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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  2. Just bumping this thread instead of starting a new one! Did anyone watch the first episodes of the new season? I'm really liking Kelly Osbourne!
  3. Congrats on getting your dress! It looks fabulous on you!!
  4. OMG that's so freaking cute! Made me smile on this rainy day
  5. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  6. While I'm not officially participating in the contest since I'm hosting I'm still going to try to keep up with you ladies with go to the gym more frequently and eating healthier! I travel during the week for work, so we always eat out. I need to stick with the healthy stuff. Jac I think we'd def love it if you could post some of those recipes!
  7. Nice detailed review! Thanks for sharing...congrats Mrs!
  8. Congrats and welcome to the forum!
  9. Ok ladies, here is the list of everyone (by BDW name) whom I've received pictures from! If you sent me pics but are not on the list please let me know. Cassie FutureMrsLewis (Dee) ~Karla~ KLC77 (Kelly) Melissa&Todd mummergirl (Lisa) ndsbride2010 (Natasha) PrettyHazardous (Ashley) SgtPepperette (Melissa) stacey ~Stephanie~ terri1225 (Teresa) Remember if there are week(s) where you may not be able to weigh in please PM or email me to let me know. I am so happy that you ladies are participating this season! Good luck to everyone!
  10. Cute story! I see you are a married woman now. Congrats Mrs!!
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