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Everything posted by Ginalyn

  1. Ginalyn


    Erin, congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum! You will find tons of info here about all the different resorts.
  2. Ginalyn


    Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  3. Hi Sherryl! Congrats on your engagement and welcome to the forum!
  4. My mistake, chair bows are $4 per bow. You can still find them cheaper online.
  5. I am not sure how much it costs to pay for a private reception. Regarding chair covers and chair bows - I think the cost is one of the extra add-ons. The website says its $5 per chair cover and over $10 per chair bow. I think I'm going to buy my own chair bows because you can get them for cheap. I contacted the WC regarding TTD and Mariana wrote: "Regarding to your email, I would like to inform you that we do have a photographer, but this person does not work on Sundays, if in this case is not Sunday the day after your ceremony I'm sure you will find her or him, but just wanted to remind you that this is not included in your package, I will recommend you that as soon as you arrive to the hotel, contact him or let your on site coordinator know about, for book your session." Hope that helps for those of you who want to do TTD! I am still not sure how much it costs.
  6. I feel like someone has posted this question before but I can't seem to locate it. I'm going to use my ceremony date as my wedding anniversary. It's really the date that means more to us since we will be surrounded by close friends and family. My FI and I plan on making it legal about 2 weeks before our ceremony date. I think your situation is different though since you are already legally married but won't be having your ceremony until November. Maybe you can celebrate your wedding anniversary on your ceremony date, but also do a tiny celebration on your legal day?
  7. I feel like someone has posted this question before but I can't seem to locate it. I'm going to use my ceremony date as my wedding anniversary. It's really the date that means more to us since we will be surrounded by close friends and family. My FI and I plan on making it legal about 2 weeks before our ceremony date. I think your situation is different though since you are already legally married but won't be having your ceremony until November. Maybe you can celebrate your wedding anniversary on your ceremony date, but also do a tiny celebration on your legal day?
  8. I plan on using mywedding.com. It's free and looks very easy. I've seen others' websites who have used it and they all look great. I'd send you a link to mine but I haven't quite started it yet
  9. The wedding coordinator usually gets back to you within 1-3 days. They are pretty responsive.
  10. Yeah this guy is a relative to our family and has since retired from his engineering profession. My mom is pushing me to include a "title" on the invite for him and I was like
  11. I'm working on addressing my envelopes but came to a stopping point when I realized I didn't know the appropriate abbrevation for engineer. Did anyone invite an engineer? If so, how are you supposed to abbreviate it? I've seen Eng. John Doe and Engr. John Doe but I don't know which one is correct? TIA!
  12. Hello DPA Brides! Well, I was initially planning on getting married Janary 2010. But after a long discussion with the FI and my parents and his parents this past weekend we are going to try to move our wedding up 6 months to June 2009. We have definitely thrown a curve ball at our friends and family (and ourselves!). This doesn't leave much time for planning and I am in full-fledged freak-out mode. I initially wasn't planning on getting married at DPA but my FI did some research and is set on getting married there! We put in a request for June 20 or June 19 2009. How long did it take for you to get response back from the WC about your wedding date? Also, does anyone know if we can book the resort photographer for TTD? Thanks so much ladies!
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  14. Ginalyn

    Hi All!

    Hello Nathalia! Congrats and welcome to the forum! Happy Planning!
  15. Hi Fanny! Welcome to the forum and congrats on your enagagement!
  16. Welcome to the forum! Happy planning!
  17. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!
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