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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. Congrats! Nice to see another May 09 bride.
  2. Do you know how she added the photos to the page? I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to do it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by blkladylaw sent them to you...if you need any other tips on the locale let me know! Got 'em. Thanks so much!
  4. They are expected to make a full recovery. Barker was burned on his torso & lower body and DJ AM was burned on his head and arm. Doctor: DJ AM, Blink-182's Barker severely burned in crash - CNN.com
  5. Just a tip: It's cheaper to bring an extra bag than have your bag be overweight! Most airlines charge $15-$25 for an extra bag but a whopping $50 if your bag is overweight.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by adias.angel I wanted to do this too. Does anyone know what kind of bandwidth these resorts are using for this? A low bandwidth will cause it to only send a image every couple seconds and it will look very choppy.... That's a good question especially for those with island destinations where there is only satellite internet. Every hotel chapel in Vegas has live webcam shows and so does most of the non-hotel chapels as well.
  7. That really is terrible! Here is a little more of the story. Blink-182's Barker critically injured in plane crash - CNN.com
  8. A photographer friend of mine took a random picture of me smiling very hard and I noticed I have nose wrinkles! I went to the mirror and sure enough, yep, they are there. But as another poster said, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to get married until you have wrinkles some where. Shows you have enough wisdom to make a big decision like that.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by hcookma This is a little weird, but have you ever tried tape?? My friend who was in beauty pagents and bigger busted used to tape those suckers up. It worked great!!!! I'm not sure what kind of tape. OK maybe I'm not really helping... I feel like tape would give me a weird shape and I would start sweating and it would be all she wrote.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by nicole.gia Oh yes, it has take forever to find a bathing suit with the right coverage and support. I really love this one by Vix....it is way cute and helps give the girls some lift. And it ties at the neck and in the back. I loved it so much I got it in 3 different colors! V i X Cute! Thanks for the tip.
  11. Oh wow! That will save a lot of busy brides a ton of work. Good find!
  12. OMG I know the feeling! I have a pitbull who is just getting over her chew everything remotely in my reach stage. I would keep my eye on eBay and pray some pop up. How long ago did you get them? With all these summer sales more should pop up on the Bay if people get crazy deals on them.
  13. If you are familiar with Photoshop, you can pretty much manipulate the picture any way you like (add text, fade, resize, etc.) and then send an html based email with the image inserted.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by RubyRed Welcome! Have you thought about California? It wouldn't be a bad flight for guests. Maybe on a beautiful beach in Southern California or in the wine country in the Napa area of Northern California. Best of luck to you! That's where I was going to suggest. There's also a beach at Lake Las Vegas.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by cecebecka I'm definitely going to try Dermablend. I've been looking for a heavy duty cover-up and Dermablend looks great online. We don't have it in Canada (they don't even ship here) but I'm going to VEGAS tomorrow so I'll pick it up there! Thanks! I don't know if you have Macy's where you are but they sell it there. It's also available on Amazon & Ebay. Good luck!
  16. This might be a totally weird question to some, but I was wearing my bright yellow cleaning gloves the other day and it occured to me, I don't think my e-ring is going to fit in all the cute leather gloves I have to match my coats. I can't imagine trying to replace 5 pairs of really cute and perfect leather gloves just because of that. Besides, if I get a bigger size, won't it fit all whacky every where else? I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too much. Anyone else had this problem?
  17. 1. Where is your cell phone? Table 2. Your significant other? Meetings 3. Your hair? Fuzzy 4. Your mother? Nutty 5. Your father? Alabama 6. Your favorite thing? Donuts 7. Your dream last night? Carats 8. Your favorite drink? Pepsi 9. Your dream/goal? Inspiration 10. The room you're in? Big 11. Your ex? Photographer 12. Your fear? Mice 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Hollywood 14. Where were you last night? Sleep 15. What you're not? Crazy 16. Muffins? Waluts 17. One of your wish list items? Prada 18. Where you grew up? Detroit 19. The last thing you did? Type 20. What are you wearing? Tshirt 21. Your TV? Off 22. Your pets? Sleeping 23. Your computer? New 24. Your life? Moving 25. Your mood? Lazy 26. Missing someone? No 27. Your vehicle? Dented 28. something your not wearing? Pants 29. Favorite Store? BeBe 30. Your summer? Hot 31. Like someone? Yes 32. favorite color? Black 33. When is the last time you laughed? Today 34. Last time you cried? Today
  18. Took me forever to get a decent pic with my little point and shoot, but here it is!
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