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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Shens02 Oh Awesome Thank you, I noticed there are a lot of abbreviations used, I will have to look for that thread. : ) Shens02 - here it is: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2690
  2. The end : happily ever after
  3. Ginalyn

    vow renewual

    Welcome to the forum Addessa! 35 years...amazing!! Congrats
  4. Hi Megan! Congrats and welcome! Happy planning!
  5. Congrats, great pictures!!! I love all the bright colors you used
  6. That's pretty darn close to your wedding dress, great find!
  7. in the wall : creepy crawlys
  8. cheerleaders : Will Ferrell on SNL
  9. Have you told your niece that you want her to be a part of your wedding party? If so, have you considered asking your niece what she wants to be? The only reason I ask is because FI's niece is in our wedding party. She is 9 years old. I too thought she was too old for a flower girl so I was going to suggest she be a Jr BM. When we asked her to be a part of the wedding, her eyes instantly lit up and she said "Yay I get to be a flower girl!!!!". So there it was, we made her flower girl instead of Jr BM, LOL
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