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Everything posted by montegobay09

  1. Congratulations and to the forum!
  2. I know that cutting down on carbs is a great way to lose weight especially if it's balanced. Make sure that you're just cutting them and not eliminating them altogether though. You need carbs for energy so if you're going to work out you're going to need carbs!! Before I'd try diet pills (especially that aren't FDA approved) I would check out green tea extract. - it was suggested to me recently and I asked a doctor friend about it and he said "It can't hurt and there seems to be lots of benefits!" I don't mean to sound like I'm telling you what to do, it's of course only a suggestion. But I have been a fitness professional for years and I'm always scared when people eliminate a food group or experiment with pills. Sorry if I sound too uptight!!... I just wouldn't want anyone to jeopardize their health!!!!
  3. Hi Abby. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and to the forum!!
  4. This is definately the best place to get any information you need. Welcome to the forum!!
  5. non existent: my abdominal muscles
  6. I just voted... hope it works out for ya! looks like you have a lot of support!
  7. We initially began planning our wedding for Barbados in April 2009 because FI is from there. We were basing our decision on 2008 prices and had even decided on a resort. Then, when the 2009 prices came out we were shocked to see that the AI cost per person would be upwards of $3000 per person. While we were willing to pay that, we couldn't ask our guests to pay that much so we decided to stick with a DW but just a more affordable one. We plan on going to Barbados in 2010 as an anniversary honeymoon.
  8. We initially began planning our wedding for Barbados in April 2009 because FI is from there. We were basing our decision on 2008 prices and had even decided on a resort. Then, when the 2009 prices came out we were shocked to see that the AI cost per person would be upwards of $3000 per person. While we were willing to pay that, we couldn't ask our guests to pay that much so we decided to stick with a DW but just a more affordable one. We plan on going to Barbados in 2010 as an anniversary honeymoon. I see that you've changed your destination to Montego Bay as well...what happened with your Barbados April 2009 plans?
  9. I don't know for sure but as you said...I would guess that it's too hot too...I know it is at 3:30 but I guess it could possibly cool down before 5?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Shannond4156 Congrats Montego! That is encouraging. I drink a ton of water, but as with everything else, I am not as good about it on the weekends as I am when I sit at my desk all day and have it in front of me! I also had a good weekend. I weighed myself on Saturday morning and I was down 2 lbs.! Doesn't sound like a lot but I have been STUCK forever on the same weight so I was thrilled. It helped me behave myself this weekend. Great work! Of course 2 lbs is a lot...I lost 1.5 and I'm excited 2lbs is a very healthy way of losing weight and keeping it off. 4 more lbs til Christmasfor me! Keep up the great work ladies (and guys??)
  11. It's been a little while ladies...how are you all doing? Shannon4156 did the weekend do you in again? I didn't have a bad weekend. I took my weight loss buddies advice and kept drinking lots of water. It kinda curbed my snack cravings and kept me feeling full...it worked cause I lost another 1.5 lbs!! Now it's just trying to keep it off. Keep in touch. If we keep posting here and trying to keep each other accountable we can definately reach our goals. Keep working hard and eating healthy! Just cause you slip up once doesn't mean everything is gone to waste. Just jump right back on track. Talk soon!!!
  12. I went through the exact same thing! I was wondering why we were even going to Jamaica if the AHR was going to be just as much work. I ended up realizing that we were going to Jamaica because that's what we wanted and that's how we would most enjoy our wedding. We worked out the AHR by planning a low key reception with only some finger foods beginning at 8:30 in the evening with a slide show of the trip to Jamaica and then a cocktail reception. Then Mom and Dad decided that they would pay for the food and suggested that we may want to consider a buffet dinner that would still be informal but would make them feel better about making guests travel to us. (Mom said she didn't want to push it on us ...it was just a suggestion) FI and I didn't mind either way especially since it wasn't costing us a cent...and the invitations weren't printed yet so we just changed the time and wording to include a buffet dinner and so far that's how it's working out. I know everyone is different and things probably won't work out exactly the same but maybe if you told your mom that you just wanted a small low key reception and that it didn't seem to be worth it to you to spend the extra $$, maybe she'll either understand where you're coming from and leave it at that...or offer to help with the cost.. good luck with your decision and remember it's not their wedding, it's yours and your FI's.
  13. Oh my goodness, you're being so thoughtful to think of us at such a difficult time for you. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I'm sure it's super difficult to keep planning. I know you probably feel like you've fallen behind in planning but I'm sure that everything will fall into place when the time comes. The little things are not important at this point... Just enjoy the closeness you have with your FH and family - which, in the big picture, is all that really matters. Your update on the RMB stuff is very helpful and we'll all be thinking about you when you're away in paridise (Jamaica mon!) and we'll be waiting anxiously for your return and one of our first RMB wedding reviews. Try to enjoy it as much as you can...our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  14. Those are the exact ones. I was looking for those forever on Etsy and couldn't find them. Thanks so much! Katrina those are beautiful, I think I even like them more than with the peals but I like that there are 6 with the ones on etsy so I'm going to go with those. Thanks a bunch!! I knew BDW girls would help me out!
  15. I'm wearing wedge flip flops as are my BM's and FI and GM are wearing sandals as well. Fi isn't wearing a suit though just a sky blue linen shirt and white pants.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Just because they are flip flops doesn't mean they can't be dressy. I am wearing wedge flip flops with stones on the strap. WHITE Turquoise Rhinestone Thong Shoes NEW Flip Flops 8 - (eBay.ca item 190242945712 end time 27-Oct-08 11:53:36 EDT) You can also look on Floppy Jos...she will customize anything you want! Bridal Flip Flops and Barefoot Sandals by FloppyJos As far as the guys go I think as long as you get a nice brown/tan dressy sandal then you're ok. Good luck! I'm so jealous! I just bought my sandals from ebay and they're really nice but I love the turquoise on yours!! and I adore the brown and turquoise ones in the other pics too...I may just have to look for another pair of those. :-)
  17. montegobay09

    I'm new!

    Welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  18. That's really too bad. That happened to me years ago and I went back to the salong the next day (my haid was crooked) and showed the manager. She ended up doing my hair herself to ensure it was done right. She had to cut it shorter but at least it was a better cut. She didn't charge me anything the second time but now that I think of it I really should have tried to get a gift certificate from them or something. I never went back. I'm sure once you talk to the manager that she'll help you out. Especially if it looks nothing like what you asked for. Good luck! Make sure to take pics of it today to show the manager...and to show us..it's probalby not that bad.
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