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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. Great job with the contents of your OOT bags! I'm sure your guests loved them. Thanks for sharing!
  2. Oh wow Karla!! I love how your OOT tags came out! Glad you could use them...can't wait to hear about your wedding!
  3. Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum Chrissytina! Happy planning!
  4. How cute! Thanks for posting that link! It looks like she got married by the lagoon and had the reception in El Patio.
  5. We had our reception on the beach and it was great! The breeze was nice to have. No sand in our food at all. Go for it!
  6. You can read through or search this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...st-here-27596/ It's been discussed and there are at least 1 or 2 brides who posted links to the resort photographer pics. Happy planning!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by dawnkyeknod What is everyone wearing? I am 40 years old and this is my second marriage - so I am not as young and slim as I was in my 20's but I still want to do this while I am relatively young and still kinda cute... but I am not sure that I can pull off the little bra and panties combo. Any suggestions? I really like the men's white shirt so I will do that but I'd like a couple different "looks". You can ask Erica about her "under the sheets" shots. You wear panties (and a strapless bra if you're uncomfortable being topless). And she tells you how to pose and where to place the sheet so that you're covered, but it looks like you're nakey underneath
  8. I got a french manicure because it makes my nails look longer. I'm always on the computer for work so if my nails are long they just get in the way (at least in my opinion). Good luck with whatever you choose Lisa, I'm sure your nails will look fab!
  9. I like the idea of a bird cage veil too. Or I think a simple headpiece/headband like this might look cute (but only if they body is more plain like you want it):
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 I understand that you were put off since you weren't expecting this trip to be his Bachelor party but unfortunately boys will be boys. He is marrying YOU and loves YOU... I absolutely agree with this. Guys are just...different, and you can't stress about this kind of stuff. Just remember YOU are marrying HIM. Also, it's usually the bachelors friend's that drag the bachelor out to the strip clubs (get a few drinks down and friends will drag them there even if they don't want to). It's more so entertainment for the friends rather than the bachelor. Just my two cents!
  11. I think since you are good friends outside of work then you should invite your boss. It'll let her know that she means alot to you, even if she can't come. I invited 3 close coworkers/bosses and their sig others to my DW. They had been with me since my first day of work and have helped me throughout my career so far. They couldn't come for various reasons, but they were some of the first people to RSVP yes to my AHR.
  12. Wow, everything looked amazing. I love the vibrant colors. Congrats Mrs!! You were a beautiful bride!
  13. I'm in the middle of the snow right now! I'm in DC. It started last night. We already have more that 1 foot and it's coming down...hard! It's supposed to keep coming down until tonight. It's a winter wonderland! DH is roasting a turkey and I'm going to make cookies too.
  14. That sheet sounds so organized! Sounds like with that Jacy will have everything under control. I'm in the middle of one of the hugest snowstorms in my area. We already have 1 foot of snow and it supposed to keep coming down hard for the rest of the day/night. Mexico would be nice right now!
  15. Meghan, its definitely not bad that you haven't been doing anything! That's the nice part about having a DW. Dee, you're so close! How exciting...I am going to be jealous of you while you sit in the sun and the rest of us are shivering from the cold!
  16. OVERALL WINNER nsbride2010 nsbride2010 (Natasha) -8.608% ~Stephanie~ -7.036% Cassie -3.964% CONGRATS NATASHA!!! I will be emailing you the Biggest Loser avatar shortly. Congrats to the others for their great losses too!
  17. Here are your weekly results... Congrats to ~Stephanie~ for Week 12!!! Cassie -0.530% nsbride2010 (Natasha) -0.157% SgtPepperette (Melissa) 1.153% ~Stephanie~ -2.895% FINAL RESULTS TO BE POSTED TONIGHT!!!
  18. Ok girls it looks like I will be able to post the WEEKLY winner tomorrow morning. Overall winner will come later in the day!
  19. My dearest DPA ladies, why are you so quiet on this thread?! How is everyone doing with the wedding planning?
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