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Everything posted by Shannond4156

  1. I have a cheat day built into my diet. It helps me fight off the cravings during the week knowing I can get my sweet fix on Saturday. It makes my Sundays really hard though! The other thing I have found that works is make sure to eat lots of protien. It helps keep me from being so hungry and getting as many cravings. I find that when I get really hungry is when the cravings hit hard!
  2. I am exactly the same way. If I let myself have one cheat I fight really hard not to let myself go for the whole day! However, it is true (at least for me) if you never allow yourself any treats then when you do have one you tend to go overboard. I am on a diet now that builds a cheat day in. I look forward to it every week! It makes it easier to turn down the pizza and beer if I know I can have it come Saturday! However when Sunday roles around I have serious cravings for anything that is bad for me. Casey, don't beat yourself up. I know when I fall off the wagon I try and make up for it with some extra time at the gym the next time I go!
  3. My parents are throwing in about 1/2 of what it is going to cost us in total. We are paying for the remainder.
  4. Let's see. 1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? I currently work in marketing for a large financial company. My dream job would be to do marketing for Apple. However, I used to think my dream job would be traveling to sporting events and event planning. I did it for two years and hated being gone every weekend and having no life at home. So I guess I am happy where I'm at right now. 2: What is your favorite hobby? My favorite hobby is reading, but I only let myself do it on vacation. Once I pick up a book, I can't put it down. This has led to a couple very late nights. 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? St. Patrick's day. I am Irish and what a better way to celebrate a holiday then with green beer! 4: What is your greatest achievement? Graduating from college and hopefully soon starting my graduate degree! 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? My adorable dog Bailey - He is quirky just like me! 6: What is your dream trip? Costa Rica, I really wanted to get married there, but that didn't pan out. Hopefully a one year anniversary trip :-) 7: What is your fav food? Wild Rice Soup - especially my mom's! 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? My Grandma. She was an amazing woman that was years beyond her time. Her strength and courage amaze me even today. She died about 8 years ago but she will always have a big impact on my life. 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? Blue, I love blue! 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Charlotte, NC. I don't know why, but I love it there! 11: How many siblings do you have? I am the oldest of four. I have one sister and two brothers. 12: What is your biggest fear? Jellyfish - kind of odd for a girl that lives in Iowa! 13: Whats your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? Pumpkin Pie 14: Do you have a nickname? I've had a couple over the years. Shan, Shanny, Nae-nae 15: What causes do you support? This is an area I want to do more in. I currently financially support a coulple charities but am looking to get into a big brothers/big sisters program. 16: What is your guilty pleasure? Anything with sugar in it is one. Another is my DVR. I love a lazy saturday to catch up on shows I don't have time to watch. It's like creating my own marathons! 17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? Become invisible. To be a fly on the wall could be good or bad, but I'd like to find out! 18. How old are you? 29 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? Go on a very long vacation with friends and family! 20. What gadget to you not need, but still want? A Gocco. I am currently obsessed with finding new gagets that will make my diy projects more fun. Need to stop or this diy thing is going to cost me a lot more than having someone else do it for me. 21. What is your favourite T.V. show? Brothers and Sisters, it reminds me of my family! 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" Probably within about 2 months. He had become such a big part of my life so quickly I couldn't imagine living without him. He is a little older than I am an never thought he would be married so I think the actual moment I realized he was the "one" was when he broke down and told me he loved me. This was hard for him and meant the world to me. 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? My favorite pair of jeans. I always feel great in them! 24. How many or do you want children? 2 or 3 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? I've met lots of sports figures, NASCAR, NFL and NBA through my old job. 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why?
  5. Congrats Montego! That is encouraging. I drink a ton of water, but as with everything else, I am not as good about it on the weekends as I am when I sit at my desk all day and have it in front of me! I also had a good weekend. I weighed myself on Saturday morning and I was down 2 lbs.! Doesn't sound like a lot but I have been STUCK forever on the same weight so I was thrilled. It helped me behave myself this weekend.
  6. Great info! This is really helpful as I was just starting to research what site to use. I think I'll go with Shutterfly now!
  7. I don't think you are obligated at all. It's your wedding; pick who will be there for you! Good luck!
  8. I keep dreaming that I am in Mexico for my wedding and the wedding happens before I am ready. I have had this three times now and each time I cry in the dream because my photographer doesn't show up. I've decided I now need to make a decision on photography and hopefully stop having this dream. Hopefully I won't take this out on my future photographer. I am going to be double checking everything :-)
  9. That is not fun! However, keep in mind it's your day and get what you want. Just close your ears when the negative starts to roll in . . I know easier said then done!
  10. I banned myself from looking at the forum at work this morning and I found myself dying to know how many unread posts there were. I finally had to cheat at noon. Hey, I made it a 1/2 day!
  11. I believe the grills are no longer available for receptions. I have asked but haven't gotten an answer yet. Let me know if you hear differently!
  12. How are things going for everyone this week? I've had a good diet week and a okay exercise week so far. I belong to a boot camp type gym where we do kickboxing three days per week and then resistance bands of strength training three days a week with Sunday being the off day. I took the summer off and the workouts have been kicking my butt, I guess that's what you get for enjoying sleeping in and not working out every day. There is a diet that goes with the program that I am horrible at following, but as of today, I am still on the bandwagon for the week. Hopefully it pays off and I get off my plateau!
  13. I love your dress on you! It looks perfect. Your bridesmaids dresses look great and you all look great together! Congrats.
  14. I am doing the same thing. Our invites probably won't go out until the end of January. I sent STD's early in the process so those who are coming have already booked or are in the process!
  15. We have early voting here so I voted about a month ago. I am glad I voted early, but it kind of makes election day feel weird when you don't actually go to the polls. It's crazy to think after two years of election news it is almost over. I can't wait to watch the returns tonight.
  16. I am very obsessed as well. I live in Iowa so we start getting all the political candidates touring the state about six month before the caucus. I am worried about how are local tv stations will make any money once the election is over :-) I am excited and a little nervous for Tuesday. What will I do with all my time come Wednesday? I guess I do have a wedding to plan :-)
  17. Great idea on starting the thread. I am stuck on my current weight. I lost 15 earlier this year and would like to lose 15 more before the wedding! I am going to have to really focus on food as hitting the gym is no longer doing it! I would like to lose 5-10 by Christmas. My weakness is weekends. I can behave all week but as soon as Friday night rolls around it is really hard to say no to the beers and bad food. What a better way to get off my plateau then by kicking this bad habit!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by beachhappy Does anyone have the 2009 wedding package information? I have not been able to find it on-line and have not gotten a response to my email requesting it. I've got it and can send it over. The only problem is it is huge so I can't attach it. PM me your e-mail and I'll send it to you.
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