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Posts posted by YoursTruly

  1. It seems the policy varies between RIUs. Geralyn, if you give yourself penty of time, just copy and notairze them and mail them in. To my knowledge, Chantelle (WC at Riu MoBay) does not accept scanned copies. Have you been in contact with her as yet? If not, send her email and verify and send that out as soon as possible just to be on the safe side.

  2. the renova spa does a great job. I know you are on vacation, however, if you want your nails to be as fresh as possible if you have historically had problems with chipping, then get an early appointment. Nails were done within an hour, a little more if you had something more complex.

  3. Okay Savannah need you to weigh in. I DO remember that one confusing or mysterious call that Cane made to someone and said, "I'm in" and I NEVER forgot about it. Who is Cane really, is he bribing Philip or somethinghuh.gif? Is Cane not the goood guy we thought him to be? I am soooo crushed if he is not. And poor Lily --she truly will have a breakdown after what she went through with Daniel because she is soo big (as she should be) on honesty!

  4. I think the girls have said it all.I would really suggest working out those feelings and moving on. I alaways tell myself at the end of the day..the "ex" is definitely not losing sleep about the horrible things she did or over either of you...so why do you give HER so much power. Please do not let it put a blemish on what you guys have..You are blesed beyond measure. OWN it....

  5. it is alwasy easiest to recognize that what is your critical priority is not others priority. I found that people are self serving, not that this is a bad thing per se, but if it is going to come down to a vacation of ther choice, they may choose to do that over your wedding, just the way life is. THose that recognize how imporant this is for you and your FI will be there and you have plenty of time to figure it out. People were still booking up until a week before we left.

  6. It sounds like she has no issue being rude and stepping on toes. You do not have to be rude, but firmly let her know your decision and the reasons behind it. People you do not have to love your in-laws, only be cordial to keep the peace. While some folks get along great, for others , it is nearly impossible. Let her keep her germ-o-phobic azz at home.

  7. I agree that it is not maybe you are a tad sensitive. I think people are just forgetful and it does take a few times to remember. I personally never called my husband Fiance when we were formally engaged that often. I used boyfriend because it did nto come to me naturally. However, it did not lessen the importance or siginifcance of our relationship. We have been married two months now and it is still hard to say husband It takes getting used to. Don't sweat it!

  8. Oh Stephanie --I am so sorry to hear this and I know it offers little comfort to hear that so many of us are experiencing the same thing. The last thing you want to do is walk away,have you called your mortgage company directly and spoken with them about the adjustments and if there is anything they can work out with you specifically for when the ARM adjusts? Also, if you did not want the house, can I ask what made you decide to keep it or sell it when you got divorced? I wish you well, I too am in the same position, but with an investment property (so you know lenders aren't giving us the time of day). This housing market sux big time!!

  9. Sometimes for all the friends you may have when it comes down to it, very few are your real friends aftre all, to which a lot of us can attest. At the same time the most important nucleus is you and FI, I still maintain that no one is an island to themselves so take this as a new opportunity to get out there and make some new friendship! Follow your gut and I wish you well with your wedding. Donâ€t stress and enjoy the time with your family! Don't sweat the small stuff….

  10. Both are awesome resorts. You are booking during the high price season (Jan - Mar). I f you can wait until April and onward you could save money but it looks like you really want Jan. I wish you well. Could your TA do 4day 3 night packages for your guests so it would be cheaper?

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