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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. Yes it is quite hot there in August but beautiful nonetheless. Welcome and congrats!
  2. We have all gone thru similar situations such as your self. So take comfort in that. Weddings bring out the best and the worst in people and quite frankly this has shown me who really is a friend and who is not. So I have done some housecleaning and no need to look back either. A lot of the emotional stress goes with the territory so be strong.
  3. WOW that is ridiculous. Can you push back at all? I would negotiate better and work with her superior? If you are unhappy I would change the venue of I could....
  4. I would explain that even though you are having a non-trad destination wedding you choose to stick with the traditional way of having your step-dad walk you down the aisle. Let her know that this is what you want and she should respect that given that its YOUR day. You can also compromise and have her walked down prior to the bridesmaids, honoring her and your FI's mother. Wish you the best!
  5. All I can say is WOW and I am glad she was able to help you out!! Congrats!
  6. Welll hello and welcome Ms Africa! Cute story---happy planning!
  7. In the interest of time, I would you suggest you kick it in high hear. Expedite your passports and in the meantime send you other documentation until your passport comes in. You don't want to risk not having a wedding just because you are so laid back do you? Don't cause yourself anymore added stress--it will be tight but you have time and options! I wish you the best!
  8. R u working with a TA to handle all that for you especially if you have a large party??
  9. Surprisingly my son's name was not there either--Julian..And that is pretty popular
  10. Typically it is customary to tip the WC. I think you can relax the stringency on the amount if you have an All inclusive deal versus contracting one externally. Also if you'd like, you could also purchase a nice gift for them as well.
  11. I say create one scenario at a time. Find out wha the prices are for Bora Bora and then determine if its insane or not.
  12. not sure if yoou have these in your area but TJ MAxx/ Annie Sez has nice luggae discounted on higher end luggage.
  13. I am a fellow Nicole Miller gir l and just went to their preferred woman for alterations. I am not in the least concerned.
  14. I think I speak for a TON of girls that have had and are still having this conversation with your parents. I can only say you have to make sure this is what you and FI wants and stick to your guns! If your parents are footing the bill, then in that case you may want to reconsider. Best of Luck with everything.
  15. I like the seashell idea--Offf to Michael's this weekend!
  16. sorry i have no advice to offer but wanted to comment that I love the way you put everything together!
  17. A lot of the major men's chains offer tux rentals at reasonable prices. have you tried Jformalwear or Mens wearhouse? My FI and his men purchased their suits and got theirs from Hugestore.com - really nice suits for about $270 each.
  18. Wow I am so sorry to hear about that. Definitely a blow to your emotions but I am sure your friend would want ou to be happy ultimately and celebrate and cherish the good memories. Will keep you in my prayers. Hugs
  19. I would not take offense because it is true that for various reasons and onany given day---rings can be loose or squeeze the life out of you. I gues because I am not big on jewelry that it does not really matter if he wears one or not. I don't even wear my engagement ring every day--because one its a half size big and two--I am not used to it. Seems like he may have gotten it too small but not sure why the jewwer did nto mention any challenges with the Titanium.
  20. welcome and great to have you! Happy Planning!
  21. WTF? Just when I think I have heard it all--another story takes the cake--in thi s instance literally! Why have you invited her to the wedding. Obviously she is blood but if she cared for you she would not do something like this. I have a relative that I swear is schizo--and guess what--I told her point blank she will not be around to upset me or cause undue drama. Can she be un-invited??!! What is wrong with family members!!
  22. Hey there-----I have a buddy that is a Cruise &hore!!!! They RAVE about Royal caribbean and I have only been on Carnival myself. But compared to the three--Royal Caribbean all the way. They have had some issues with some of the Northern cruises and with older ships so like Maureen said--go with the newer ships. You will have a blast!!!
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