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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. I think it depends on how much time you have on your hands. You could probably just get away with signs in front of each dish. But if you're feeling extra crafty you can go for 1 menu at each table
  2. I say go for the tire treads if it fits his personality! It's very unique...sounds like he'll really like it.
  3. Ginalyn


    Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  4. Hi there! Congrats and welcome to the forum. You can do a search for the 3 resorts you mentioned and should be able to find the info you need.
  5. Hi Anedra, congrats and welcome to the forum. Happy planning!
  6. Ginalyn

    Newbie :)

    Hello there! Congrats and welcome to the forum. There is so much information here...you should be able to get the answer to hopefully all your questions!
  7. This might sound strange but I read somewhere that a warm glass of milk can help too. Milk contains tryptophan. It's the same amino acid that turkey contains that makes you feel sleepy after a big Thanksgiving dinner.
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  9. Whaaaaat. Their relationship is out of control
  10. I agree with FutureMrsSharpe and maybe your FI should talk to them alone to see what they think. I think if it were my situation my parents would have been flattered that we could share something special on the same day.
  11. Ginalyn


    Hello there! Congrats and welcome. Happy planning!
  12. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  13. Ooh those are great finds! I like #1 and #5, they aren't so busy and they wouldn't take away from your dress
  14. Wow that looks really good! You can tell alot of time and effort went into it!
  15. I was going to suggest a CD too. That way people can rock out on their drive to the wedding!
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