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Everything posted by KathleenandDan

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by dc22173 I think it is great that the starfish will be passed along to other brides!!! Please continue to enjoy it as I did I wish I could go with it and visit Cancun again We had an awesome time there!!! Jacilynda happy to say that the starfish is yours next after my trip to Jamaica. Like I said I get home late on July 24th so I will mail him out first thing saturday or monday morning. As it gets closier just pm me with your address, so i can mail him out to you before your - august 8 - akumal, mexico wedding. I'm glad the little gets to continue on with his travels. Keep in touch.
  2. monthly treat : lunch with friends
  3. Oh how exciting. Enjoy your time there. Remember to take a break and take it all in, because it will be over before you know it. Best of luck and cannot wait for all the pictures.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by baj Hi, Our TA told us that we sent photo copies of the reqired documentation 12 weeks before we arrive and take our originals with us. She also told us that our Birth certifiates and decree absolute needed to be certified by a solicitor. I did as stated above. After I sent them in a couple to verify that they received them and that they were fine. I am bringing the orignals also. Just to be safe. Cause I want to get married when I get there. LOL that is my main reason for going besides the beautiful surroundings.
  5. ohhhhhhhhh that is so sweet. I have tears in my eyes. Best of luck to the both of you.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ltwillia Hello All!! I saw that there was a post for July brides but for some reason I can't find it. I am so excited...We booked our trip!!!! We are going to Sandals Grande Ocho Rios and staying on the the Riviera side of the resort in the Grande Luxe Oceanview room.. Our wedding is set for 7/15/09 @ 3pm. I wish it could have been a little later but I can live with that. Please let me know if anyone else will be there during that time. I would love to see a BDW wedding while we are there. I am not getting married at Sandals but honeymooning at Sandals Grande. I'm getting married on the 17th at Boscobel Beach at coming to Sandals Grande on the 19th to 24th. Good luck planning. This site is helpful but also addicting!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I SO want in on this! My wedding is August 8th. I would need it by August 2nd or 3rd. Kathleen when do you get back? I get back on July 24th, but it is not mine to lend. If you get permission from the owner, I'd be more than happy to pass it along.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i was thankfully able to get in touch with phillybride09 via email ... her ban will be lifted by the end of this week and she'll be back (and still wanting to borrow the starfish, of course!) ... dc22173 is back from her wedding and i am anxiously awaiting arrival of her starfish! Glad to hear it is all worked out. What is up with the get together?
  9. I only have 75 days and a million things to do!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl i actually did post the path of your starfish: 1) dc22173 - april 25 2) mummergirl - may 28 3) phillybride09 - june 24 4) kathleenanddan - july 17 the first 3 are all dreams cancun, and the last one (so far) is beaches boscobel. anyone need it after kathleenanddan? actually, i'm thinking phillybride, kathleenanddan, and i should just plan local get-togethers to pass the starfish ... we're all either in philly or south jersey! it could be fun! Mummergirl, I guess I'm meeting up with you now since phillybride09 in banned. Let me know if you received the starfish from dc22173 for your wedding. Thanks Kathleen
  11. I want to see Bride Wars : me too
  12. I am also from South Jersey five minutes over the Walt Whitman. Good Luck in planning. I am getting married at Beaches Boscobel a family resort owned by Sandals for four nights and moving to a couples only Sandals resort. I have two girls and a large family that would be upset if we did this without them, so we are getting the best of both worlds. I love your date 10-10-10. So cool!
  13. I did find them on ebay. So cute. I think I am gonna order them. Going to Macy's today to look around first. If not they are my choice. So much little stuff to still take care of.
  14. I also watched it and loved it too. We are definately gonna do the bobsledding. Looks like alot of fun.
  15. Has anyone taken this ride? I am really interested in doing this while we are on our honeymoon. Any feedback greatly appreciated.
  16. I need to order my towels. They are soooooooooooo cute. She did a great job.
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