Hello RMB brides,
I've been reading LOTS of posts and I just need some clarification. When we booked our trip we confirmed out wedding date and time immediately through our TA. We were told that we needed two working days on the resort not including our arrival day, before our wedding. We are arriving on Saturday, April 11th, so we figured our earliest day to get married was the Wednesday the 15th making Monday and Tuesday our 2 days on the resort before the wedding. Now, as I think about it I realize that Monday is possibly a holiday since it's Easter Monday and I don't know if that gives enough time to be on the resort. If they confirmed the wedding date does that mean they checked on all that or should I contact them. My TA is away for another 1.5 weeks so I thought I'd put that question out on this forum to see what you think.
Also, I was told that I would be contacted 2 months before my wedding to decide on flowers, reception, etc. but I'm seeing that some people at the ROR at least have booked way ahead of time. Has anyone from RMB had the chance to book all this stuff or did you get the same message as I did?
Thanks ahead of time for all your help and hopefully calming my nerves!