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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. One BDW mother mentioned the fact that she rollled her daughters dress and put it in a pullman and it was fine. Definitely have the resort steam the dress!
  2. They need to speed up the Catherine Chancellor story a bit. And is that guy from the past (can't remember his name...the one who kidnapped Kathering all those years ago) going to come into the picture finally Susan - I agree as well. I have to respectfully disagree with you on Nick/Sharon. They were the best together and big RED is an obnoxious beyotch that has what she was getting coming to her hopefully. Phyllis is coniving and evil as they come. Sharon does play the clueless victim a little too well though (lol).
  3. we just decided that we would square things away directly after the wedding since I am fronting mostly everything now. But we carved out a budget and sticking to it.
  4. I just think its sad tha due to budget constraints Brad had to be killed off. I could think of a few cast of characters that are pointless (Jana, that singing girl (ANNOYING), Tyra, Abby, William Bardwell), etc
  5. what are the best spoilers sites...I like to know what is up and coming since I cannot catch it even at night on Soap Net.
  6. thanks for the info. never heard of it. u girls are the best!
  7. I would call her and speak with her first to get answers. Then drop her like a bad habit. Yes charity is important, but even that needs to take a backseat to close friendships. Certain life changing events require sacrifice, death/funerals and weddings, christenings...you get the drift. Please do not make excuses for her.
  8. I plan to bring my own things as backup. Sometime they do not have colors for darker hue skin , and I do not want to be without. I plan to bring a photo that mirros how I would want my makeup applied.
  9. thanks! like my son needs more clothes but what the heck~~
  10. We are doing 5 songs...processional (1) - ceremony (2), sand ceremon (1) and recessional (1)
  11. After trying on 3 big dresses it was a wrap! I preferred to get a dress that was NOT big and poufy. In my heart I wanted a non traditional wedding and dress......
  12. Hi Bianca, You are disappointed with yourself but I know you will take that resolve and work it out to meet your goals. You have plenty of time!! Its not like me with a month to go--Im out of time!! Good Luck!
  13. I called CS and they said tha all their products are FDA approved and that for further verification you can request the FDA info in writing and they will send it to you.
  14. I plan to calll CS and see what they say about their FDA status. Thanks for the info.
  15. I will send FI packing to his BM roon for the night. My girls and I need to be able to fan out and make me calm the day off. As the girls said--it will make the day even more special!
  16. I am with verizon, very happy with customer service, products and peace of mind with the best network. Was with Sprint before and all I can say is BOOTLEG. While the Iphone is all the rage,I am quite happy with the Voyager LG product and have my eye on the Storm which rivals the Iphone.
  17. IF you are using TA generally they will be able to get you a discount and it is usually based on yourself and guests that book with yourparty. Otherwise, guests are free to book on their own especially if their deal ends up being cheaper than yours.
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