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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. Welcome to the forum! I ditto everything fudie said. Good luck!
  2. FI and I are just going to wait until we get to Mexico to buy maracas. You can get them there for really cheap. I see you want to paint them though with your colors...thats a toughie, I haven't seen any plain ones online for cheap.
  3. FI and I are paying for my parents to come to the destination wedding. This is our "gift" to them and they are greatful for it. We plan on just giving them a card at the rehearsal dinner.
  4. I too have never been waxed either but made an appt for my brow and lip before I leave for Mexico Am I supposed to refrain from plucking until then? Thanks ladies!
  5. Think positive I think I'm more worried about the heat rather than the rain. I heard that if it does storm it will for a short period of time. 60% in my opinion isn't too high of a chance...just my two cents. Plus you are about a week away so the forecast may change (for the better!) between now and then. Wow, youre getting married next week! Good luck with everything, have a great time!
  6. Hi Toni, congrats and welcome to the forum!
  7. Ginalyn

    New Bride

    Congrats and welcome!
  8. It's so pretty! Congrats on finding the dress of your dreams!
  9. Bianca you looked beautiful!!! I laughed at the "Veil" and "No veil" captions and smiled throughout the whole thing. Reluctant - Congratulations, I am glad everything worked out for you!!
  10. This song might be overused and the kids were probably too young to remember it when it came out but - Vitamin C's "Gradutation(Friends Fovever)" might work
  11. carb filled deliciousness : mac & cheese
  12. Ginalyn


    Hi Elizabeth, congrats on your recent engagement and welcome to the forum!
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