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Everything posted by YoursTruly

  1. wow this is insane? as long as we dont push back all airlines will follow suit! this is crazeeeee!!
  2. I found that using the WC worked out better given the quote I got directly from them. Afterwards I gave mine away because I did not want to lug mine around either
  3. mandals or mules would be fine for the wedding. he can either fo back and change before the reception or have one of his groomsmen carry his dancing shoes. no worries!
  4. generally they respond to you in about 2 weeks..IF YOU DONT HEAR send an email directly to the wedding coordinator to confirm. You should be receiving one soon!
  5. wow i am so glad everything turned out well in the end and that no one that we knew (potentially only the guests of the bride and groom were on board. it is really scary and the security at Sangster really needs to step up! I hope they throw the book at this direlict!
  6. OMG she is too cute in a certifiable sort of way!
  7. I would say that you are causing yourself undue stress my dear. It is very simple. Your wedding AND reception is by invitation ONLY. You do not have to go into the intircacies of what is extra and whatever else becuz you do not want them there. Plain and simple. If your FI BF Girlfriend wants to go inviting the world then let her entertain them!
  8. OMG Shut up!!! Sharon--prego ??Did she forget to use protection as she forgets everything else (ie stealing). She is such a bad role model for her confused son Noah! But ont he other hand, I do hope for her sake its Nick's not Billy's. He needs no further complications with that crazy , stalker chick of a wife!! Thanks Savannah!
  9. Does anyone know if any of our BDW sisters were on that flight from Canada to Montego Bay? There was mention that there was a wedding party on board. No one here may actually know, and while everyone to my knowledge is off the plane safely, I am sure the experience was a traumatic one, especially right before one of your most important days of your life. I am glad no one was hurt.
  10. I am so there with Becks! you MUST let FI know tha you are not pitting him against his mom but he needs to know that you will not be disrespected like that. He needs to become unifed with YOU and even though there are things that will come up, bottom line is there are things that happen in your household that impact how he will now interact with HIS family and decisions with his mom and family that impact how he runs his household with you. He needs to man up and know that YOUR feelings are top priority and he needs to nip that shyt in the bud now with the FMIL. I too have SUFFERED so on this subject (don't get me started) and its one of those things that cannot slide by. Wish you well!
  11. As the girls said talk to your dad, and if push come to shove and you can swing it, help your DAD with financial expenses and leave the step-mom at home!!!
  12. I guess in true non reality style--I was hoping for the simple fact that Chloe does seem to love her child she will do the right thing by Delia, even if dady does not! Plus hopefully by then Cane and Lily will have truly found some well deserved happiness and have their own by that point.
  13. Wow - I think it has a lot to do unfortunately with the MIL spoiling their sons and doing EVERYTHING for them! I let DH know in no uncertain terms that a slob was a deal breaker for me. Fortunately for me, his mom and dad trained him to clean, do laundry, vacuum , dust etc and some days I swear he rivals me in the cleaning area! So he does slip off the wagon sometimes, but I am there o gently remind him that we BOTH work, have a child together and last I checked I did not live alone--so if he slips up, I put a "HONEY DO" list to remind him of the things I need him to do for me in that week or upcoming. It works well!
  14. thank God..must mean that the judge rules in Billy and Chloe's favor huh? Thanks for the update!
  15. My stupid moment was not today but something I am ashamed to admit I have done more than once! Have you ever been talking on the phone to someone and you have to jot down a number and you start looking for your cell phone to program the number and realize..DUH!! You are talking on the cell phone—so y on earth are you looking for it!!!!
  16. I have a huge problem with addressing each other as if we have ownership or the whole parent child hierarchy. I guess I am way too laid back to tell my husband I am not allowing him to do something. I would voice concerns and ask that he take it into consideration and things work well that way. He is not my child so I think its wrong to tell a grown person that they are not allowed. Kind of like that whole "wives submit" reference in the wedding vows......
  17. Yes you will not have anything to worry about. During our ceremony it was not an issue and quite frankly, it is worth it having the close commute to the airport! We loved it there and the only reason we would not return there is because we plan to visit another RIU in Negril or Ochie. YOu will be fine.
  18. AWW your grief just touches me. I can't imagine or say I know exactly how you feel, however, I do know what it is to lose someone close to a life changing event. U cannot place a timeframe on grieving. Take comfort in knowing your dad would want you to be overjoyed and will be there with you in spirit..never apologize for the way you feel or the ways in which you grieve. Sending you hugs...
  19. that is a tough one. r u financially able to do your wedding on your own with your FI? I would be direct and put my foot down and let her know that while you appreciate her contribution it is her duty to be supportive of the choices you make with your FI. I would also have your Dad there because he should have a say as well. I think a heart to heart to find out what she is thinking is best before you make any more moves. Good luck with that.
  20. I would say the day of is pushing things a wee bit towards the edge. However, if there will be that many guests, I am sure there will be plenty of time to welcome them in the evening after his fishing trip. As someone else mentioned, pick the lesser of two evils. I know I would not mind my DH fishing, as he actualy golfed the day before our wedding. He too is on vacation and 9 times out of 10 it is the bride running around doing all the leg work, meet and greet, etc.
  21. Starry or other RIU MB Brides, Who will you be using to print your photos when you get back? Not sure if you ordered yours all on CD but I was curious what other folks are doing? I got my high res but haven't reproduced anything as yet.
  22. keep us posted..hope everything works out
  23. Our date was random. We originally wanted to get married five months after being engaged, however, that was cutting planning way too close. Early March of 2009 was our cutofff because after mid-March we would be competing with the spring breakers and in the summer months, it would be too hot. So we picked March as our wedding month.
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