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Everything posted by latinbeauty

  1. Everything came out so nice! I'm sure everyone will enjoy all of it.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by RZurla ha ha - if your family and friends are anything like mine - RSVP date didnt mean a thing but you should let them know with as much notice in advance as you can. I sent mine as soon as I picked my date Oh God! I hope when it comes to the time i send the STDs my family even recognizes what the heck they are. I swear they are hopeless sometimes!
  3. Your tags came out great! I don't know that i'd be able to get myself to make them. LOL
  4. I am so happy for you! Both for the deal and relief of stress. Can't wait to see more pics.
  5. Everything is so pretty - I can't wait finally get started on my DIY projects as i've narrowed down everything i really want. Hahaha
  6. Everything is so amazing! You did-done-well. LOL
  7. latinbeauty


    Congrats and welcome! My old (haha) college roommate wedding had her wedding at Disney. She loved it -are you getting married in the castle?
  8. Wow! Why is it that family members are so awful when trying to plan a wedding? Why is it that they feel so entitled to? I don't know. Just brush it off - its not worth the fustration.
  9. Your is beautiful! All of it is and invites are superb. Heehehe
  10. 50% off - that's amazing. Its like it was meant to be for you.
  11. I love the one where you are standing and he's giving you a kiss. The expression on is face is so sweet. You are obiviously his world.
  12. mmmm...just the thought of it makes my mouth water...Of course i'm at work so i can't do anything about it...LOL
  13. I've used Vista Print for business cards before but never even considered them for wedding stuff. I think i will have to look into it Everything you made came out great!
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