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Posts posted by YoursTruly

  1. She would drive me banans..Tell her one more question from her and she will no longer be in the wedding or welcome. She will back off I am sure. Seriously tell her all the pressure is not helping the situation and you are not committing to anything other than what is absolutely essential to wedding plannng. Good luck...I would shut that down right away!!

  2. wow not sure what to say about this, other than unless you two want to keep separate residences and continue to visit some compromises have to be made. It will be very hard to adjust I am sure and give up your space, etc but that is a joint decision you two have probably discussed already and decided it would be his house you move in to. As someone else mentioned, just talk this through, especially since this can't be avoided. Good luck

  3. There is of course James Patterson and Mary Higgins Clark if you love suspense/drama. For suspense/romance and drama I love Nora Roberts, Sandra Brown, etc. Steve Harvey has a great book out--Act like A LAdy and Think Like a MAn that is an EXCELLENT read. Gave away all men's dirty little secrets......

  4. This is a tough one and there is a thread on it. Most girls felt it was rude to ask someone you are inviting to pay the day pass, unless it was for persons that were not on list that decided to come were on their own. It was tough to ask them so in the end, we asked the hotel to do was to charge me the day pass fees onto my hotel bill, that way if they did not show, we would not have to pay for the no-shows.

  5. Firstly, I would recomend undoing outting down a deposit for anyone, especially since you lost your job. You will find that people, even though most mean well, will do things in their own time. I would suggest you let your TA do the leg work and for now, try to get enough of a deposit from your folks to hold your cotract intact. You ave plenty of time so just let the TA determine all the details and get it out to our folks. Plan a contingency also in case you have to re-do any group bookings. Good luck!

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