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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. That is so cool! I used to have a pass like this from Independence Air (Flyi) before they went under. It was like $250 for all you could fly during the summer for college students. I wish other airlines would do something like this too! Imagine the possibilities!
  2. Great deal and your BMs will definitely get more use out of that dress than just your wedding!
  3. Go to WhatTheFont : MyFonts I've used it several times and it always comes up with something very close if not exactly the same.
  4. I've been taking Omega-3 pills for the last few weeks and my nails have been harder than they've ever been! I've always had super brittle nails, so I was surprised. Combined with this, I might be able to not wear false tips!
  5. How about us September brides start putting up our to-do lists. It might help some of us other girls remember some things we have to do! Here's what I can think of off the top of my head. Make flower girl basket (I refuse to pay $20+ for that thing.) Finish OOT bags Make hair/make-up appointment (I'm a professional make-up artist so I may just do that myself.) Buy BM gifts Engrage FI's band (No idea what I want it to say yet.) Reserve time for Meet & Greet Get flower girl dress altered Book photographer's plane ticket Make intinerary for guests Finish compliling arrival dates/times Make programs (once I decide on the ceremony order and working, that'll be a lot easier!) Order bouts and ties for groomsmen Make/Order guestbook Ok so this list is longer than I thought! Maybe I should get off here and do some work!
  6. That's a toughie. It really depends on how much weight she gains during pregnancy since even with breastfeeding she won't be able to lose a ton in one short month. My sister only put on 35lbs so she was able to get back down quickly but my mom put on almost 70lbs with my older sister so you never know!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo Ditto for our suit. We will have to get it dry cleaned, but otherwise it looks awesome. That sux about your dress! Did yours have like 3 different envelopes? An envelope, inside an envelope, inside an envelope? I thought that part was a little strange.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by tammikins My fiance and I just ordered his suit from this site! I'm excited and nervous... I ordered a wedding dress from China and that didn't turn out too great (I've since got an amazing dress locally), but the dress came vacuum sealed in a bag smaller than my laptop (a netbook) and it wasn't a small dress either! Seems like the people who got suits from here are pretty happy, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm terrified that I didn't get the measurements right - we can't afford to throw away $150. I'll keep you posted and post pics when we get it! That's crazy they put it in such a small bag! The suit we've ordered come in these heavy duty plastic bag types "envelopes" and they include a garment bag with it that says "Studio Suits."
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by aimee&ted i just ordered mine today! here they are, paris hilton "charmed" there's alot going on with these babies... but my dress is pretty simple (dallas marie by maggie sottero) so i figure i can have something fun going on underneath it!! hopefully they're beautiful in person & fit perfectly. Super cute! I love the heels too!
  10. Congrats and I'll chime in on the waiting for pics too! I'd love it see how it all turned out!
  11. I told someone for the first time today that my wedding is NEXT month! It was so far away but now it's the coming month! That's so crazy!
  12. I wouldn't worry about the dress too much. I got my dress at the ROTB so it was 12 when I really wear about a bridal 6. She took it in about 3 inches per side with no problem. Just make sure you go to talented seamstress.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Allisa You are so organized... its really motivating! Thanks for all the details, it s really a fun thread to check out to remind me of what I am missing! Foxybride -11 groomsmen!!!!!! Wow. If my fiancee had his way, it'd be 20!
  14. Ok I'm going for a trial next Wednesday. I had a custom version of this hairpiece made from a seller on Etsy. I am going to go for some sort of low updo with it. I'm thinking something like this. It isn't a good photo since it only shows one side but I told me stylist to just come up with something. Hopefully I'll like it! I have a veil too so I'm thinking I'll just wear that down the aisle, but the rest of the night, do the hair piece. I don't know if they'll look go together.
  15. This sucks! I also used to be extremely susceptible to UTIs. The one thing that helped me was peeing after sex. Like immediately. I hop out of bed and into the bathroom the minute we are done. I don't know if that will help your situation or if you already do it but I wanted to bring it up! I can also testify to the prescription price difference. Walmart has their $4 program so a few of my pill are only $4 there now while it's still $20+ at my normal pharmacy.
  16. I confess that I'm ignoring my FI's mother's friend request on FB. Are you kidding me? There's NO WAY I'm going to accept that.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel This season is starting to get really good. I'm not a total nerd, but I caught some show yesterday about ComicCon (is that it's name). They had everyone from True Blood there and they announced that they are releasing a new "soda" that looks exactly like True Blood. Kinda gross. Also- Tara is BEAUTIFUL. She looks so much better than what she does on the show. I can't figure out why Jason was shot during the last episode. They can't kill Jason off! So much more in his future- at least according to the books! But then again, I'm not sure the show's writers have even read the books. haha Maybe some vampire will save Jason with their blood! You know Bill isn't going to just let Sookie's brother die. If he can ever get away from his maker, that is.
  18. It reminds me of a Pnina Tornai but it is still completely unique! You'll look great on your day.
  19. It's crazy how close it is now! I still have plenty to do but all the big things are in place.
  20. I noticed you have a lopsided wedding party like me! How are you guys resolving that issue? We have 4 bridemaids, jr. bridesmaid, and 11 groomsmen.
  21. Last night's episode had a lot of action but of course it left me wanting more! And the preview for next week didn't make it any better. I wonder how many episodes are left for this season?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by BlakleyBrideToBe Ladies! FYI: I went to order this suit my credit card company Chase Bank called me this morning and told me that they declined the charge due to a large amount frud from this company. They're Mibay India! Yea I put a few pages back they they are based in Mumbai, India. I had the same thing happen with my Chase so I just paid via Paypal but if you call Chase and let them know it's not a fraudulent transaction (they usually call you if your number is on file) it will go through fine. Chase is extra sensitive because when I put the first order through on my B of A card, no one called and it just went through.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by volleygriff hey, im thinking of ordering the natural linen, how did that color turn out...i dont want it to be white, but i want it to be like a lighter beige....how does it look...and do you have a picture by any chance- thanks and im so glad i found this forum!!!! It's not white. I didn't want white either so we went with this. It's closer to an ivory. Since I'm wearing an ivory dress, it looks much better with it. I don't have a pic b/c FI decided that I shouldn't see his outfit either! LOL. I will try to snap one but the color on the site is pretty accurate.
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