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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. OOh that is a touch one.I do like the thought of a really pale pink thrown in the mix!
  2. OMG your words are so true and here I thought I was the only one!! Maybe it is stress which raises our coritisol levels. Snacks that I know I should not eat, do so anyway, sabatoging myself and beating myself up afterwards. I have no clue WTF is wrong with me either.I need a swift kick where the sun doesn't shine. Good luck to you!
  3. I am so glad you started this thread however, bummed on the timing. If you can't wait around for me , then please proceed without me. I wouldlove to be counted in but I will be away for my wedding and honeymoon (3/3/ - 3/17). And like one of the other girls mentioned I would love to be able to loose more weight but if early feb is the decision then I will roll with it I would just need some advance notice. Thanks!
  4. WOW so sorry to hear about youe experience--just reading it, I felt like I was right there with you! OMG!!! I hope everything works out.
  5. I would invite those that you can afford to have there. If someone cancels than you can substitute a few more correct?
  6. 1. Fraggle Rock 2. Punky Brewster 3. Knots Landing 4. Growing Pains 5. Charlie's Angels 6. Facts Of Life 7. Small Wonder 8. Step by Step 9. The Love Boat 10. Bossom Buddies 11. The Wonder Years 12. Family Ties 13. Moonlighting 14. Living Single
  7. All of us here wish you well on your big day and look forward to lots of pics and your review!
  8. Release your Inhibitions (Feel the Rain )- Natasha Bedingfield
  9. I wanted to but did not go through because it was a nice to have with my OOT bags. I would go with bulk depending on your # of guests...
  10. If only I had you skinny beyotches issues (that was meant in the most endearing way). LOL Glad they were able to rush you a new dress!!
  11. I haveb't yet but plan on working out tonight..Considering the fact that i have only got in ONE day this week so far!
  12. Hi Dallas, Yes I do have final (in my book) headcount. It took a lot of threats, cussing and other unladylike mannerism, but I did it!! I do have a watchlist of 3 guests that can go either way at the last minutes so I am still including them anyway. I would determine if they are "strong" yeses or no's and if they change their mind, then they are SOL. Folks know I am not a bridezilla but now its personal because no train or plane waits for this show. If some of the 8 are a coupl, do one bag for both of them and the ones that are strong yeses. If anyone else decides to show up give them like a favor or something in a small favor bag. That way you are not azz out if you are spending like $25 and up on your bags. Use the 20% rule! Go ahead with your plans, as you can see I have less than 2 months now so in my mind, it is what it is for the guests. People should understand if they are iffy, they cannot expect you to bend over backward past a certain point!!!
  13. Sorry to hear about your rough experience. Are you willling to give it another try? If not, there are many of other equally beautiful hotels to choose from in Mexico.
  14. It is unbelieveable that people have no decency, don't practice a small quorum of decency or etiquette! How the heck r u going to invite yourself to someone's wedding If you are not close to most of these folks, why waste time mulling over that. Invite who you want to be there and call it a day. As you can see I have no patience for folks shenanigans!!
  15. Indigo--should we have concerns about privacy on the beach during the ceremony? One othe other RIU0MB brides mentioned stragglers being inconsiderate during the ceremony and when pic taking. Will Chantelle block the area off?? Please advise.
  16. I totally understand Richard’s pain, as infidelity is nothing to treat in a cavalier manner. Technically he cannot get the kidney back, however, I understand his motivation totally. He devoted his life seemingly to his wife and feels at a total loss. He has clearly priced out the worth of the kidney and considers it as something to add to the divorce settlement. The only difference (I am playing devil’s advocate here ) is that instead of the normal tangible things they shared that people end up getting in a settlement (house, cars, other assest), he is going after something that gave his wife, LIFE. Clearly he would rather want her dead so to avoid jail time, please give the man his money!!!
  17. Thanks so much for this info--great stuff!!
  18. There are a bunch on consent wording on this site: Travel Abroad Passport Permission Single Parent Guardian Notary - docstoc
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