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Everything posted by Mel&B

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess Mel did you decide what you are doing? We are trying to figure it out now. We are hoping to go to a really nice hotel and just stay in PV area - anyone have any recommendations? Hi Jess, We are getting married at a boutique hotel, Playa Fiesta. It's just south of where you will be a Dreams, and we'll be there for one week. After that we are heading up to Dreams Villamagna in Nuevo Vallarta for 3 nights. We wanted to get away from town and just totally relax at an all-inclusive. We are usually really active and love to go out, so we wanted to get out of town and just find a place that would force us to totally relax and be mellow. This might not be the best option for you because you will be at Dreams in PV, and I doubt you'd want to head to another Dreams. Do you want a really nice, fancy hotel, or do you want a nice boutique hotel? I would suggest Nuevo Vallarta for a nice all-inclusive that would allow you to stay in the area, but get out of PV. There are also really nice boutique hotels in Sayulita and south of PV in Zihuatanejo. Sayulita will be about an hour north from PV, and I think Zihua is about 2 hours or more south. Let me know what you are looking for and I'll offer more suggestions! I got engaged in Sayulita, so I'm pretty good at that area.
  2. Happy Wedding Day to you and Bill!!! I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to hear about it and see your pics!! CONGRATULATIONS!
  3. I love the caricature idea. It's so different! So, you can really just go to the malecon and find someone to draw a caricature
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess I'm so excited to be a Dazzling Details bride! Kristin seems amazing. Our wedding is booked for 11/28/09. The ceremony will be at a Catholic Church in town TBD and then the reception will be at Dreams. Jess, I'm so excited for you! DD is awesome. You will have a beautiful wedding! I didn't realize you were a fellow PV Bride.
  5. I love trip advisor! I've planned several trips based on reviews, and I've yet to be disappointed. I totally agree with Abbie's thoughts on the 2 types of travelers. I think you can kind of tell when reading the review if the reviewer is like you or dislike you. Does that make sense? Some people are insanely hard to please. You need to treat people with respect, be friendly, and TIP! The rewards are immeasurable. My honeymoon hotel opened a month ago, and the reviews are totally a mixed bag. I'm just hoping that by the time I get there in 3 months, the kinks will be worked out. The real traveler photos are totally the best!
  6. I'm sorry that happened! It's so hard at first, but I'm sure he'll be ok. I have a good friend in software sales that was laid off. He found a job after 5 weeks and he's back at work now!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Kate~ K8!! I've been checking for your thread...I think I've seen all these pics in bits and pieces and have loved it all, but when you see everything together it is STUNNING!! You and Bill are going to have the most fabulous wedding...and you know I'll be waiting to hear all about it!!!!! Know that I'll be thinking of you all next week, especially Friday at sunset You've worked so hard, now go and relax and enjoy and get married.... Can I say "Ditto!" to everything Kate said? I can't believe your time is finally here! Everything looks gorgeous. Your dress is stunning. I love your hanging programs- definitely an idea I may have to borrow. I also love the jewelry you had made for your girls. They are going to be thrilled. I am so excited for you! I think part of the fun of wedding planning on BDW is sharing the process with others and then sending them off! I love it!
  8. I could be totally wrong, but I think Cinco de Mayo is more of a US holiday. I know Easter and Day of the Dead are really crazy in Mexico, but I'm not sure about Cinco de Mayo.
  9. Your hair is sooo pretty! I like dramatic eyes, so I'm not a good person to ask about that. LOVE THE HAIR.
  10. first pic and with front pulled up are my favs.
  11. Did you put your first aid labels on the bottome side of the kit? The top of my kits have "Johnson & Johnson" written in raised lettering.
  12. Welcome! Don't freak out. It'll be ok.
  13. We booked our flights with points a couple of months ago, but we JUST booked FI's parents flights for $483 each. Prices may continue to drop, but we pulled the trigger. I went to PV last may and paid $588.00 for my ticket, so I figured a savings of $100.00 one year later is pretty good. May Brides do Rock!
  14. I've done it in San Francisco! It's awesome. S Factor is an awesome workout, so be prepared to sweat. It's also really fun and you will learn some pole tricks. I recommend it. I have friends that took pole dancing lessons in a strip club for bach parties. That is completely different than S Factor. You won't be allowed to drink. You will be working out, but having a great time as well. We all got S Factor tank tops and took pics around the pole at the end.
  15. I've been in your exact same boat! You're in luck! Tickets just went down from Atlanta to about $550.00. We both are getting married in May, so I would think the prices would be the same for you. Try Travel Deals: Airfare, Vacations, Cruises, and More | Travelzoo Travelocity and Vayama have the best prices and flight times right now for my trip. This has been a big relief to our Atlanta friends. Most of our family and friends are coming from CA too, but we are really happy prices went down from Atlanta.
  16. We traveled US Airways to go home for Christmas. There was no beverage service at all, the seats were really hard and actually made my but ache, and they lost our luggage too. I hope your experience will be much better! Just keep your dress with you! Good luck.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl Your welcome Melissa!!! Where did you get your monogram? I love it! I am in love with seahorses I had my invitations designed by Jocey at My Wedding Invites The monogram was part of the design and she gave me the artwork. If you go to her site, she has another seahorse design you can look at. She is going to post my invites for sale in the upcoming months!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli I might have the minority opinion here, but I think that the trip is their vacation too. At least that is the attitude I'm taking with my guests. I get my wedding day, not their entire vacation. Since people are spending quite a bit to go on a vacation that I picked out for them, I'm ok sharing with what they want to do. If your friend really does want to get engaged on a beach and cant afford to go on another beach vacation, this is her only chance. As you said You will still get your day, and they get to create a great memory on the last day of the trip. Plus, her engagement story will always start with "we were at ch2344's wedding" I agree with Ashli!
  19. Thanks so much for posting this! I just got my wedding shoes for $40.00 (well, I hope they turn out to be my shoes). Awesome deal! Thanks for posting the sale and the 20% off code.
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