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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 Your gut instinct to go with a dress way to big payed off.You really do look better than the model hahah.The bustle you have does it have a name? Your hair down with loose curls will be perfect Ha... that's what the seamstress said too about the dress being so big. She said I had "vision." I think the model looks so cheesy since she's making a cheesy face and I don't think the dress fits her well. I probably wouldn't have even liked the dress had I seen it on her first! The bustle is custom. We had a lot of fabric to hide since the dress is so big and it had a 4 foot train. She just made it look like the other "poofs" of fabric back there the best she could.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl your seamstress is amazing for keeping the dress's style despite taking it in so many sizes! and soooooo cheap too ... are you related to her? LOL seriously how did you find her, and can you recommend her to other brides in your area? she is very talented. you look amazing in the dress and i think wavy hair will look wonderful with the ruffle of the dress. LOL... no we're not related. She just owns her own little shop and does all the work herself, so I think that's why she's so reasonably priced. I had the work done in the Cleveland area so if any other brides in that area need alterations, definitely go to Julianne's Bridal! I found her by lurking on the Northeast Ohio section of the Knot boards. I just saw someone mentioned that she does great work inexpensively so I took a chance on her.
  3. So as many of you know I got my dress a the Running of the Brides event that Filene's Basement holds. I posted that experience here. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30338 This is the dress on model: The dress was a size 12 when I got it and originally looked like this. I'm holding it in the back: After the first fitting, it looked like this: It's only half bustled here: And finally here is the finished product! It is fully bustled here. I didn't think to take a pic of the train fully out. She took the dress from a bridal 12 down to about a street size 2, hemmed it, and did a fully custom 2 level, 11 ribbon bustle for only $150. Plus she also put a stitch across the top since it was not laying right. I was going to wear my hair up, but when I came home from my hair trial, I could tell my FI was thinking my hair would be down so I think I'm going to do it down and wavy. Let me know what you ladies think of the dress and hair idea!
  4. This article was dead on. I've been on other forums so I know what it's like to be brought together on a common interest but it's even worse (or better, depending on how you look at it) with weddings since it is a huge step that requires a TON of planning.
  5. I confess that I got my first case of nerves today about the wedding! We leave in 2 WEEKS and I can't believe it! I'm like Mrs. Cool Hand Luke 99% of the time so this is so weird!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle6114 Am I the only one who finds this disgusting? The world is already over-populated. Can you imagine if each of these 19 kids aim to "contribute" to society like their mom? Sorry, but I think she should have just been happy with the 18 she already has, and be grateful that she's still healthy. The world is over-populated?
  7. Thanks to everyone for sharing! I love the one with the bible verses in the beginning. If anyone has any more with a religious focus please share! My FI is a GOOFBALL and said something like "If I'm just pledging my love to you in the eyes of the state of Nevada, I might change my mind, but if I make a promise to God, I'll keep that." LOL!
  8. Wow! I only have one child part-time (my future stepdaughter) and that's almost too much sometimes! LOL. I don't know how I'd take care of 19. And to have another one, naturally, at 42, whoa!
  9. Thanks ladies! The price works out to about $3 each so I think it was worth it. Plus the groomsmen are only going to wear the from about 45 minutes anyway!
  10. The steps for the corsage are pretty much the same. The only difference is to start, you wrap all your flowers individually. You then stagger them and wrap them, one at a time, with floral tape until you have the look you want. I also added a bow. I then attached it to the wristlet & viola! Hope that helps someone!
  11. I was going to order my bouts & corsages from www.budget-brides.com but I ran out of time to get them in by my wedding without going with the upgraded shipping and that put them out of my prices range so I decided to DIY with some help from the directions on their site. These are my bouquets that I ordered from eBay. I added the blue flowers, ribbon, and rhinestones. After an exhaustive search, I was able to find matching roses at Save on Crafts, Wedding Supplies, Flowers, Tulle, Lights, Decorations & Discount Craft Supplies Save-on-crafts I purchased 2 dozen. They were on sale for 50% off so they were $17.78 per dozen. Silk Roses Mango Orange & Cream Princess Roses 12 for $17.78 I also bought the white flower tape and wristlets from there. My supplies: The roses came so nicely packaged I almost hated to have to rip the heads off! I bought the blue flowers from Jo-Anns. They were having a sale so they were buy one, get one half off. The brighter blue flowers (that are in the bouquets as well) were $1.99 and the smaller ones were $1.29 I got 2 of each kind so the cheaper ones were half off. Not pictured is floral wire I picked up at Walmart and a candle. The first step is to get the rose off the step. For some of the flowers I was just able to pull on the greenery and the plastic green tubing that surrounds the wire came off. Other times the wire came out too. When that happens, heat up the floral wire using a candle. Then poke it through the base of the rose. The plastic was kind of think on mine so I had to push it through one side and then the other and it often took a few tries. Then bend the wire around so that it's as skinny as possible. I used the wire cutters (pliers) to close it together good. Then you take the floral tape and wrap it tightly around the wire. I found it easiest to leave the tape stationary and spin the flower. I don't know why it took me until flower #3 to figure that out. Then add any other greenery or floral you want and wrap with floral tape. I chose to just stick with the blue flowers and a little floral spray I picked up at Michaels for $1.99 per pack of 6. The finished product! And yes, I made 14!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Tonir Foxy - your wedding is coming up soon! Where are you getting married in Vegas? Are you doing a reception there? We are getting married at the Flamingo on the West Lawn. We are then doing a reception in a private room at China Grill (moved from rumjungle) at Mandalay Bay. Then we are holding an after party in one of the Panorama Suites at Planet Hollywood.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by bahiabride2010 Amazing...could you post the link? That would be hilarious! Our family are huge wolverine fans! We're going to the home opener this year! I got it here UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN GARTER SET WEDDING GARTERS - eBay (item 120366280723 end time Sep-16-09 20:33:53 PDT) Super fast shipping too. I got it in 2 days.
  14. I'm glad they were at the M Resort in this last episode. We are staying there for our mini-moon since we've stayed every where on the strip. It seems really nice and we got a steal of a deal on it so I'm excited!
  15. I'm a University of Michigan alum but I'm marrying the enemy, an Ohioan. I thought this would be cute for him to find under the dress. I ordered it on eBay and received it today.
  16. If you know a good seamstress I wouldn't hesitate to take it there. Sometimes bridal shops (including DB) charge an outrageous amount for alterations because they know they have you hooked; you've purchased the dress so OF COURSE you want it to fit perfectly. I go my dress at the Running of the Brides (for $250) so getting it altered onsite wasn't an option and I didn't want to spend a ton. However, they did have an alterations shop there so that I could ask questions and see if the changes I wanted were realistic. I bought a size 12 dress when I'm really about a bridal 6. She showed me it was possible to bring in and she showed me a possible bustle. Fastforward almost a year and I'm hunting down a local person who can do this. I come across a wonderful lady that has a bridal shop but her main business is alterations. She brought the dress in 6 sizes, brought up the hem and put a 2 level, 11 ribbon, completely custom bustle in my dress for a grand total of $150! I don't know what your options are like where you are, but some DBs are known for their lack of customer service, so if it's an option, shop around.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by keni03 congrats!!! but what on earth is running of the brides? It's a dress sale they hold at Filene's Basement. Bridal | Filene's Basement
  18. Aww your story is so cute! I could tell how excited you are throughout the whole thing. Congrats and best of luck to you both!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by cilly_girl My girls are wearing dark brown dresses so the groomsmen are wearing dark brown pants with a white long sleeve mexican button down with their sleeves rolled up to the middle of there arm. My fiance is wearing the same shirt with tan pants, I originally wanted all the guys in tan (khakis) pants but there would be no way to tell who the groom was. I am actually looking for capris for all the guys, as we will all be barefoot. Personally I think the men would prefer regular length pants and roll them up. Capris on men are just not sexy...LOL.
  20. Congrats to another Vegas girl!
  21. I ended up getting mine off eBay since we are purchasing them for the guys and we need 14. I found tie/hanky sets for $5.99. They have almost every color so I'd give it a search.
  22. I know 2 personally from my work as a make-up artist. Anyone who is interested can PM me. They both do great work and have been shooting for years but generally do more fashion/glamour so to get into weddings, they are offering to do some at cost.
  23. So I went for my hair trial and I really like the results. Low updo, simple style in the front. I'll post pics when I get a chance. The problem was though FI liked it, I could tell that he really wants me to wear my hair down. I will only be comfortable with that though if I have more length so I'm looking for some good clip-in human hair extensions. Anyone have any recommendations? I want to keep it under $100 since this is an unexpected expense. My hair is already about 4 inches past my shoulders so I'm thinking a 12 inch should be plenty, right? Any help would be appreciated.
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