I LOVE my wedding dress, but I feel like the bottom may be too heavy for our entire reception. We are having it outside in an open air restaurant and based on the reviews of the location on here, it can get kind of hot even at night.
Here is my first dress that I will be wearing to the ceremony and to at least the first part of the reception.
Here is the potential second dress. I love the lace style but I really wanted to wear a "princess dress" for at least part of my wedding, since it really is the only time in life that you can do so! I love this style and was planning on doing my TTD in this style of dress regardless, but this is more than I want to spend on just TTD. I want to get more use than just TTD (If I don't wear it during the wedding, then I will have to find something cheaper, but I love this dress).
****What time do you girls think is an appropriate time to change into the second dress? If any of you are/are going to be 2 dress brides, what were you planning on doing? ****
Is the cake cutting normally done in the first dress, or would that be a good time to unveil the new gown?