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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. All are correct. An RIU that says Palace is more upscale..
  2. It sounds like respectfully, your mom will always remind you of what she has done--and for tha I would decline the house offer OR buy her out of what ever they paid. Gifts are just that a gift , not a burden. As for your dad, talk it over and see what he would be comfortable with. I hope evrything works out and in an odd way--you are blessed that you have people willin and able to help you and your FI out financially.
  3. Sounds like you have a great solution for your boss! good luck
  4. I am sure myself in addition to other BDW brides can attest to weddings bringing out some of the not so great experiences. I don't think you are wrong to search for options while you work out the issue with FI. Blame is not the best resolution so hopefully he will take this into consideration and be open to suggestions.
  5. WOW I am stunned and heartbroken for you! May God grant you the strength in the days ahead to deal with such a difficult, emotionally draining circumstance. Please know that we are here for you and never doubt that you are making the right choice for the little ones. I hope that hubby finds his way to whatever intervention he needs to really wake up and get it together. God Bless and sending many hugs your way--will keep you and the family in prayer.
  6. That was very insensitive and last I checked...the average size of a woman today is a size 12.,,and that could go any direction, depending on your build, etc....Size 8 is the perfect sample size and one of those sizes where you are not anorexic looking nor are you even remotely close to looking fat! As hard as it is to forget comments like that, try not to let it get you down. I wish my FI would come at me like that with some comment like that and I would certainly serve him a cold dish of verbal whoop azz! I am not the smallest of a woman (tall), so I fight this inner demon at times myself with the whole weight issue. Best luck
  7. Natalie Cole - This Will Be (Everlating Love) OR R Kelly - Happy people
  8. Thanks ladies for posting. I will see what I have in my repository to post!
  9. I think business is starting to heat up. Definitely contact Chantelle and get the ball rolling...
  10. I would not worry too much. I am at the riu as well and don't think they would plan so many weddings if they could not handle it. It will be fine..
  11. I would say don't rush it. Get your schooling out of the way--its way too hard when you have kids and juggle education. Get yourselves established financially unless you already are in addition to your FI. I am older, 35, and was established financially along with FI and we had our son (who is 2), because I did not want to wait until a wedding (lol). In any event, the point is enjoy your time together and get your schooling out the way. All the best..
  12. my list is long so pm me and i can send it to your email addy that u provide.
  13. To my knowlege there are a max of 3 weddings per day. I booked certain things in advance, DJ, restaurant, location and will pray things go fine.
  14. paper.com is pretty awesome and types of paper are Japanese Basho or Cane paper, or other light weight options are available under lightweight stock headings.
  15. I think it is a shame that especially in these depressing times, "ADults" can make such reckless decisions. She has over and over appeared to make selfish decisions to suit HERSELF, not thinking about the kids. Yes the kids are the ones to suffer in the end and I hope they can figure out a way to make sure what is best is done for all of them. But it makes me extremely upset that she can sit on her lazy rump and live off of the taxpayers and get cosmetic surgery for her Angelina obsession and get funds for her Brady and partridge family obsession.... Sux big time!!
  16. they have not revealed the mystery woman Betsy..I think it may be someone fromJack's past.....
  17. Susan - you are right! I too am glad the Cane/Lily truth comes out..But really is Lili gonna grow a spine overnight and stake her claim?!? Please. Anyone know what the deal is on Drucilla--I hear she is supposed to come back this spring but not the old Dru (not happy about that).
  18. interestingly enough, i interpreted that to mean you have the option to change as many times as needed. I did not take that as your plans were not set in stone. Good luck to you.
  19. I agree with D -Taebo is great! P90x also have rave reviews but is challenging! Hip Hop Abs has become a personal fav of mine the last month..
  20. I had a somewhat different experience. I purposely ordered my dress at the size I was but has since lost some weight. My tailor swears the dress is supposed to be tight and literally left me ZERO room for error. I am so worried now and having nightmares of not being able to fit into it. I will be breathing air for the next 3.5 weeks...LOL..Sigh..not funny at all!
  21. thanks for the tip. good luck lil paisley---you will have a wonderful wedding!!
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