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Everything posted by Mel&B

  1. 3.4 miles on the treadmill this morning, alternating sprints at 8.0 for .25 miles with .10 miles at 6.0 & shred tonight (level 3 with 5 pound weights. almost died!)
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* I'm going to move on to Level 3 tomorrow morning. Is it weird that I'm really nervous about it? LOL ha ha! Jillian taunts you in level 3. I would be cussing her out- if I could breathe! It doesn't start out too bad, but I'm a puddle of sweat on the floor at the end.
  3. Here's the scoop on calorie burn. I've been rotating between level 2 and 3. I burn an average of 200 calories for each workout. I only burn about 165 calories jogging on the treadmill for 20 minutes (just let you know that for comparison).
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by evie I did a core video on the balance ball yesterday and 30 mins of indoor cardio because we had a snow day. Today weights at lunch! I am also keeping a food log. Mel&B 6 miles?! I wish I could! I was snowed in on Sunday, and I didn't have anything better to do than spend an hour on the treadmill! I did level 3 of Jillian's shred last night and level 2 this morning. I'm going to spin class tonight.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by yamille Mel- your brochures look great! Ayita- I started a thread about wedding related dreams/nightmares a few weeks ago but there weren't many people that had tehm and i'm sure it's just buried. Yours was funny though. How funny! I have a wedding nightmare once a week! It's weird though because I don't feel stressed at all! I guess my subconscious is freaking out more than I know.
  6. I ordered these bags for my OOT Bags. Try Mexican Market Bags and Oil Cloth I ordered three different styles: mulit colored, mermaids, and virgin mary's. I love them. They are perfect beach bags and really represent the area. I saw these bags everywhere in Sayulita, but I'm not sure if I remember the bags with the woman's face specifically- was it Frida?. I wish I could remember the name of my favorite store in Sayulita. It's near the water and they have the coolest stuff in the whole town...
  7. I ordered these bags for my OOT Bags. Try Mexican Market Bags and Oil Cloth I ordered three different styles: mulit colored, mermaids, and virgin mary's. I love them. They are perfect beach bags and really represent the area. I saw these bags everywhere in Sayulita, but I'm not sure if I remember the bags with the woman's face specifically- was it Frida?. I wish I could remember the name of my favorite store in Sayulita. It's near the water and they have the coolest stuff in the whole town...
  8. I ran 6 miles on the treadmill today, did day 3 of my ab video, and 20 minutes of yoga.
  9. Just wanted to check in and say hi! I just finished my pre-wedding brochure, but other than that, I haven't done a thing. I need to get with it!
  10. I really wish I could help you, but I don't have a mac. Good Luck! I'm sure someone will come through with something.
  11. Here's my pre-wedding brochure. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t38113
  12. You must be so happy. Elizabeth did an amazing job, and your pics are breathtaking. Most importantly, you look so beautiful! Love the day after pics too!
  13. We aren't paying for guest passes. We've clearly posted the cost for guest passes, and our guests that have chosen to stay elsewhere have weighed the costs of guest passes into their decision. It was helpful to post the costs because it gave everyone a clear idea of the cost for staying with us vs. elsewhere. Guests that are not staying with us do not need to buy a guest pass for the ceremony and reception. It's not required at our hotel.
  14. It does not appear in the pdf at all, but when vista print created a proof for me, it showed up. I can't even see the weird white stuff in my pp file or my pdf- only on their proof. It's so weird! Maybe I'll just order and hope for the best. They are free, after all.
  15. One thing I would caution you about: You are sending them so early that people may not feel a sense of unrgency to repsond on time. That's just my two cents. We have a lot of friends that didn't commit until 2 months before we are set to leave, and there are still a few up in the air. Overall, I've been really pleased with the response. We set a 2/15 deadline for our 5/1 wedding, and we've receive most cards back.
  16. Thanks for posting, but they don't ship to my state.
  17. Thanks for your help ladies! It works now, but it's really finicky. I have to put it on right before I start working out. If I put it on and waiting to long before exercising, it craps out.
  18. My BD shoot is in exactly 3 weeks! I really need to get with it. I've been working out really hard, but I haven't seen results on the scale. I'm not overweight, but I have a hell of a time getting rid of the last few pounds. I'm going to get Jillian's book today. Is two weeks enough time to lose 5 pounds? Back to topic, I did level 3 of the 30 day shred dvd today. I wore my heart rate monitor, and I only burned 213 calories. It feels like it should be about 300! Then, I did day 2 of my 5 day ab dvd. 247 calories total. I plan on running this evening.
  19. I also have a pp brochure converted to a PDF, but when I ordered a proof in Vista Print, there is one area where some random white stuff shows up in the background. I called Vista Print, and they said I needed to flatten the layers before converting the file. I've spent all evening trying to figure this out, and I'm stumped! What did you do to make this work. I just have this one final step to go through... please help.
  20. 2009 BRIDES: brittbrodin - Las Caletas - March 21, 2009 Mel&B- Playa Fiesta- May 1, 2009 klhutsell - Villa Celeste - May 16, 2009 JaimeLynne Mayan Palace May 24, 2009 Susanandmo Dreams Nuevo Vallarta May 24, 2009 Bca33 -Las Caletas June 6, 2009 jmiranda - Riu Vallarta - October 21, 2009 Jess - Dreams Puerto Vallarta - 11/28/09 MaryS-Mayan Palace - 11/28/09
  21. My brochure will be done this week. It's full of PV info. I'll post it when it's complete.
  22. Thanks ladies! Hopefully it was just a glitch this morning.
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