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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. Well you know what they say about the word ASSUME.. Folks mistake is assuming they are invited. Keep to your plan and let folks know firmly that it will be an intimate affair and you cannot extend an invite though you would have loved to.
  2. Ok -- i thought it was only me! Thanks for the update Savannah!! I am glad Phyllis has it coming to her--she did put up a great fight though!
  3. I would recommend getting a TA that can dedicate full time to servicing you and your guests. It will save you a lot of heartache in the end
  4. I would feel honored, however remember form now on you will be competing sort of for the same date. If they plan a 50th anniversary, where will it at that point, leave you and DH celebration wise??
  5. I have found that air prices fluctutate depending on the seasons in which you travel. If you feel you can wait on the airfare sometimes you have a better chance that your package will be cheaper since airfare will be reduced. It depends...
  6. I dont twitter...lol. I have way too much going on to get involved and at the end of the day--why the heck should people care what I am doing every minute of the day. We leave ourselves too open for hackers and people with not so great intentions..And trust me, these networks are NOT secure....
  7. sounds like she is definitely trying to keep something under wraps...good luck with that.
  8. Don't get down or give up hope. Things worth having do not come without a fight! You will get in---keep at it!
  9. I would recommend really trying to go down the road less traveled and involve and surround yourself with people who get things done,not get in your way. If you choose to include your FMIL just for inclusion sake, that is totally your choice but know it comes with lots of confusion and stress. I had similar situations and I bascially told my mIL and SIL (future at the time) that I had everything under control and if I needed their help I would let them know. ANd guess wht--they had to be fine with that. At the end of the day, I let my in-laws know that unless you are paying for something, your "strong" input is not really necessary. We preferred to not accept anything because then the demand list would be notoriously lengthy.
  10. I had the same issue. I created a spreadsheet of all my guests, their contact info and status and sent it to her. before hand I asked if a single if they wanted DBle occupancy or a single and if double, if they were interested in room sharing. My TA handled folow-up with anyone that expressed interest in room sharing. It totally should not be your responsibility.
  11. Of course he can. He can put it in a garment bag and carry it on.
  12. Isn't where you purchased your dress steaming it for you? I would not make a big deal prior because your dress will get a little wrinkly in travel. I would suggest bankin on steaming it when you get to the resort or steaming them on your own.
  13. You could also check first but bring your own sand there along with your vases.
  14. you can try herbal teas (chamomille or peppermint with honey), kava kava supplements, but watch your intake, melatonin are alll great. Also a glass of warm milk and honey is also great before bed.
  15. keep them coming ladies--this is great!! thanks!
  16. Hi Ladies, I am in the market for a new mattress. I am pissed that I purchased our current one from Macy's and their product was GARBAGE. Cost does not equal quality that is for sure as it was $3k for both pieces. We had a warranty and they found a loophole to get out of paying my claim so we are SOL. Can you ladies please send your recommendations for a good mattress and the manufacturer info? I would like to stay within the $1500 range this time and need a reputable mattress manufacturer. We were even thinking of looking into Raymour & Flanigan ( an east coast furniture store chain) .Thanks much for your help.
  17. thanks for this update...i am way late but still want to do this for my hubbie
  18. Well 2 pm is semi-formal. Definitely hold the white pants. If you are into dresses a nice halter dress would be nice or you can never go wrong with blacl. It is prom season now so you can find something that is sexy chic and in between at a good deal....As someone mentioned you definitely do not want to be underdressed. White sandals is definitely not a good idea either IMO.
  19. no wedding requirements for jamaica are legal in the US. confirm with your Wedding coordinator what documents are required
  20. AZ, I agree fully--but what does this story line have to do withanything--where are they going with this? I have lost interest the last 2 weeks when I had not missed a day in the last 2.5 years. Can Billy's bride weigh-in here?? LOL
  21. I don't know if you wish to travel to Jersey, but Anna's Alterations in Springfield NJ did a fabulous job. She does the alterations for the Nicole Miller Boutiques. Best of luck--I know how nervy this all can be!
  22. I think having resources of folks that have been there alleviates all the misgivings.
  23. Have you read up on any material which would help you in selecting a DW. I would highly recommend doing so and also reading up on which island would best sui your vision for your big day so that you are not disappointed. Best of luck to you!
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