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Everything posted by Mel&B

  1. Jennie, First my condolences to you on the season the 49ers are having! Second, love your pictures!! The pic of you two walking on the wall as the sun is setting is just stunning. Gorgeous!!! Your review is wonderful, and I'm sure it will be really helpful to the other girls here. The zipline fiasco is so bizarre. Sorry you had to deal with that. We had groups zipline on two different days, and each group LOVED the tour. Oh, I also love, love your veil- so pretty. Congratulations, again!!!
  2. This is a preview of my album. I thought you girls might enjoy! melissabrian Photo Gallery by Ev at pbase.com
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe I'm also having a hard time choosing my MOH and bridesmaid - the ones I thought of asking no longer know if they can come . It gets to me quite a lot at times and I just get into a mind frame where I'll just buy two dresses and who ever shows up can wear them! Silly, I know! Anyone else had issues with this? If all else fails for you, my sis was my MOH and I had no other bridesmaids. My best friends were all there, and there was no way to narrow it down. They all had a blast, and I liked that they didn't have to spend any extra money to be in the wedding party. Quote: Originally Posted by shreets Did Lindsey send you a list of flowers with prices? What are the cheapest? Flowers aren't too big of a deal for me (I think). I would rather put that money somehwere else - like pictures, so I'll probably go on the cheaper end. Of course I say this now - we'll see what happens when I'm in full swing planning mode! I'm sure its easy to get carried away! You may not get a list of flower prices. I think they fluctuate based on supply and season. Quote: Originally Posted by Monty Crysto Anyways...just trying to decide on some ice breaker games for when everyone arrives. If anyone has any ideas...we will take them!! Shots are a great way to break the ice! Just kidding (well, not really)! We served shots at our first dinner and we brought personalized shot glasses as favors for the welcome dinner. [quote=shreets;1088375 Okay, so i have more questions! What percentage do you put down as a deposit? I was talking to my parents, and they were worried about it being so far out and something happening inbetween then. They asked what happens if the owners decide to sell - how much money would we be out, etc. etc. Did anyone else have these thoughts? Oh, and how did you get from the airport to the Playa Fiesta? How much did it cost? As always - thank you so much for input! Flat deposit, check with Adam. Yes, my parents had all of the same worries until they met Lindsay. You are not alone, but you really don't need to be stressing over those things. Promise!!! Quote: Originally Posted by kate.com Hey... Mel had the tablerunners actually. Mel: could you post them here again? I rented table linens. 90 inch rounds I believe. They were aqua blue. Pics in my slideshow siggy. When are you getting married? And what is YOUR real name? Shreeti! Ok, well it was closer than I thought:) But feel much better knowing that for sure! The tables are 59 inch rounds. I checked my old emails. My mom made table runners and they turned out great! I'll put them up in my next post, which will be a preview of my album. I think you can see the runners in those shots. If not, I'll post more. I love the wedding date idea. Obviously, mine has passed, but we're actually going back for Christmas! December 2009 Melissa & Bryan 12/21/12/27 (Vacation!!!) January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Magalie & Travis (mlabbe) - May 16, 2010 June 2010 July 2010 - Resort closed - August 2010 - Resort closed - September 2010 - Resort closed - October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 Shreeti & Jon (shreets) - specific date undecided Cheers!
  4. Hi Everyone! There's been so much activity here lately! I was away for Thanksgiving, but I'm back now. I read through all of the posts, and it looks like all of the ?'s have been answered. Congrats to the newbies!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe I also had the same question about the dance floor - I think that this is the sort of decision that would be much easier to make doing a site visit! Would the area where you get married make for a good dance area, or is it too far from the bar & music? Otherwise is there enough dance room around the pool? It's odd but looking at photos of the dance floor is looks sort of small - how many people would you say could fit on it to dance? Magalie, I don't think you could dance in the ceremony area. It's pretty far from the DJ- up a set of stairs and above the dining and small pool area. More importantly, it's a little bit far from the bar. It could be wrong, but that's just my opinion. The dance floor feels much bigger than it looks. There were only about 46 people at my wedding, so there was never an issue with too many people on the floor. I really can't see that being a problem... The most we had out there was probably 15-20 at one time, but you can definitely fit more than that. I think Kate did the electric slide, or something like that, with all of her girlfriends. It doesn't feel cramped at all, and like someone else said, it connects the bar to the dining area, so it really makes things come together, and I think more guys hopped on because it was so close to the bar. I think my husband jumped on the dancefloor for about 15 seconds, but our photographer got so many pics of him dancing that it looks like he was out there all night! haha! I'm sure there is plenty of room on the patio to dance if you don't want the dancefloor or else there wouldn't be that option for you. Lindsay has seen an done it all, but I'm honestly partial to the bridge dance floor.
  6. Sam, your pictures are so pretty! I'm so jealous of your sandy beach. I love how every wedding is similar but different because each couple injects their own personality into everything. Your mats turned out great and I love, love, love your cupcake stand and "cupcake" toppers. Kate, I totally agree about watching the dance floor being put together. It's a really cool process, and our group really enjoyed watching it being put together piece by piece. Weiseelliot, I brought table runners, but not full sets of linens. That would have been A LOT. The table runners were ironed at PF, and they turned out great. Like Sam, we brought a lot of stuff with us. It's really fun to see and use your personalized items throughout the week. I agree with everything Sam said about the rooms. Have a great weekend, everyone!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DB2B Hola Chicas! I just wanted to pop in and say hi - I know I was lousy at posting before... I was busy diy-ing for our wedding! Which was AMAZING! Ask any of our guests - they were raving! It's not that I didn't believe Kate or Melissa when they said everyone had a great time - I just was anxious that maybe our group wouldn't feel the same... but they did! We're still waiting for our pro pics, but once I figure out how to post candid shots, I'll try to do so - I DIY'd my tail off and we took so much down with us, I want to show it all off! And to everyone planning a PF wedding - it is completely and totally worth it! We did a site visit last year (which is awesome because they totally take care of you!), but I can honestly say this is the one place I can recommend booking sight unseen! And a special shout out to JennieBey! After you left on Sunday, I put two and two together and realized I'd seen you on the BDW board! I didn't realize it when we met! Congratulations to you too! I saw your pics on Michelle's blog and they look beautiful! Your flower centerpieces were gorgeous as well...we got to look at them after you were gone! Yeah!!! Congratulations! I'm so glad you and your group had such a wonderful time. For the girls returning from their weddings- please (pretty please) try to write reviews. There are so many new people checking out or PF thread and I know they are dying for as much info, pics, reviews, etc. as possible. Quote: Originally Posted by shreets congrats! I can't wait to see pics. It's so nice to hear that things were amazing - especially since we're probably not doing a site visit! So random question - what kind of shoes did you ladies wear? It's not in the sand so did you wear heels? I wore heels. I actually love PF for the fact that I could wear pretty heels. They just make me feel taller and skinnier. haha! Quote: Originally Posted by wieseelliott Hi all playa fiesta brides- My name is Christa, my fiance Tyler & i are getting married at PF April 16,2010. Of course like all of you- we are extremely excited. I have a few questions i wanted to ask all of you. 1) did any of you use the videographer the hotel suggests? 2) did any of you go without the dance floor? As far as the dance floor- we just arent sure its worth the $1000+ when i have seen pictures of other weddings where they are dancing in the open area by the pool. 3) how were all the rooms- bridal suite, penthouses, other ocean view rooms? they seem very nice but hard to tell since its just pictures thank you, ive found all the other posts helpful. christa Welcome Christa! Here are my answers to your questions: 1) No 2) No. I'm sure you go without and everything would still be beautiful. You'd have to talk to Lindsay about logistics. I have to say that my friends had a really fun time on the bridge dance floor. It was a really cool novelty, and we even danced on it the night before, too! The non-dancers (ie party poopers) hung out by the bar and the area between the big and small pools. 3) The bridal suite and penthouses are very, very nice! The most impressive rooms are the three bedroom penthouses. They are just gorgeous, with amazing views and wrap-around terraces. The next 5 months will fly by!
  8. Jess, We have very, very similar rings, and it turns out that our husbands will have the exact same rings. So funny! I love your planning thread and your sense of style- from the bridesmaid dresses to all of your cute honeymoon outfits to your yellow color scheme! You've done an amazing job pulling it all together, and I can't believe your day is finally almost here! You are going to be such a gorgeous bride! Good luck and congratulations!
  9. Magalie, your dress is absolutely stunning, and you look beautiful in it.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kate.com Magalie- any pics of your dress Yes, you can't just throw out a teaser like that without any pictures!!!
  11. One thing to determine is whether you want to be in Nuevo or Puerto Vallarta. I've staying in both areas. Nuevo is about 20 minute outside of PV. It's a great place to go if you want to stay at the resort and truly enjoy everything that an AI offers. If you want to go out in PV a lot and explore the city, then I'd stay in PV. There are a lot of RIU and Dreams brides on this site, so I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding the info you are looking for. Good luck!
  12. Jennie, CONGRATS!!! Your pics are really, really beautiful. I love flower centerpieces. They are so simple and elegant. I can't wait to hear all about it, and I bet the new PF brides are even more eager to read your review. I remember that I was on such a high when I returned from my wedding. Enjoy!!! It also looks like those crazy rocks went away for the time being. Mother Nature is such a weirdo!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kate.com Hi Elizabeth!!! I just remembered that I have to email you back:) = Jessica- you can check out our website and copy and paste anything you'd like... the other Kate and I did this when we were making ours:) Wedding Website - Kate & Bill Ha ha! I think I actually copied some of your website, too! Your in-laws place is amazingly gorgeous!!!
  14. I just read my last post. Sorry for all of my spelling grammar errors. Maybe I should have another cup of coffee!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by shreets My biggest issue at the moment - is figuring out how to ask extended family / friends if they'll be able to come so early. The wedding wouldn't be for another yearish......I guess this is where the save the date's come in handy. I just flat out asked them. You can enlist your mom or another family member too. Some people committed right away, and those were the people that ended of booking right away. Some people were a little more hesitant, but honest in the fact that they weren't sure. They ended up staying at another hotel for fewer night. Then, there was some people that we didn't even know would come totally surprised us and booked at PF. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe The policy is in the contract, and it hasn't changed! My passion is photography so I'm really picky, but regardless I just know though that in the end it will be fine no matter who I go with. No need to be a bridezilla over it! I would be happy with Elizabeth, but she's hasn't replied yet as to whether she is available. Has anyone else found that she is not quick to reply? I was also wondering if anyone else is having difficulties getting Adam to stick to his deadline? I feel that I have to keep asking for things way after he said I'd have them by. Everyone has their one thing that they care a lot about. Don't feel bad about it! I think photographers are a little slow via email in general. When you think about their day to day schedule, it makes sense. They spend a lot more time taking pics, editing, traveling, etc than they do at their computers answering email. I think it's just the nature as the beast. As for Adam, he does sometimes take longer than Lindsay via email, but he's really great. Hang in there.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by shreets Hi Ursala, I agree - I'm in love with the place too! From what I've seen on their website - it's not all inclusive. There is an open bar and depending on how many days you're there - there's a couple days were breakfast is included. They have a dinner and entertainment package that you can add on. Does anyone know if kids pay the same price? It's open bar but not all inclusive. However... breakfast is included each day, and we paid for the D&E package. So our guests only paid for lunch and 2 dinners. We were there for 5 nights, so it was close to all-inclusive, but not totally. The breakfast spread is so amazing that most people only ate a light lunch anyways or went into town. Hey Noob's, Congratulations to all of you!!! You have an incredible journey ahead of you, and it's going to be amazing. Did I speak to any of you via email? Sometimes I can't tell with the BDW user names, and it would be cool to know which girls I may have already chatted with. I did use an outside photographer; Portland Wedding Photographer and Photography and Portland Portrait Photographer I'm not sure what the current policy is on outside photographers, so it's always good to check. I actually found him and had my heart set on him before I found Playa Fiesta, so that's why I brought him in. I also wrote reviews on PF and Evrim and posted pictures.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by kate.com Hey Mel!!! Yes, and the guac is to die for! And if you want a good light lunch to share try the taco wheel... Bill wants the wheel dish so we can make them at home. Mmmm.... Ha ha!!! We want the wheel too! Maybe I should try to find it for Bryan for Christmas. He's actually the cook in our house. When we were there it was called "Tacos for Two" on the menu.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by kate.com Hello, As far as vegetatian goes there are several options... we had the veggie dumplings for an passed app- they were amazing. The wedding night is completely seperate- so the bride and groom pay for dinner/open bar that night. I know people will pay for open bar after dinner until 10 then do a cash bar sometimes. Lindsay will help you with your budget and make suggestions based on her experience... remember they do this every week, they know what works! Remember that Adam and Lindsay are foodies from San Francisco. The food is all amazing I promise! This is above and beyond any destination wedding experience you could have imagined... our guests thought they were at a celebrity wedding and I felt like a celebrity all week. It is quite the experience. Melissa was right that though it isn't cheap, you can very easily be spending the same amount at another mega resort all said and done... our costs were up front, so maybe hard to swallow at first, but there were no suprises so the wedding week was relaxing/not stressful at all. Hi Kate!!! As usual, I agree with everything Kate said. And yes, the food is all really, really good. I can't tell you how many friends asked for the recipes for some of the dishes. One friend even went home and made the beans they serve with breakfast everyday. This sounds weird, but once you go you'll understand.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess yeah doesn't look good in photos...i didn't do it and actually like the way my pale skin looks in my bd pics Hi Jess, where did you end up going?! I didn't know you went ahead with it. That's exciting.
  20. My BD photog told me not to do it. I was so pale, but the pics look great. My suggestion is to ask your photographer.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jdrewett Thanks so much. This eases some of my concerns and questions, coming from working in the industry. I just need to trust and enjoy the planning. hehe. : ) You can totally trust Lindsay as she helps you plan. It just makes it a lot easier and she's the best.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by jdrewett So my questions are: 1. Does it seem odd we can't use the D&E #1 for the wedding night if we like the menus offered and are willing to cover that cost instead of adding it to the guest charges? 2. Is the bar on the wedding night different than the bar on another night? If so, it makes sense. Did you girls choose to host the bar or do something different (signature cocktails, margarita station, etc)? 3. Since the property where I work there are options to use existing set at no charge, or rent banquet tables for a charge, I hadn't budgeted for this cost. I understand if they need to make money for their investment, but just checking I understand it all. As I mentioned before, we have a pretty set budget, so I am trying to anticipate/understand all the costs now to avoid surprises later. We are going to do our site visit in December. We are looking at doing the 4 night weekday for November 2010. Thanks for all your help! Hi! I'll try to answer your questions. 1. I think you just have to think of the wedding as completely separate from the rest of the week. I also got D&E#1, and I really enjoyed having those two dinner's spaced throughout the week. I don't think it seems odd if you just think of the wedding night as its own special occasion (with its own special costs, of course!) 2. Bar is the same, or you can upgrade to the premium bar, which will include more brand name liquors. We kept the bar the same because we didn't have room in the budget for the premium bar. I was very happy with that decision. The bartenders make so many yummy concoctions that many people deviated from their usual "kettle and soda" or whatever. I didn't do an extra drink station. My advice with D&E #1 would be to get a desert instead of a drink station. Our guests went wild for the fried ice cream. 3. I didn't question the per table charge. I got quotes from other WC's that included linen and silverware rentals, glassware, etc., which PF didn't charge for. I think it all works itself out, and probably to our advantage. When will you be there in December?
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess Mel - where have you been? I've missed you!!! Hope married life is going well Hey Jess!!! I've been around. I keep up with the Playa Fiesta thread in order to help out the new brides there. I can't believe your wedding is almost here! Just one more month to go. I'll definitely be here to see your pics and hear all about it.
  24. I did D&E Package #1, Candle Package #3, wooden chairs, homemade table runners... just like Kate said. I don't even know what the banquet tables are... I also sprinkled multi-colored sea glass on the tables. It was beautiful.
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