Quote: Originally Posted by lexibride Thanks guys!!! I'm glad you all love it!!! I LOVE it too...
Yes, believe it or not, the dress was in his pile, and I gave it away because it was a size 20! When I saw it on another girl who's mom pulled it back tight, I knew I made a big mistake and HAD to have that dress. The girl was completely nasty when we started hovering to see if she was going to keep the dress and after some nasty looks and exchanges back and forth between us she finally relinquished the dress to ME! YAY!
I have to say, the run in there was a bit nuts and I did hip check a chick next to me, but other than that, once everyone was in, it was fairly easy. Some girls were very nice offering up dresses and others were so nasty and wouldn't give anything up unless you had a trade.
All in all we had such a great time and I'm so happy I saved so much money on my dress. I can only imagine what alterations are going to cost, but I'm sure in the end it will still be less than if I did it the traditional way!
Now I won't feel so bad spending $100 on shoes, lol!!!!
My dress was super big for me too! It was a 12 and I'm a bridal 6. My seamstress worked some serious magic. Once my BM finds her camera cord and sends me pics, I will post the results. I still felt bad about spending a lot on shoes though. I ended up with a pair for $60 from Zappos.