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Everything posted by FoxyBride

  1. Congrats on your decision! When I was looking into an island wedding I was considering Puerto Rico since it is a part of the US so there aren't all the special rules.
  2. Most teachers get 15 personal days in their contract. Do you all have that? You can take them any time you want so there's no reason you can't use them for the end of the year.
  3. I had no idea when I started this thread that so many people would enjoy the DVD! I'm glad though. Now if only I could get my butt in gear and start doing it more...
  4. Different states in the US have different laws regarding divorce too. For expample, if you are married in California everything is divided 50/50 when you divorce unless there is a pre-nup. It's a good idea to check into divorce laws even if you aren't married in a foreign country.
  5. That's an awesome deal! GM can go in together and get a whole wedding party done for cheap.
  6. Most tropical areas use powered milk, not fresh milk, since it is hard to keep fresh. You can bring some from the states for the child do have.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by *Casey* Are you supposed to start out with 5lb weights? I have 2lbs weights and that makes my shoulders burn. It depends how much muscle you already have. If you already work out and have some definition, starting with 5lbs should be ok. My FI uses 5lbs to do the workout even though he can curl 35lb easily.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Susanandmo Hello! I went to the Emerald at Queensridge today to check out the site and I was very impressed with the location and site. It has a great look. The area for ceremony is beautiful and it has a great view of the golf area with lots of palm tree. If you google the address in googlemaps 891 s rampart las vegas, nv, you can see an aerial view of the venue. The reception hall is also very impresive with a large staircase. I took pics with my new iphone, but I'm having trouble downloading the pics. If I'm able to figure out my phone I'll post the pictures . I must say, if I was getting married here in Vegas, the Emerald at Queensridge would be one of my top choices. Thanks, ~Susana Did they have any information about pricing? I've filled out the online request but I haven't heard back.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Guess I will have to buy it online. I've checked Best Buy and 3 Wal-Marts and can't find it anywhere. Walmart puts the workout DVDs like on the end of a random aisle. It's no rhyme or reason to it.
  10. I went to the one in Cleveland and found my dress. I detail my experience here http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t30338
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by heather007 I am still smiling about it. I think that's why I love him so much, because he's just so geeky [he's an engineer] and cute. To carrying on the rant with the other big boobed gals, I totally can relate about buying bras. Whenever I go into La Senza or some place like that, the bras don't fit and I can't find a 36DD, so they attempt to stick me in a 36I or something retarded like that. I'm like, what? I used to work for Pennington's, so I took a bra fitting course and I know my measurements. The best place to find bras that I have found- is Zellers. They have a tiny little rack that is for "full figure" ladies and they go up to a size 40DDD. Unforunately, they come in bizarre teenage colours, like purple, hot pink, fuschia, which is fine, but attempt wearing one of those under anything other than black and you look goofy. I'm going to run off today and see if I can find a few more bras, my last two just popped out the underwire so now I'm down to only two. I remember when I was in highschool and a size C cup and I had like 20 pairs of bras. ~~ You should definitely try ordering online then from somewhere like Big Bras at discount prices from Brastop.com or figleaves.com - Bras, Panties, Swimsuits, and Full Figure Lingerie. That's where I usually go. I haven't bought a bra in a store in forever!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli Love it!! At least he was trying to help. Let me know if you find something though! Maybe we need a thread for "big busted" girls I have the hardest time finding anything cute because I'm a 34DD Until we lived together, FI had no idea the pain of finding lingerie or just a shirt that buttons up! I thought there was one around here some where. I'm 32DDD so it's even harder for me. I wish I was a 34 anything! LOL
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda They also have it in champagne I see the champagne one. Do they have ivory? I can't seem to find it.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BajaBride2010 Hey FoxyBride...I really wanted to hear from you because your e-ring looks just as wide as mine. The ring looks fine without it, not even sure if I have room for a band but I really want to keep with tradition and it just seems to complete the entire process. Keep me posted on what you decide...I'm still brainstorming. BTW...I love your bling. Ladies, any comments or suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated...Thank you in advance Thanks! I tried on something like the ring below with it and it didn't seem to look too bad. I think I'll probably end up with something like it.
  15. Yay! Another Vegas lady! Welcome!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I just came across this website & it has a BUNCH of wedding songs!!! Have fun!! Secret Wedding Songs There's a few good ideas in here. I like Stevie Wonder "Ribbon in the Sky" and Lionel Richie "Endless Love".
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Andi it is a good workout...be sure to get some hand weights if you dont have some already...I am pushing myself too to use more weight... I used 10lb'ers with workout 1 the other day...my arms were jello! great! let me know when you get it! I will keep you all updated on my progress too! 10lbs?! Crazy woman! I use 2lbs and that's pushing it. When I can convince FI to join me he only uses 5lbs and he's 6'4 250lbs!
  18. MAC employees get 70% off so you see a lot of discounted stuff on eBay. I hope this is the real deal!
  19. The post office is slow in updating their tracking. I sent a gift to to my sister priority and it only said it "left the post office" for 3 days, even though I sent it priority and it should have arrived in 3 days. Plus, you will be able to get your money back from Paypal should you not receive the item. Just keep your emails.
  20. We did a couple's retreat to Pigeon Forge, TN last year and loved it! We have planned another one this year. Last year we rented through Deer Path Cabins Pigeon Forge cabin rental Gatlinburg cabin rentals in TN near Dollywood which is affiliated with Pigeon Forge Cabin Rental | Smoky Mountain Cabin Rental | Pigeon Forge, TN. This year we are staying at Sterling Springs Resort - Smoky Mountain Vacation Cabins, Cabin Sales, Cabin Rentals. We had a large group both times so I'm not sure about 2 bedrooms cabins but I know they have some. You can also check VRBO is Vacation Rentals By Owner and Vacation Rentals, Vacation Homes, Vacation Rental Home, HomeAway. I saved over half by renting directly through the owner of the cabin from VRBO instead of booking with the resort. Hope that helps!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2beWed09 I really want to do this before I get married... I know some couples do it and some don't, but for me it really means a lot to me to do it. If anyone have any info I live in the Metro Atlanta area. I dont belong to church that's why I'm looking else where.. A lot of churches will let you do pre-marital counseling w/o being a member. I have a friend who is going outside her church home to do her pre-marital counseling so there is no bias. (ie. I've known Susan 15 years she would never... etc.) I would try calling a few non-denominational churches or community fellowships. They usually have more open policies.
  22. Some great ideas in here! I'm very frugal in my normal life. I'm definitely the type to blurt out "They where 2.99!" When someone says "Nice shoes." Even though I should let them think I spent a fortune, I can't help it. LOL
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