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Everything posted by montegobay09

  1. Congratulations Adrienne and to the forum!
  2. Welcome to another Canadian bride and an almost date twin!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by princessina These are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing the link with us. I know you quoted his response but can we contact him online in english? Sorry (if the question is odd) but I know the site is in spanish and I speak none but would love to order some. Thanks in advance. Yes, all my communication with him has been in english. I just filled out the thing on the website under contact us...a few of the words I had to get translated with an online translating site but it was pretty easy! It's just a matter of filling out your address and email. Don't hesitate to ask any more questions!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* I worked out yesterday and today... 4.8 miles on the treadmill each day... Woo Hoo... And I've really been watching what I eat. It's hard because it seems like the more I work out, the hungrier in the evenings I am... so I eat more. Is this normal? How do yall handle the situation? Yeah, this definately happens to me. Apparently you are supposed to eat a small portion of carbs and protein after working out to help your body repair tissue. I don't stop myself from eating when I'm hungry, I just try to make very healthy choices, especially if it's after 8:00. Something like 1/2 a grapefruit with a sprinkle of sugar, my fav is rasberries with honey. It's really hard sometimes especially when FI is having a big bowl of ice cream! But I just keep picturing what I can look like in all those pictures in Jamaica and of course in "the dress". I don't know if that helps but at least you know someone else is hungrier all the time!
  5. How's everyone doing now?? I'm finally fitting into my "old" clothes and thinking about going shopping soon. All the clothes I bought this summer for work are falling off me right now YAY!! Still trying to reach my goal for Christmas! I broke my plateau but now I'm not budging anymore again. Maybe this week will make a difference. I'm trying out a new class at the gym... talk soon!!
  6. I'd love to find out about other vendors but I know that Riu only allows the resort photographer to do weddings at the resort so I'm not sure about the other stuff. I'll have to check. Thanks for the info though!
  7. I just found out that there are no closets available to hang my gown in the plane. Does anyone have confirmation from Riu Montego Bay for whether or not they have a steamer available. I thoght I remembered someone telling me that they do but I can't seem to find it to reassure me. Steamer at RMB?? Cost??
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by verh0016 I also like the flip flop idea. I am interested to see where you are getting them from and what kins of a price you got! Just check post #5 on this thread.. The link is there for the website (all in spanish) and the prices are in the post...remember though, I wrote $3.50 for the women's but it's supposed to be $3.90
  9. I don't know any of those locations but I just wanted to say , congratulations and happy planning!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by beachhappy I like the the flip flop idea. How are you going to get everyone's size? Here's what he wrote to me... "You can choose small medium and large, so you dont have to worry about sizes , our clients order about 10% small , 80% medium and 10% large, you can tell us , wich sizes are going to be your smal, and your medium and your large." Also, he said that the minimum order is 50 pairs so I am still going to order them and give some out at my bachelorette party and if there are any left I think we're going to use them as "prizes" at our AHR for different games like answering questions about the couple, doing the limbo, hoola hooping competition, etc. I just love the idea of being able to give these flip flops to my guests that I am willing to but the extra 18 pairs that I don't need! Don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions!! My resort contact person emailed me and said she didn't have an answer yet (to see if I could ship them to the resort) but that she's get back to me when she found out.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by mrsbancroft2be I love the idea, did you get a chance to see how long it would take to make them? I actually just sent him an email today kinda asking that question (I wanted to know if I should order right away or if we could wait to find out from the resort if it is possible to ship to them and from the airline to see how much it would cost to bring the box if we need to) So maybe I'll get an answer with the next email. he's been very good to reply so I should know by tomorrow for sure. I MADE A MISTAKE!!!! I had told y'all that the women's sandals were quoted at $3.50 to me but when I just looked again it actually says $3.90 I know it's not a huge difference but I didn't want anyone to have a debate about prices with him because of my mistake!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Kla.Kari Alright, it has been a month and a half and I feel like I haven't made any progress! Someone give me a swift kick in the pants!!! So here's my update: 1. Made a deposit with the location 2. Sent STD's and designed Invite (the prototype looks awesome!) 3. Created wedding website 4. Hired a travel agent (TA Jennifer) 5. Narrowed down venue for AHR 6. Sent color swatches to Bridesmaids BTW: I think I may still be the most behind April bride there is! I don't think you're behind at all! I wouldn't worry about it anyway. It's a destination wedding so everything you really need to do it pretty much done! All you really need is something for you and FI to wear and that's all that matters! Keep in mind though that unless you buy off the rack most wedding gowns take quite a while to come in!! Good luck and happy planning!!
  13. I re-checked my pricelist and it does say weddings 2009 so I do have the right one. Thanks!
  14. When I was going with DB dresses I had chosen all of those that you originally posted! I love every one of them!!! I ended up saying the same as many others here. I told them the color and they picked which dress they wanted. One thing that a salesperson told me was that to make sure that all the dresses are exactly the same color you need to order them all at the same time from the same store. Otherwise, even though you order them in the same color, they may come out slightly different shades.
  15. Good for you Indigo...I'm only somewhat of a DIY bride so I'm just going to see if the prices for the florist are ok first before I take on another project!! I wanted to let everyone know that the florist did reply to my email finally!! They said that to get Calla lillies in on time for my wedding they only need to know 1-2 months before the wedding. They also said that if I wanted a price for one of their bouquets from the site to just email them the item# . I couldn't find an item # on any of them but I still replied to the email with the picture # I'll let you know when they get back to me about that!
  16. Thanks for the info. I was wondering what we would do and now I know...clear labels it is!
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