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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. I have a hard time believeing that even though you have a great relationship, asking yourself if it will last or hoping this does not ever cross one's mind. ESEPCIALLY when it comes to the "For Worse" part of the commitment. I concur totally with Savannah that it is completely natural to wonder, but do not obsess over it, as I also think that you are what you become so if you dwell on something long enough, somehow you make it a reality. If you have the commitment to each other than it is half the battle, love hangs on and ties a knot when you reach the end sometimes. As far as the money situation, we use a simple solution. We have 4 accounts- joint checking to pay the bills, a joint savings and 2 separate accounts (individual accounts). As long as home is taken care of neither of us can grip about the money situation and be concerned about fighting over money. Home first and then you are free to do whatever you like with your individual. Sounds crazy perhaps but works for us.
  2. To some of the girls Ash and Rose, that mentioned having impatience about living together--why don't you go for it? You can save money that way as well or is it for religious reasons if I may ask?
  3. I guess i have bad long term memory--saw most of these movies and had no clue!!! fun stuff though!!
  4. Wow my heart breaks for all of you....I sincerely hope an alternate cn be worked out for you and the group. What is your TA doing? DO your guests have travel insurance?
  5. You Rock! now go celebrate--well deserved!!
  6. I agree with most of the girls. I am sure you want a nice wedding but if you have to save a bit for it, then the desire to be married now is not an option. You could also think of DIY projects to save money as a lot of girls do on BDW. Also either way, wait and see what your employment situation is like. Then decide what your next steps are.
  7. Keep it simple. Uninvite them if a cost is incurred.
  8. Savannah, what is going on? Did Nick truly pick Phyllis over Sharon? I thought Sharon won her husband back. Maybe Nick will be the father of the baby??!! I hate that Pug nosed Phyllis too!!
  9. No I did not cry at all. Not really the emotional type....
  10. I am so happy for you! Good luck with everything else
  11. I am so saddened for all of my BDW sisters that are going through this. My heart breaks for all of you!!! Let's please hope for the best!!!
  12. Question for you--did you see the "dress" that your mom was going to re-create before agreeing to be in the party and all?
  13. Well since email is not working how about calling them to get a more direct answer? That would be my first step and if that does not work (if they happen to notpick up and do not follow-up with a call), then its up to you to plan on them potentially not being in your wedding party OR the wedding. People tend to not respond in the timeframe we would like them to, just the nature of things, especially with weddings. But you have to protect yourinterests and you anf FI pocket first, so I would say sounds like he will not be that dependable, so plan as if he will not be there. I wish you well!
  14. yes u still have plenty of time...so see what you can gather in terms of dates from his boss. Even if quick, his boss has to honor time off, especially for a life changing event. You may have to make a minor adjustment and pair down the length of time away, however,as you said in this economy have to be flexible and appreciate the fact that he is still employed and selected to make the move for his company.
  15. congrats on becoming a nurse very soon! brush it off--people always have something to say!!
  16. proper etiquette, however, for those that were international and I knew they would definitely not make it, I did not send one. Every little bit saved, helped!
  17. I think Mexico is easier on the budget and not to be a party pooper but there is sooo much going on in Mexico, if I were planning now, I would lean probably towards Jamaica, for that reason and also because it isone of my favorite places!
  18. for the simple fact that you want to do A DW, tradition goes out the window!! meet in the middle guys, I am sure it will work out beautifully.
  19. Well firstly, engagements and wedding are for those that truly wish you well and happiness, so first and formost You and FI wishes should be the first consideration. Your aunt and uncle should respect the fact that you do not get along and do not want the stress. If they were so concerned, they should have tried to address this prior to an event that is public where things could be disastrous given the amount if people. I would pass on the party if they feel so strongly about it.
  20. I found that music or running the vacuum and involving my son helpeed tremendously. IT was like trying to gradually change his focus from me to the music of choice or the task we were doing together. He still is very attached but you must before you leave him alone, especially if he is crying, hug him and sing to him and let him know you love him and time the length each time of his crying spells. It is very hard, but it will pass soon.
  21. I am glad you realize how truly blessed you are
  22. I agree with all the girls--clearly he was banking on a small argument between you two that would enable him to use it as a reason to "get out of this wedding". I think you also need to for the children especially, objectively determine if your love is being confused with low self-esteem and a need for him to be in your life. The situation sounds a little toxic,however, we are on the outside looking in and without the details can only assume so much about your situation. I REALLY hope he can be honest with you so that you can at least have closure on those gray areas and hopefully help u decided what needs to happen next. In the meantime, try to do something for YOU, clear the air and your head, because you will need to be strong right now. Sending BIG HUGS your way!
  23. I recommend that you not get up in arms about this. People close to you ARE going to disappoint you, and when you need them the most. The important thing is the most critical folk (you and FI) will be there so try not to stress about it.
  24. u should also try blissweddingmarket.com.they have no minimum
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