in the DR was the real Kevin. But I have to say, he really seems like he will be taking Jordan to the end if he wins and she is saying she wants to take him (of course they are both telling natalie they are taking her, but you can kind of tell that they aren;t) My opinion is, they don't want to take Natalie because they think that she has friends in the Jury....However, now that the Jury has kind of turned on Nat, Jordan's best bet may be to take Nat, Of course she has no idea the jury turned on Nat, so I doubt that will happen. As for Kevin, I think he has a better chance of winning against Jordan. I enjoyed seeing the old players last night! I also got to explain to my husband all about Danielle's season and how she is the reason that they created the Jury house for every season after her's. She is the best BB player that never won Janelle has always been one of my fav's and when they showed her Veto win, when she was hugging Howie and said "Bye Bye Bitchez!" I was lovin it. Def the best moment of her season!! All in all it's been a good season for me, and I loved the drama!! After the Finale, Evil Dick will be doing Backyard interviews, so I will share some of those with you and Also, every year, someone from that website I go to, goes to the Wrap party and they write a whole blog about it. And also every year at the wrap party they show a Gag reel where they basically make funn of every house guest and it's awesome. Every year someone tapes it, so I will also post the you tube link to that after the Wrap party this year! Good stuff!! :-) The Wrap party will most likely be on Thursday night. I wish it was televised AWESOME!!! Thanks for all of the great gossip. I also love Janelle! I can't wait to hear about the wrap party. I hope Jordan can pull through with another win. She absolutely killed Nat in the mental/physical challenge. Natalie is all talk about how great she is- it's so funny!!!
  11. Well I want to know everything! PhillyBride, are there any events or people that stand out as having been really misrepresented on the TV show?
  12. Thanks for your great updates PhillyBride! I really enjoy them.
  13. PF does provide beach towels, but we did put them in the bags as well. Our guests used them when we went to the beach and around the pool. I think most of them took them home. We see them in our friends houses when we visit them! If bringing towels isn't in your budget, I wouldn't worry about it at all, but I was glad to have them. Our guests plugged in their Ipods to the docking station at the bar and played music all day long.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by jdrewett This is great info on Playa Fiesta. We are looking at PF or Villa Mia. Any input? Our our engagement trip to Sayulita, DH and I actually met a couple that had just been married at Villa Mia. They sent us all of their pictures, and it was amazing and gorgeous. This particular couple stayed at Quinta Del Mar and held the actual wedding at Villa Mia. We chose PF because it allowed all of our guests to stay in one place instead of being spread out across several villas. PF is essentially like one huge villa. I didn't want to deal with trying to organize all of my guests into one place everyday. I live across the country from most of my guests, so I wanted to spend as much time with everyone as possible, while making everything as uncomplicated and stress free as possible. In the end, our guests really enjoyed all of the quality time they were able to spend with the wedding couple (us)! You can have a gorgeous wedding at Villa Mia or Playa Fiesta, but I think PF is the least stressful way to go! Also, the wedding planner is also the owner of the hotel, so she is the most knowledgeable person on earth when it comes to planning a wedding at her hotel. If you get married at Villa Mia, you will also have to hire an outside wedding coordinator. Like I said, both options will provide you with an unforgettable day, but getting married at PF will make you planner process easier and you'll be able to maximize your time with family and friends. Good Luck!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I agree Courtney - but she's annoying! lol I totally agree! She probably the best player, but she's so awkward! I feel mean saying that... but it's true! Who do you think will win the money from the audience for America's Favorite Player?!
  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that proposal was so sad. She was so blase about it! I felt so bad for her boyfriend because she didn't seem happy or excited at all. I think Jordon is the only one who is kinda buying her lies at this point. I hope Jordan can really pull through with some wins soon! I know some people don't like her, but in my opinion she's the most likable person left in this game.
  17. Any live feed watchers that have any good gossip I read one spoiler site and I'm not liking what I'm reading about my favorite players!
  18. Samantha, you are so funny! We didn't get a signature drink, but we did have the sangria at cocktail hour, and I think everyone really liked it. I would suggest doing that over the signature drink, but that's just my opinion. People can get whatever they want at the bar- Aldo and Charlie can make whatever your heart desires- and more! The pictures can be tricky, and even in my pics it looks like we had a signature drink, but we didn't. I'm don't want to give away too much info on this forum because I want you girls to be pleasantly surprised by all of the little wonderful touches throughout the week!
  19. I agree with Kate (as usual)! Try not to stress too much over the rooms. My hunch is that Adam will be very accommodating, and the assignments will depend on how many other guests are at the hotel (if you don't have a full takeover).
  20. PhillyBride, thanks for your updates! They are the best. I can't believe how much is left out from the TV show... good stuff, too!!!
  21. Dang! Major drama! I thought it was interesting to see that Chima's family was disappointed in her actions even before all of this happened. You know you aren't looking good to American when your own family can't even support your behavior.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by wsarah2107 ahhhhhh!!! Playa Fiesta is just soooo amazing!!! Mel which ambiance/candle package did you have?? Gorgeous!! Ambiance package #2 and candle package #3. I didn't have a lot of flowers, so I went with a lot of candles. I thought it was perfect.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by kate.com Hahaha wedding porn is code for wedding pics:) You can click the link in my siggy to see our pics and wedding video if you haven't already! Ha ha! Ok, I do have wedding porn then. Our slideshow just went up on Playa Fiesta's website!Playa Fiesta
  24. does anyone know exactly what this power entails? I can't wait to see what happens!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by DB2B And the dress is in! My first fitting is at the end of the month, so I am painfully working through Jillian Michaels' fitness routines. Ouch! Does anyone have any wedding porn to share! I need a motivational boost! Ooh, and Melissa - I remember one of your posts where you shared the wedding brochure you sent out to the guests who are attending. Can you link to that again? Thats next on my list! Did you really ask for wedding porn?!Am I naive? What is that? I sent you the brochure. I'm glad you are working your guest issues out! It stinks that you had to un-invite someone, but it seems like you are moving forward with a good attitude!
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