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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. I would recommend asking someone else. I think it would keep peace between you both and also save any heartache down the road. I too never understood why people think that their mate is "their " property or that you own them. It REEKS of insecurity, however, f this is what she subscribes to, may be best to just try another option.
  2. I did not have one on the beach and I htink most do not due to the added expense. While I was there, there was a private reception on the beach that was very nice! The Chicago Bears had a party and they had a very nice setup. I am sure the hotel would use the same approach for a wedding. I would recommend contacting WC or have her put you in touch with events planning there to get your questions answered. I have a few photos and will have to go see if they came out clear enough to post.
  3. I wish you all the best on your special day!!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE PICS!
  4. if your TA DECIDES to get it together it should not be too painful to fix this. hope everything worksout.....
  5. While I don't think it is right to message such a sensitive topic this way, I think there can also be an extreme dark side of this as well. I do not watch her show, I think it very superficial--so this sounds like a topic she should stay away from.....
  6. Well I would check first with the hotels first to see if they allow a wedding coordinator first and if there is a charge. You wuld not want to go contract with one and then find out it may or may not be a problem. Best of luck.
  7. interested in finding out what the reviews are for this company.
  8. Sorry I referenced the X5 as a car...Everything is a car even when its an actual SUV. I meant to say the X5 truck.
  9. I have the X5 and LOVE IT LOVE IT--You cannot beat the driving experience and can't go wrong with that car. It is nottoo big or too small and the handling is incredible. Prior to the X5 I had the ML500 (Mercedes) truck and HATED it. PLUS any model 2004 and newer they do not offer complimentary oil changes anymore--that SUX!! Ever since they merges with Daimler Chrysler--all service went downhill. The new C series are cute though!
  10. Now I can start watching again, I was so over the whole Kevin scene (which I still find annoying) and also the Marge vs Katherine. That Jill deserves what she has coming and Chloe too! I can't stand her either. Thinks she deserves to be a Chancellor?? Savannah--any spoilers on the demise of Nick and Sharon's marriage?
  11. I know it is hurtful and you do have every right to feel as you do. I have learned that folsk will do as they please and we will not always understand why. I hope everythign works out for the best.
  12. not sure where your wedding is but it is more than likely for a private reception as the girls stated. maybe you can do something lighter like cocktail reception which may be cheaper than an open bar? Or your guests can hang out by the bar until dinner if an evening wedding?
  13. I did not take one down myself but another BDW bride did so and I borrowed hers. I did not use it, but I do know that the steamers do a good job, however the regular iron does an even better job, My WC also mentioned that most girls just wrap the dress in plastic and let the steam from the shower smooth out the wrinkles. Satin should be reallly easy to straighten out with the shower and steamer
  14. u r totally right to feel like this--but i have learned throughout this wedding process and planning that sometimes the expectations u have of people should be lowered. Personally I think in-laws are overrated. My SIL did not even offer a congratulatory card, phone call, nothing. THat would have been letting her off the hook becasue even if it was 10 years from today she still would not even be able to afford a gift--trifling!!!
  15. yes this was totally wrong of them...have u raised this to them or feel its all in past?
  16. you are definitely the bigger person and for that you deserve the martyr and saint award. Now that that is out the way you need to check that beyotch woman to woman. Once you stop her in her tracks, guarantee she will back down. She does that shyt cause she knows you are not going to do anything
  17. her line of credit would definitely be cut off..what is wrong with people?? no respect
  18. oh the hormones! and its crazy because I can't fight the urge, dieting or not! WHY US??!!!!
  19. Im still on the fence...I am just lazy and as mentioned worked hard (degrees, etc) to have to tackle all that stuff. But I am seriously considering taking my last as my middle and adding his as my last or just hyphenating.
  20. oh wow another quagmire to worry about--thanks for the heads up though.
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