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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous Its funny how all the girls who are under like 3 months are saying it stresses them out and then the girls over and in love with it hahahha. It really does stress me out (not bad enuf to take it down tho, just enuf to send chills down my spine). And I have different ones in different places. So the one on here that shows months freaks me out. But the one on my website shows day, And I'm at 83 days so that seems way better and like 2 months and 3 weeks. Esp since I started planning at 11 months you know hahaha. Ha! I noticed that pattern too! I'm down to just days left, no months! It's crazy. I'm a low stress person in general so it's not stressing me out per-say, but it is annoying!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Puzzled-Bride just curious is anyone providing OOT bags for their vegas weddings and if so what are you putting in them? My plan was to do them but as it's getting closer I just may not have the time! We are doing a welcome party the Thursday before the wedding (when most people are flying in) so I was going to hand them out then.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lexibride Thanks guys!!! I'm glad you all love it!!! I LOVE it too... Yes, believe it or not, the dress was in his pile, and I gave it away because it was a size 20! When I saw it on another girl who's mom pulled it back tight, I knew I made a big mistake and HAD to have that dress. The girl was completely nasty when we started hovering to see if she was going to keep the dress and after some nasty looks and exchanges back and forth between us she finally relinquished the dress to ME! YAY! I have to say, the run in there was a bit nuts and I did hip check a chick next to me, but other than that, once everyone was in, it was fairly easy. Some girls were very nice offering up dresses and others were so nasty and wouldn't give anything up unless you had a trade. All in all we had such a great time and I'm so happy I saved so much money on my dress. I can only imagine what alterations are going to cost, but I'm sure in the end it will still be less than if I did it the traditional way! Now I won't feel so bad spending $100 on shoes, lol!!!! My dress was super big for me too! It was a 12 and I'm a bridal 6. My seamstress worked some serious magic. Once my BM finds her camera cord and sends me pics, I will post the results. I still felt bad about spending a lot on shoes though. I ended up with a pair for $60 from Zappos.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Vallarta_2009 Only three more episodes left! Here's to hoping next week they're able to kill off maryanne! She's the devil so I don't think they'll be able to kill her. I think somehow though, they are going to get her to retreat.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by kris I agree! I looove my ticker because it get's me so excited to see how fast the wedding is coming bu at the same time that stupid little thing is saying you only have this much time to save ALOT more money hahaha Ha! There's definitely that too! Are balances are coming due now because we are about to me one month out so it's sad to see all that money go...
  6. Congrats! I got my dress at a ROTB last year and I ended up with an Emerald Bridal dress as well! What are the odds?
  7. I used to think my little countdown ticker was cute. I would be excited when it ticked down a new month... however... as the date gets closer, I find myself rolling my eyes every time I post something and it pops up and reminds me how little time I have to get everything done! Anyone else feel like this?
  8. They look great! When I was making my passes my FI asked if he could help and when I said "Yes, put these in envelopes." He said, "Oh I was asking to be nice, I didn't think you really wanted help." I made 100 passes!! Men, I tell ya.
  9. I thought the line about there being no emergency that a musician would be qualified for was great! Who knew?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by VegasBride424 I loved the Planet Hollywood suites! How many do you have coming? We are expecting about 50 - but did you find a lot of people said they would come but didnt? We have about 50 coming. We invited about 100 so we got the standard half that declined. It will be tight in the the panorama suite with 50 that's why we are just doing the after party in there. The few kids we have and older people won't be at that so we will be down to about 30 and it will just be drinks and laughs at that point. You might want to look into the Apex suite. It's a little bigger.
  11. I am getting married at the Flamingo on the West Lawn. We are then doinga reception at rumjungle at Mandalay Bay and an after party in one of the panorama suites at Planet Hollywood.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MalibuBarbie Seriously thinking bout doing the in-suite reception and would love to hear how it worked out for all of you.....i know this thread was started quite a while ago. Love the Terrace suite at MGM but am having trouble getting pricing on it. MalibuBarbie I will let you know how mine goes Sept 19th. I hear the Terrace suite is nice because it has an outdoor area but I hear the decor is outdated. You should be able to get pricing through the normal reservations line.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by endlesslove She was just the sales associate. And I don't trust anyone with my camera, lol. Ha! I figured it had to be something like that.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Jess $1000 or $2000 with travel or without? I was wondering as well since I do know photographers who are in the range if this is in addition to travel fees.
  15. Great choice! I do have a question though, why didn't the girl in the background take the photo for you? LOL
  16. Thanks for sharing your ideas ladies! I was thinking of going with "Love is patient" from the bible verse as a little reminder. FI has a patience "problem" so maybe on those days he's super frustrated with something, it'll calm him down.
  17. I got my BM dresses at Marshall's too! (posted on here somewhere) Love that store. Mine were $39.99 so $19.99 is a steal.
  18. Congrats to another Vegas girl! Post up pictures of the dress and we will definitely let you know what we think!
  19. LOL @ Nadine. Seems like your plan didn't work!
  20. I wonder how Kris handled the news! It seems like she would've nearly had a heart attack based on how she reacts to everything else.
  21. She said on TODAY this morning that Scott is the father and that they are back together.
  22. I thought of the date but I was thinking that would be boring. I want to check this off my "To Do" list!
  23. I searched for a thread but didn't find one on the topic... but I am having such a hard time trying to think of something cool and symbolic to put inside of FI's band. I want it to be something that means something to us but we don't have any sayings (that I can think of) that would be nice to put inside the band. What are you ladies putting on your bands, if anything? I thought of the old standby "If found, keep man, return ring." but he'd kill me for that!
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