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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. Love - so many ways to top it! Having a TV in the bedroom
  2. Mine saw it. My TTD looked absolutely nothing like my wedding dress, so I didn't care if he saw it. I ordered my TTD online so when it got delivered I tried it on and showed it to him. It got him excited about the wedding!
  3. Aww Erika, I am sorry to hear about the accident. BDW ladies definitely know how to support and cheer a girl up. How sweet of those of you to send her a care package! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!! You are going to have an amazing wedding despite this!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by badrianne Ginalyn, Thanks for the further details about your location. Did you find the wind distracting to your ceremony. For example, did people have trouble hearing the vows etc? And just in case Bianca comes back.. I meant bad as in quality. The ceremony and the couple were gorgeous I did not find the wind distracting to the ceremony. The microphones and speakers allowed everyone to hear just fine And yes, Bianca and everything about her wedding was beautiful! I love the hanging orchids and white tulle idea! Are you going to use fake or real orchids?
  5. I love the avatar idea Karla! Ok ladies, I want to know that there are more of you interested in participating this year...keep the interest coming!!! I will post some "draft" rules up this weekend for everyone's input.
  6. Ok ladies, I'm new to the Biggest Loser stuff but I am willing to host this if no one else is interested! 1. I'd like to get an idea of who all is still in on this even though there is no longer a monetary reward? 2. When would you all be interested in starting? 3. Since there is no monetary reward, do you have any ideas as to how we can recognize the winner? If there is enough interest in participating then I can start compiling a list of rules. Thanks everyone!
  7. Yes, but in a nice way ("I don't think he's 'the one' for you") Would you ever go to the bathroom with the door open?
  8. Dislike, but I've never been to one! Watching sports
  9. Yes, I think I've used DH's toothbrush before (but definitely no one elses) Would you ever tell someone at work that their breath stinks?
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