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Everything posted by Shannond4156

  1. We are back and had an amazing time. Everything was perfect. We were in Playa Del Carmen until Saturday so we were there during the whole Swine Flu outbreak. The resorts cleared out quite a bit after the news hit but we never saw any issues in the area. They did have a health check we had to go through on our way home and there were a lot of masks but overall it didn't change anything on our trip or wedding. I am working on a review but I had to post a couple non pro pics!
  2. Hey Ladies, I just got back from my wedding at the Barcelo Maya Palace. It was amazing, everything was perfect. I'll be writing a review in the next week, but if you have any questions in the meantime please feel free to PM me or ask me here!
  3. Wow everything looks great! Have so much fun and enjoy every moment!
  4. My mom also felt the same way, but I think it has a lot more to do with the name then the actual idea of it. Once I showed her some pics and she met my photographer she became more excited about it. The photographer we are bringing with us also calls it Anti-Bridal which helped her get over it as well! I agree with the others also though, if she still has these feelings wear your short dress for TTD or buy a cheaper dress, there are lots of options!
  5. We leave for our wedding next Wednesday. I still have people e-mailing the travel agent to check on prices. We put in our invite that we needed to know by March 1st and it didn't help at all. We did also have a lot of people book within about 2 months of the STD's going out, just a few late stragglers.
  6. I had the same problem and it was soooo frusterating! How many calories a day are you eating? I was eating too few, he had me add around 300-400 per day and since then I have dropped about around 13 lbs. Might not be the same issue for you, but it might be worth looking into. Plus I really enjoyed eating a little more!
  7. I feel your pain! My FI chewed and smoked for years before we met. I also smoked, but was a social smoker. I totally quit about a year and a half ago. When I did that he decided to get on board. After a couple difficult weeks he ended up going on Chantix and it helped him quit all together. He has had a few relapses but it was much less painful than his attempts to quit on his own.
  8. Thanks Ladies! I did take a before pic. We are in the middle of moving but I'll try and dig out a swimsuit tonight and take an after pic and post. That is if I am brave enough! Good job to everyone for sticking with it! This season was perfect timing for me. I had my BD pics over the weekend and we leave for the wedding in just over two weeks. So I defiantley had the motivation on my side. My FI and I made a bet after the holidays. I am within one pound of my goal weight from that bet. We both had different rewards, but mine was I was not allowed to do any shopping for vacation clothes until I hit my goal. So thanks ladies for the motivation . . . I am hopefully within a couple days of buying some new beach clothes!
  9. Last weigh in day! We are closing on our new house today and moving so I should have waited until the end of the day before sending my weight in. Moving all those boxes hopefully will be a little bit of a workout. Good luck to everyone! Thanks also for being a huge motivation for me. I have finally broken through my 4 month plateau during this season and that feels really good!
  10. We have had family in town all week and I totally spaced it. I was down just a tad. Hopefully it will continue so next week I can have a good weigh in. Congrats to those who lost!
  11. What a bad situation. I was soooo close to booking [photographer name removed] when all the drama was going on with her contest. I ended up booking with someone else after talking to a few girls who had hired her in the past. I am sorry you had to go through this, but thank you for writing this review. It hopefully will help a future bride out!
  12. I go to a gym where they take measurments and pictures every ten weeks. At first I hated getting into a swimsuit and letting someone take a picture of all the flab, but it really has been a huge motivation to see the changes over time even when the scale isn't moving. I also would recommend adding more strength training to your routine when you hit a plateau. I know I prefer cardio but it is how I have gotten past two plateaus!
  13. My mom felt the same way. However once we showed her some pictures we figured out her issue was more the name of the shoot rather than the actual idea. She hated the idea of ruining something but once she go over the name she is now okay with the concept. Our photographer is also calling it an anti bridal shoot which is helpful!
  14. I've got them but they are really big so I can't post them here. If you PM me with your e-mail address I can send them to you.
  15. Good work ladies! I can't believe we are already to week four. I hit the three months until the DW date this week, now I just need the scale to keep steadily moving! I am holding off buying any new clothes in hopes that I can reach my goal. One think I know works for me and has been suggested by my trainer is one free day per week. Doesn't work for everyone, but it really helps me stay away from the temptations all week if I know I can indulge one day of the week.
  16. I work for a big mortgage provider and get all the news on this topic, plus we are looking into buying so I pay close attention. Right now you do have to pay the money back. I believe the tax credit is good for those who buy through April or May. However, the government is looking into having this be a pure tax credit in the near future. If that happens we will finally get off the fence and buy, but as of today you do have to pay it back.
  17. We have 35 people booked for the Barcelo Maya Palace. We have about 15 still considering coming and we are hoping to end up with no more than 40.
  18. I missed my workout on Monday but I was really good all week with food and I'm excited to see if that translates to the scale. I am getting to crunch time for me. My BD shoot is in 6 weeks! If that can't motivate me I am not sure what will!
  19. I followed my plan today! Hooray! We are also doing a biggest loser competition at work so it makes it nice that there are not as many temptations around! My FI is working out at night now. My biggest weakness was always dinner when we would eat together and it seemed like my only kind of bad for me meal was way better than his really bad for you meal. No more peer pressure for me!
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