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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. I dont have any to share--I am just enjoying alll the great stories!
  2. I also forgot to mention that if you go with the RIU, what we did was ask that those guests not staying at the hotel, we did not pay for them upfront, just in case they do not make the trip or cancel. Request that for those stragglers, bill your room as they show up. We saved $ that way, as 6 people ended up canceling the day before and that added up!!
  3. Wow--nice!! Congrats and happy planning!
  4. Yes us RMB brides are finally and officially on the map! LOL. It was a great time and if I can be of any help to anyone, do not hesitate to PM me!
  5. I think she is only booking individuals that can be substituted last minute as her wedding season is about to start...
  6. sounds liek one hot mess--let u sknow what your legal team says....i doont think he has much to go off of.
  7. you have come to the right place! congrats and welcome!
  8. congrats and welcome to the Forum and good luck with everything....
  9. Welcome to the forum! Good luck and happy planning!
  10. welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  11. I purchased from a local florist and also purchased some from elegant wedding. They were okay (EW), the florist was much better quality. and we did not even use them in the end because it was so windy the day of our ceremony.
  12. we decided to take individual first look photos prior to the ceremony and i am glad we did! go with what you want to create as your vision!
  13. we stayed at same location but would have gladly transferred to another RIU if we had the energy to pack! lol
  14. I did not go wax crazy prior--did the brazilian wax and threaded my eyebrows..nothing over the top. Take some pain killers (lol).
  15. MY husband wore a white linen suit (italian made) with white shirt and the GM wore beige linen suits with white shirts. The GM got theor suits from Hugestore.com. They have tons of inventory. You can check out my weddin review and pics to get a better idea
  16. Wow--is there anyway that you could talk to him about it? would he be open to that?
  17. There are loads of material that prep you for subjects like this and are actually enclosed under separate threads. If a DW works best for you and FI, then that is what it needs to be, but I would say ensure the most important folks are there (parents, etc), siblings. If they cannot attend, and you guys feel you have done all you can, then you have to be able to stand with your decision. But in agreement with someone else statement, tone down the anger just a wee-bit (lol).
  18. Of course we all do. We all have touches of abnormality or dysfunctional behavior. You are not alone.
  19. There is an entire thread and posts on this topic under Exercise, Most BDW girls discussed P90x, Taebo, Pilates, etc...Good luck--and check it out!
  20. oh wow wish this was available when i purchased my NM dress!!
  21. the stylist that did my makeup and used thse throwaway makeup wedges..as for brushes , for my face and blush, she did not use a new brush.
  22. How exciting for you!!! I hope everything is just as you envisioned!
  23. Double 007 - quantum of solace was your standard JB movie - predictable but not disappointing at all..
  24. I saw Madea Goes to Jail - very good comedy. Madea is a trip!! Beverly Hills chihuahua was also cute and funny--I did that one from FI!
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