Here are your weekly results...
Congrats to PrettyHazardous for Week 3!!!
Cassie -0.783%
KLC77 (Kelly) 1.161%
PrettyHazardous (Ashley) -2.133%
FutureMrsLewis (Dee) <nothing received>
~Karla~ <nothing received, 2nd wk missed>
Melissa&Todd <nothing received, 3rd wk missed>
nsbride2010 (Natasha) <nothing received, OK>
SgtPepperette (Melissa) <nothing received>
Stacey <nothing received>
~Stephanie~ <nothing received, OK>
terri1225 (Teresa) <nothing received>
Girls, I have to say that I am quite upset with the amount of weigh ins that I got this week. Can you help me out with understanding why people are missing weigh ins? Is Wednesday not a good day? If so, then someone should have spoken up when the rules were drafted. Sorry but I had to rant for a minute. Congrats to Ashley for this week!!!