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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. Marie, You certainly gave me a viable option with Kohl's. I have never shopped there but the jewelry is very nice. As for 6pm, I check that website every morning like clockwork most days as I am addicted to that site bt NEVER noticed the J Renee/Mia line of sandals. I thinnk I found a simple bejeweled sandal for myself that won't get stuck in the sand as I walk down the aisle from 6pm and would look nice with my dress. Thanks for the tip - will try to duck into Kohl's by the weekend.
  2. Hey Trina, You are in North jersey. I know where that is. I am further south in Central jersey in piscataway, which is near greenbrook and the Brunswicks. Actually Rutgers is in my backyard.
  3. I agree that she is totally sweet! She did my invites and they were gorgeous!!
  4. Wow--thanks so much for thinking about us! I am so glad to hear everything went well. Enjoy and we are all dying to get the full details when you return!
  5. Indigo wrote a thread but I can't find it anymore
  6. OMG welcome back!!!! YOU HAVE to write a review and let us know how everything went. Can't wait to see the pics either. Details, details..
  7. Welcome and congrats! Great location!
  8. WOW - so sorry tp hear about your latest misfortune. I am not sure what to say other I would suggest you CALL the hotel/WC right away and explain the situation. I am surprised they accepted faxed copies given the notary requirement, so maybe they will be able to work with it still if you have the audit trail of documents and acceptance by the WC, etc. Try calling first and then decide what needs to happen tomorrow based on what they tell you. DON't create bad scenarios just yet--find out the info and go from there. Hope everything works out for you and FI.
  9. I remember your post from the cakes thread. They really did a nice job not only on your cake but also with everything. Can't wait to see more pics
  10. WOW Sherry, you looked amazing in your photos, almost like a professional portfolio shot. Everything looked so serene and the location!! Glad everything turned out so well!!
  11. So this is really for those BDW brides that had concerns like myself around when to actually purchase your dress when in the midst of losing weight. I had this concern as well but always being the conservative and not wanting to drive myself crazy, decided to just order my dress and deal with alterations when I am done with losing weight! I am happy to report that I tried on a size 14 Nicole Miller dress (for those of you familiar with her clothes, the sizes are 2 sizes larger than your street size so it is a size 10 and the ribcage of the dresses are very small) and it was actually loose!! YAAAAAY. I am one of those amazon girls that is big on top (D cup) with a wider ribcage and small on bottom (size and shrinking... so I always get EVERYTHING bit to begin with... Anyway, I was so encouraged by the fact my hard work is FINALLY starting to show and pay off. So again, will worry about a big dress later, as I plan to hit my goal by the end of the year with 15 pounds more to go. And KEEP IT OFF!!!!
  12. Hi Kelly, Well I think that you should decide what you want for a non-traditional wedding and what makes it unique for you. I have decided that the sand ceremony, along with a solo will extend the time along with the signing of the documents.
  13. Welcome and congratulations on your wedding. You will find more than you need in the Mexico thread and elsewhere on this board! Best of Luck!
  14. So there are a couple of folks that I have been meaning to invite to the wedding but due to the hectic nature of work, managing a special needs toddler, I just forgot and month after month has gone by. he two individuals are my godmother (who I was never close to but she is close to my mother) and a close friend of my FI parents. Either way I am sure the absence of an invite may have come up a number of times. How do I fix this? My wedding is less than 3 months away! Help my fellow BDW brides!
  15. Bisha, First, congratulations on your pregnancy. Yes you are correct with the 6 - week timeframe. Depending on the company, they are required by law to keep your job, however, the longer you are out, your role could change when you come back (bummer). I think the most direct thing to do is call your outsourced maternity leave customer service line and ask them specific questions and also your HR department. They should know this information cold. Sorry this did not directly answer your question but between those two, you should find out what you need.
  16. Bashi, Do a search for Maggie London Chiffon dresses. Maggy London Chiffon Gown with Charmeuse Waist. It was the original style for my girls and they had them in Sage green or champagne. There is also another site that had a plethora of ML dresses as well including the first style I told you to go to. Shopzilla - Best prices on Maggy London Women's Dresses in Clothing & Accessories When you mention sizes are you quoting the size you want for the dress or the BM street size?? Also try BariJay dresses. Between these 3 options you should be able to come up with something. Best of Luck.
  17. Welcome and congrats.
  18. Welcome and best of Luck!
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