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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. My FI has an 8 yr old niece. She's going to be the ONLY kid coming to the wedding so we asked her to be our flower girl. She's very very very excited about it (she loves attention, LOL)!
  2. Probably my FAV wedding show! I kind of would like to make a trip there just to see what Randy would pick out for me, LOL! He always picks good ones
  3. Julia Roberts : Pretty Woman
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Im going to drive those saleswoman nuts. Ill go in there once a month if I can. LOL Haha, you won't drive them nuts! You gave them a sale.
  5. Congrats and welcome! Happy planning!
  6. Hi Ashley! Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  7. What about chips and salsa or little empandas? Still Mexican-ish, but small enough that people can eat as little or as much as they want.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Well...it seems to me this season that everyone is supposed to "make it their own"...so if you sing a disco song as the song is meant to be sung than they will give you shit for you. I think it's kind of weird - I know that they want them to put their own spin on it, but it seems that if it's not completely different then they say it's karaoke or it's not original enough. I didn't watch last season...but in the previous season I've watched it I don't think they were that picky on it. Amanda I agree with you. I've watched the show in prior years and the the judges seemed ecstatic when a person made a song their own. Now I think it's just become more of an expectation.
  9. I find it hard to watch Stephanie on the show because she looks so much like Spencer. Anyone else think they really look alike?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride I haven't received the official word yet but depending on what I hear tomorrow....I may no longer be a DPA bride. While some people think it might be an over reaction, I have 4 year old son who was extremely sick as an infant and is now susceptible to everything and gets it worse than others generally would, so while people are comparing this to the regular flu, the "regular" flu would mean hospital time for my son which is why we get him vaccinated. My son is my priority and its not worth the risk to me. While the chances are slim I can't take that chance cause I'd never forgive myself if something happened to him. So, don't know where I am going yet, but it most likely won't be DPA anymore. I am so sad because I feel in love with the resort the moment I saw pics and never even considered anywhere else. Wow, what a tough decision to make. Your son is definitely a priority and do what you need to do to keep him safe! Let us know what you end up doing. On the bright site, you'll still be marrying the man of you dreams.
  11. getting sweet whispers from DH : i wish!
  12. I am so sorry. This sucks. Things will work out at the end and you will still get to marry your love. *HUGS*
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